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Cape of Good Hope(英译汉)


更多 “ Cape of Good Hope(英译汉) ” 相关考题
考题 I, my, will, true, come, hope, dream__________________________________________________________________________.

考题 l0.The 'cheicken tastes and sellsA. good,goodB. well,wellC. good,wellD. well,good

考题 2.I _________to visit Guilin and I_________ you to go with me.A. wish ; hopeB. hope; wishC. hope; wish forD. wish; hope that

考题 I fail to _____ ever meeting her.A、recallB、pretendC、planD、hope

考题 执行以下语句后,输出的结果是 a$="Good" b$="Afternoon" Print a$+b$ Print a$b $A.Goodaftenoon GoodAfternoonB.Good+ GoodAfternoonC.Good+ GoodAfternoonD.Good Good

考题 中国青少年发展基金会在网上的主页地址是()。 A.http://project-hopE.cydF.gov.cnB.http://project-hopE.cydF.acC.http://project-hopE.cydF.edu.cnD.http://project-hopE.cydF.com.cn

考题 6.I had a __________ sleep last night. Did you sleep ___________,Mary?A.good , well B.well, goodC.well ,wellD.good ,good

考题 There is no risk to public health.A:point B:danger C:chance D:hope

考题 HOPE电梯的困人盘车救援流程

考题 【单选题】单词hope的KK音标为()A./hop/B./həʊp/