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Which of the following elements can be called the key element of a computer?(71)






更多 “ Which of the following elements can be called the key element of a computer?(71)A.printerB.CPUC.mouseD.keyboard ” 相关考题
考题 ● For (71) service, we need a virtual-circuit subnet. Let us see how that works. Theidea behind virtual circuits is to avoid having to choose a new (72) for every packet sent.Instead, when a connection is established, a route from the (73) machine to the destinationmachine is chosen as part of the connection setup and stored in tables inside the (74) . Thatroute is used for all traffic flowing over the connection, exactly the same way that thetelephone system works. When the connection is released, the virtual circuit is alsoterminated. With connection-oriented service, each packet carries an (75) telling whichvirtual circuit it belongs to.(71)A. connectionless B. connection-oriented C. datagram D. telegram(72)A. processor B. device C. route D. terminal(73)A. source B. route C. destination D. host(74)A. connections B. resources C. bridges D. routers(75)A. address B. identifier C. interface D. element

考题 You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following

考题 String[] elements={for,tea,too};String first=(elements.length0)?elements[0]null;What is the result?() A.Compilation fails.B.An exception is thrown at runtime.C.The variable first is set to null.D.The variable first is set to elements[0].

考题 String[]elements={for”,tea”,too”};Stringfirst=(elements.length0)?elements[0]null;Whatistheresult?() A.Compilationfails.B.Anexceptionisthrownatruntime.C.Thevariablefirstissettonull.D.Thevariablefirstissettoelements[0].

考题 Mobile computers-which(71)laptops, notebooks, subnotebooks and handhelds-(72)so ubiquitous in such a short time, no surprise to hear who say: "It will define the leading edge(73)the next five years or so." The most remarkable(74)mobile computers is the amount of data storage and memory packed(75)their tiny boxes. These devices not only handle windows easily but also run storage-hungry programs.A.includedB.includeC.have includedD.have becomeE.had become

考题 Each machine in the ineternet is assigned a unique network address, called__(71)__,that is used to identify the machine for communication purposes.A.MAC addressB.IP addressC.host addressD.domain name address

考题 Password is a secret series of(69)that enables a user to access a file, computer, or program. On multi-user systems, each user must enter his or her password before the computer will respond to(70). The password helps ensure that(71)users do not access the computer. In addition, data files and programs may require a password.A.symbolB.signC.charactersD.characteristic

考题 Given:String[]elements={for,tea,too};Stringfirst=(elements.length0)?elements[0]:null;Whatistheresult?() A.Compilationfails.B.Anexceptionisthrownatruntime.C.Thevariablefirstissettonull.D.Thevariablefirstissettoelements[0].

考题 The(71)is a combination of keys that allows the user to activate a program function without clicking a series of menus options.(71)A.shortcut-keyB.quick-keyC.fast-keyD.rapid-key

考题 给定一个长度为11的散列表ht如下所示,采用双散列法解决冲突,两个散列函数分别为: h1(key)=key%11 h2(key)=key%9+1 请向散列表依次插入关键字为71,24,56,89的集合元素,给出插入完成后的散列表。(10分) i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ht[i] 23 46 90 49 27