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描述什么是 redo logs


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考题 Which of the following files cannot be backed up by RMAN? ()(Choose all that apply.) A. Database datafilesB. Control filesC. Online redo logsD. Database pfilesE. Archived redo logs

考题 You are using Oracle Database 10g. You performed an  incomplete recovery of your database and opened the database with the RESETLOGS option.  What is the effect of opening the database with the RESETLOGS option?()A、This operation resets the SCN for the database.B、This operation creates a new incarnation of the database.C、This operation moves all the redo log files to a different location.D、This operation deletes the old redo log files and creates new redo log files.E、This operation updates all current datafiles and online redo logs and all subsequent archived redo logs with a new RESETLOGS SCN and time stamp.

考题 When you are allowing RMAN to backup your archived redo log files,how does RMAN know which archived redo logs to back up from your archive log destination?()A、RMAN keeps a list of archive logs in a text file.B、The DBA must manually tell RMAN which archive logs to backup.C、RMAN has access to target control file and/or catalog information.D、RMAN looks at the ARCHIVE_LOG_DEST parameter of your target database and backs up all archive logs found.

考题 Which files will you need to perform a full recovery of a database backed up in NOARCHIVELOG mode?() A、 Database datafilesB、 Control filesC、 Archived redo logsD、 Online redo logsE、 Flashback logs

考题 Archived redo logs can be copied to more than one destination by Oracle.()A、 TrueB、 False

考题 You are adding redo logs to the Oracle database. Creating a new redo log adds information to which of the following Oracle resources? ()A、Shared pool B、Control file C、SGA D、PGA

考题 Because of a power outage, instance failure has occurred. From what point in the redo log does recovery begin and where does it end?()A、current redo log and inactive redo logB、checkpoint position to end of redo logC、beginning of redo log to end of redo logD、all redo logs before the point of last commitE、beginning of redo log to checkpoint position

考题 You have configured the flash recovery area to store online redo log files, control files, archived redo logs and RMAN backups. Which of the following files can you successfully delete from the flash recovery area if you want to reclaim the space within it?()A、 multiplexed control filesB、 RMAN obsolete backupsC、 multiplexed online redo log filesD、 archived redo logs that have not been copied to tape

考题 In a situation where no multiplexing of redo logs takes place, what happens when Oracle cannot read data from the online redo log group for archiving?()A、Nothing happensB、Oracle will automatically switch redo logs when detected C、Oracle eventually won't allow new records to be added to the database D、The instance crashes

考题 The database is being restored from a closed backup. The data files, control files, password file, and parameter file are available, but the online redo logs are not. Because the online redo logs are not available, you must simulate recovery and alter the database open with the reset logs option so the online redo logs are created while the database opens. Which type of recover is used in this situation?()A、until SCNB、until timeC、until cancelD、using backup control file

考题 What is the purpose of the recover command?() A、 Recover database datafiles from physical disk backup sets.B、 Recover required incremental backups from physical disk backup sets.C、 Recover required archived redo logs from physical disk backup sets.D、 Apply incremental backups to recover the database. E、 Apply archived redo logs to recover the database.

考题 Which is the correct command to back up the database, back up the archived redo logs, and then remove the backed-up archived redo logs?()  A、 backup databaseB、 backup database and archivelogsC、 backup database plus archivelogsD、 backup database plus archivelog delete inputE、 backup database and archivelog delete input

考题 Your database has a backup that was taken yesterday (Tuesday) between 13:00 and 15:00 hours. This is the only backup you have. You have lost all the archived redo logs generatedsince the previous Monday, but you have archived redo logs available from the previous Sunday and earlier. You now need to restore your backup due to database loss.  To which point can you restore your database?()  A、 13:00 on Tuesday.B、 15:00 on Tuesday.C、 Up until the last available archived redo log on Sunday.D、 To any point; all the redo should still be available in the online redo logs.E、 The database is not recoverable.

