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下列说法哪些正确 ( )







更多 “ 下列说法哪些正确 ( ) A、细胞外液【H+】增高引起高钾血症B、细胞外液【H+】减少引起低钾血症C、细胞外液【K+】增高引起酸中毒和“反常性尿碱症”D、细胞外液【K+】减少引起碱中毒和“反常性尿酸症”E、细胞外液【Na+】增高引起酸中毒 ” 相关考题
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考题 57、关于感恩节下列哪些说法是正确的?A.It falls on the fourth Thursday of December.B.It's also known as Turkey Day.C.It’s a holiday to express thankfulness.D.The traditional food includes roast turkey, corn, etc.

考题 58、下列关于牛津大学的说法哪些是正确的?A.Oxford University is the oldest university in England.B.It's famous for the dining hall in the Star Wars films.C.Its most famous college is Christ Church College.D.The university is made up of 38 separate colleges and 6 private halls.

考题 关于本雅明、德里达的翻译认识的意义,下列哪些说法正确:A.关于本雅明、德里达的翻译认识的意义,下列哪些说法正确:B.弘扬译者的主体性;C.译者翻译的过程就是解构、创造的过程;D.开放的。

考题 关于感恩节下列哪些说法是正确的?A.It's also known as Turkey Day.B.It's a holiday to express thankfulness.C.It falls on the fourth Thursday of December.D.The traditional food includes roast turkey, corns,etc.

考题 关于石头剪刀布社团下列说法正确的有哪些?A.It was founded in Paris, France.B.In 1925, the club had more than 1000 active members.C.It is a hand game.D.Scissors beat paper.

考题 71、关于感恩节下列哪些说法是正确的?A.It's also known as Turkey Day.B.It’s a holiday to express thankfulness.C.It falls on the fourth Thursday of December.D.The traditional food includes roast turkey, corn, etc.