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A.Variable Length Subnet Masking

B.Variable Length Shortest Masking

C.Very Long/Shortest Masking

D.Variable Long Subnet Masking


更多 “ VLSM的含义是()。A.Variable Length Subnet MaskingB.Variable Length Shortest MaskingC.Very Long/Shortest MaskingD.Variable Long Subnet Masking ” 相关考题
考题 返回字符串长度的函数是( )A.len()B.length()C.left()D.long()

考题 Each Cell of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) has fix length.How long is it ?A.50BB.51BC.52BD.53B

考题 How long is the longest cross-sea bridge?() A、It has a total length of 94.968 kmB、It has a total length of 49.968 kmC、It has a total length of 68.988 km

考题 阅读下面求质数的程序 import java. lang. Math. * ; public class MorePrimesTest{ public static void main(String[]args){ long[]primes=new long[20]; primes[0]2L; primes[1]3L; long number=5L; outer: for(int count=2; count<primes. length; number+ =2L){ long limit=(long)Math. ceil(Math. sqrt((double)number)); for(int i=1; i<count primes[i]<limit; i+ +){ if(number______primes[i]==0L){ cotinue outer; } } for(int j=0; j<primes. length; j ++){ long n=primes[j]; System. out. println(n); } } } 在程序下画线处填入的正确选项是A.B.*C./D.%

考题 Hash functions can generate a(1)bit string from an arbitrarily long piece of plain text.A.longB.shortC.variable-lengthD.fixed - length

考题 What is the purpose of the RSVP hello interval?() A. It is the size of the RSVP hello packetB. It is how long it maintains RSVP neighborsC. It is the length of time between RSVP hello packetsD. It is how long the router waits before declaring a router to be down

考题 Which of the following routing protocols do NOT support VLSM (variable length subnet masking)?() A. RIPv1B. IGRPC. EIGRPD. OSPFE. IS-ISF. RIPv2

考题 Which of the following routing protocols support the use of VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Masking)?() A. RIPv1B. EIGRPC. OSPFD. IGRPE. RIPv2

考题 What are two characteristics of RIPv2?() A. classful routing protocolB. variable-length subnet masksC. broadcast addressingD. manual route summarizationE. uses SPF algorithm to compute path

考题 WhataretwocharacteristicsofRIPv2?() A.classful routing protocolB.variable-length subnet masksC.broadcast addressingD.manual route summarizationE.uses SPF algorithm to compute path

考题 Please tell me ______ to reverse your engine from full ahead to full astern.A.How length will it takeB.How long it will takeC.How long will it getD.How much hours it will take

考题 返回字符串长度的函数是()。A、length()B、left()C、long()D、len()

考题 VLSM的含义是()A、VariableLength Subnet MaskingB、VariableLength Shortest MaskingC、VeryLong/ Shortest MaskingD、VariableLong Subnet Masking

考题 Which of the following routing protocols do NOT support VLSM (variable length subnet masking)?()A、RIPv1B、IGRPC、EIGRPD、OSPFE、IS-ISF、RIPv2

考题 Which of the following routing protocols support the use of VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Masking)?()A、RIPv1B、EIGRPC、OSPFD、IGRPE、RIPv2

考题 Which two statements about VPNv4 address are true? ()A、The VPNv4 address is 128 bits long with a 128-bit long subnet maskB、The VPNv4 address consists of an RD and an IPv4 addressC、The VPNv4 address is 96 bits long with a 64-bit long subnet maskD、The VPNv4 address is 128 bits long with a 64-bit long subnet maskE、The VPNv4 address consists of an RT and an IPv4 addressF、The VPNv4 address is 96 bits long with a 32-bit long subnet mask

考题 VLSM的含义是()。A、Variable Length Subnet MaskingB、Variable Length Shortest MaskingC、Very Long/Shortest MaskingD、Variable Long Subnet Masking

考题 File类的方法中,用于列举某目录下的子目录及文件的方法是()A、long length()B、long lastModified()C、String [] list()D、String getName()

考题 VLSM的含义是()A、Variable Length Subnet MaskingB、Variable Length Shortest MaskingC、Very Long/Shortest MaskingD、Variable Long Subnet MaskingE、Variable Length Short Measurement

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考题 What are two characteristics of RIPv2? ()A、classful routing protocolB、variable-length subnet masksC、broadcast addressingD、manual route summarizationE、uses SPF algorithm to compute path

考题 多选题Which of the following routing protocols support the use of VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Masking)?()ARIPv1BEIGRPCOSPFDIGRPERIPv2

考题 多选题Which two statements about VPNv4 address are true? ()AThe VPNv4 address is 128 bits long with a 128-bit long subnet maskBThe VPNv4 address consists of an RD and an IPv4 addressCThe VPNv4 address is 96 bits long with a 64-bit long subnet maskDThe VPNv4 address is 128 bits long with a 64-bit long subnet maskEThe VPNv4 address consists of an RT and an IPv4 addressFThe VPNv4 address is 96 bits long with a 32-bit long subnet mask

考题 多选题Which of the following routing protocols do NOT support VLSM (variable length subnet masking)?()ARIPv1BIGRPCEIGRPDOSPFEIS-ISFRIPv2

考题 单选题Flexible hose under pressure in a hydraulic system will ().A tend to twist about its long axisB expand in length and in diameterC contract in length and expand in diameterD flex at right angles to the applied pressure

考题 多选题What are two characteristics of RIPv2?()Aclassful routing protocolBvariable-length subnet masksCbroadcast addressingDmanual route summarizationEuses SPF algorithm to compute path

考题 问答题A train traveling at a speed of 80 mph enters a tunnel that is 0.5 miles long. The length of the train is 0.25 miles. How long does it take for all of the train to pass through the tunnel, from the moment the front enters, to the moment the rear emerges?