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View the Exhibit and examine the resource consumption details for the current plan in use by the database instance.Which two statements are true based on the output?()

A. An attempt to start a new session by the user belonging to DSS_QUERIES fails with an error

B. A user belonging to DSS_QUERIES can log in to a new session but the session will be queued

C. The CPU_WAIT_TIME column indicates the total time that sessions in the consumer group waited for the CPU due to resource management .

D. The CPU_WAIT_TIME column indicates the total time that sessions in the consumer group waited for the CPU due to resource management, I/O waits, and latch or enqueue contention


更多 “ View the Exhibit and examine the resource consumption details for the current plan in use by the database instance.Which two statements are true based on the output?() A. An attempt to start a new session by the user belonging to DSS_QUERIES fails with an errorB. A user belonging to DSS_QUERIES can log in to a new session but the session will be queuedC. The CPU_WAIT_TIME column indicates the total time that sessions in the consumer group waited for the CPU due to resource management .D. The CPU_WAIT_TIME column indicates the total time that sessions in the consumer group waited for the CPU due to resource management, I/O waits, and latch or enqueue contention ” 相关考题
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