考题 You are working as a DBA on Oracle Database 9i. You plan to upgrade your 9i database to Oracle 10g. To be familiar with the new database technology, you decide to install Oracle Database 10g on your workstation at home. You create a general purpose database.   After the installation, you make the following changes in your initialization parameter file:LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1=’LOCATION=USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST’   DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST =    ’LOCATION=d:/product/10.1.0/flash_recovery_area’  DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE=10g   Where are the archived redo logs stored for your database?()A、 The archived redo logs are stored in an operating system-dependent location.B、 The archived redo logs are stored in the location specified by LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1.C、 The archived redo logs are stored in the location specified by DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST.D、 The archived redo logs are stored in the locations specified by both LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 and  DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST.

考题 Which statement is true about FLUSH LOGS command?()A、It requires the RELOAD, FILE, and DROP privilegesB、It closes and reopens all log filesC、It closes and sends binary log files to slave serversD、It flushes dirty pages in the buffer pool to the REDO logs

考题 Which of the following files cannot be backed up by RMAN? ()(Choose all that apply.)A、Database datafilesB、Control filesC、Online redo logsD、Database pfilesE、Archived redo logs

考题 Which of the following does the recover command not do?()  A、 Restore archived redo logs.B、 Apply archived redo logs.C、 Restore incremental backups.D、 Apply incremental backups.E、 Restore datafile images.

考题 单选题Which is the correct command to back up the database, back up the archived redo logs, and then remove the backed-up archived redo logs?()A  backup databaseB  backup database and archivelogsC  backup database plus archivelogsD  backup database plus archivelog delete inputE  backup database and archivelog delete input

考题 单选题You have configured the flash recovery area to store online redo log files, control files, archived redo logs and RMAN backups. Which of the following files can you successfully delete from the flash recovery area if you want to reclaim the space within it?()A  multiplexed control filesB  RMAN obsolete backupsC  multiplexed online redo log filesD  archived redo logs that have not been copied to tape

考题 多选题You are using Oracle Database 10g. You performed an incomplete recovery of your database and opened the database with the RESETLOGS option.  What is the effect of opening the database with the RESETLOGS option? ()AThis operation resets the SCN for the database.BThis operation creates a new incarnation of the database.CThis operation moves all the redo log files to a different location.DThis operation deletes the old redo log files and creates new redo log files.EThis operation updates all current datafiles and online redo logs and all subsequent archived redo logs with a new RESETLOGS SCN and time stamp.

考题 单选题Because of a power outage, instance failure has occurred. From what point in the redo log does recovery begin and where does it end?()A current redo log and inactive redo logB checkpoint position to end of redo logC beginning of redo log to end of redo logD all redo logs before the point of last commitE beginning of redo log to checkpoint position

考题 单选题Archived redo logs can be copied to more than one destination by Oracle.()A  TrueB  False

考题 多选题Which of the following files cannot be backed up by RMAN?()ADatabase datafilesBControl filesCOnline redo logsDDatabase pfilesEArchived redo logs

考题 多选题Which of the following files cannot be backed up by RMAN? ()(Choose all that apply.)ADatabase datafilesBControl filesCOnline redo logsDDatabase pfilesEArchived redo logs

考题 单选题Which of the following does the recover command not do?()A  Restore archived redo logs.B  Apply archived redo logs.C  Restore incremental backups.D  Apply incremental backups.E  Restore datafile images.

考题 单选题What will be the result of the following configuration?()   Log_archive_dest_1=location=c:/oracle/arch/mydb Log_archive_dest_2=location=z:/oracle/arch/mydbA  An error will occur during database startup because the second parameter is not valid.B  An error will occur during database startup since you are trying to create archived redo logs in two different locations.C  Archived redo logs will be created in two different locations by the ARCH process.D  Archived redo logs will be created in two different locations by the LGWR process.E  Neither parameter setting is valid, so the database will not start up.

考题 多选题You are working on an Oracle Database 10g database. You enabled the Flashback Database feature. Which two statements regarding flashback logs are true? ()AFlashback logs are not archived.BFlashback logs are maintained in redo log files.CFlashback logs are maintained in the Flash Recovery Area.DFlashback logs are used to maintain Flashback Database related errors.EFlashback logs need to be cleared manually after you disable Flashback Database.