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The mksysb command completed successfully. Which of the following steps are necessary to verify the mksysb is good?()

A.Store the mksysb in a safe place because a successful completion guarantees the mksysb is good.

B.Boot from the mksysb to verify it is bootable and list the files on the mksysb.

C.Look at the bosboot output when the mksysb was created to verify it is good.

D.List the files on the mksysb beucase listing all the files verifies there are no problems with the mksysb.


更多 “ The mksysb command completed successfully. Which of the following steps are necessary to verify the mksysb is good?() A.Store the mksysb in a safe place because a successful completion guarantees the mksysb is good.B.Boot from the mksysb to verify it is bootable and list the files on the mksysb.C.Look at the bosboot output when the mksysb was created to verify it is good.D.List the files on the mksysb beucase listing all the files verifies there are no problems with the mksysb. ” 相关考题
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