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The English translation of “做出特殊的努力”in this dialogue is().


更多 “ The English translation of “做出特殊的努力”in this dialogue is(). ” 相关考题
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考题 将所有选中文本的“translation”一词替换为“翻译”。

考题 When a teacher wants to test students'__________ listening skills, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, which of the following test format is the most suitable one? A.True or false questions. B.Completion. C.Dictation. D.Translation.

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考题 Which one does not belong to subjective questions in the following English tests?A. Writing. B. Oral test. C. Translation. D. Cloze.

考题 Which one does not belong to subjective quiz questions in the following English tests A.Writing. B.Oral test. C.Translation. D.Cloze.

考题 When a teacher wants to test students'listening skills, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, which of the following test format is the most suitable one? A.True or false questions. B.Completion. C.Dictation. D.Translation.

考题 有意想象是需要做出一定意志努力的,无意想象则不需要任何意志努力。()