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What is CBWFQ?


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更多 “问答题What is CBWFQ?” 相关考题
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考题 WhataretwowaystominimizethedelayofVoIPpacketsthataretraversinganetwork?() A.UseWFQ,CBWFQ,andLLQtoprioritizedelay-sensitivepackets.B.UseWFQ,CBWFQ,andLLQtocompressthepayload.C.GiveTCPpacketspriorityoverUDPpackets.D.UsecontrolplanepolicingforcRTPqueuing.E.Usestackerandpredictortocompressthepayload.

考题 Whichtwoqueuingmethodswillallowapercentageoftheavailablebandwidthtobeallocatedtoeachqueue?() A.first-in,first-outqueuing(FIFO)B.priorityqueuing(PQ)C.customqueuing(CQ)D.weightedfairqueuing(WFQ)E.class-basedWFQ(CBWFQ)F.lowlatencyqueuing(LLQ)

考题 AutoQoStakestheinterfacetypeandbandwidthintoconsiderationwhenimplementingwhatthreeQoSfeatures?() A.FECNB.LLQC.WREDD.LFIE.CRTPF.CBWFQ

考题 你想在你的网络中实现congestionavoidance,下面哪种机制可以实现有选择的丢弃数据包?() A.WeightedRandomEarlyDetection(WRED)B.LowLatencyQueuing(LLQ)C.Class-basedWeightedFairQueuing(CBWFQ)D.ModifiedDeficitRoundRobin(MDRR)

考题 Tohavethebestpossiblevoicequalityandtoutilizeeffectivelytheavailablebandwidth,whichqueuingandcompressionmechanismsneedtobeused?() A.class-basedweightedfairqueuing(CBWFQ)B.lowlatencyqueuing(LLQ)C.priorityqueuing(PQ)orcustomqueuing(CQ)D.Real-TimeTransportProtocol(RTP)headercompressionE.TCPheadercompressionF.UDPheadercompression

考题 WhichMQC-basedoutputqueueingmethodisdesignedtosupportmultipletrafficclassesincludingVoIPtraffic,mission-criticaltraffic,bulktraffic,interactivetrafficanddefaultclasstraffic?() A.CustomQueueingB.CB-WREDC.WRRQueueingD.LLQE.CBWFQ

考题 请比较CBWFQ队列和LLQ队列? 

考题 Which MQC-based output queueing method is designed to support multiple traffic classes including VoIPtraffic, mission-critical traffic, bulk traffic, interactive traffic and default class traffic?()A、Custom QueueingB、CB-WREDC、WRR QueueingD、LLQE、CBWFQ

考题 What are three of the functions that AutoQoS performs when it is configured on a switch?()A、synchronizes FIFO, PQ, CQ, and MDRR, with WFQ, CBWFQ, and LLQB、enables strict priority queuing for voice traffic, and weighted round robin queuing for data trafficC、enables low latency queuing to ensure that voice traffic receives priority treatmentD、enforces a trust boundary on switch access ports and uplinks/downlinks E、modifies queue sizes as well as queue weights where required F、adjusts link speeds to adapt to QoS needs

考题 Which two queuing methods will allow a percentage of the available bandwidth to be allocated to each queue?()A、first-in, first-out queuing (FIFO)B、priority queuing (PQ)C、custom queuing (CQ)D、weighted fair queuing (WFQ)E、class-based WFQ (CBWFQ)F、low latency queuing (LLQ)

考题 What are two steps to define a QoS policy?()A、set a minimum bandwidth guaranteeB、increase bandwidthC、determine a specific transfer rateD、establish timersE、configure CBWFQ for best-effort trafficF、set a maximum bandwidth limit

考题 AutoQoS takes the interface type and bandwidth into consideration when implementing what three QoS features?()A、FECNB、LLQC、WREDD、LFIE、CRTPF、CBWFQ

考题 What is CBWFQ?

考题 What are the differences between LLQ and CBWFQ?()A、LLQ supports the addition of strict priority queuingB、With LLQ, bandwidth allocations for the priority queue and all the CBWFQ queues areconfigured using the priority commandC、LLQ is configured using MQC and CBWFQ is configured using the fair-queue commandD、LLQ priority queue bandwidth is policed with a congestion aware policerE、LLQ does not support WFQ on the default traffic class (class-default)

考题 Which two statements best describe CBWFQ?()A、The CBWFQ scheduler provides a guaranteed minimum amount of bandwidth to each class.B、CBWFQ services each class queue using a strict priority scheduler.C、The class-default queue only supports WFQ.D、Inside a class queue, processing is always FIFO, except for the class-default queue.

考题 What are two ways to minimize the delay of VoIP packets that are traversing a network? ()A、 Use WFQ, CBWFQ, and LLQ to prioritize delay-sensitive packets.B、 Use WFQ, CBWFQ, and LLQ to compress the payload.C、 Give TCP packets priority over UDP packets.D、 Use control plane policing for cRTP queuing.E、 Use stacker and predictor to compress the payload.

考题 你想在你的网络中实现congestion avoidance,下面哪种机制可以实现有选择的丢弃数据包?()A、 Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED)B、 Low Latency Queuing (LLQ)C、 Class-based Weighted Fair Queuing (CBWFQ)D、 Modified Deficit Round Robin (MDRR)

考题 多选题To have the best possible voice quality and to utilize effectively the available bandwidth, which queuing and compression mechanisms need to be used?()Aclass-based weighted fair queuing (CBWFQ)Blow latency queuing (LLQ)Cpriority queuing (PQ) or custom queuing (CQ)DReal-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) header compressionETCP header compressionFUDP header compression

考题 多选题What are three of the functions that AutoQoS performs when it is configured on a switch?()Asynchronizes FIFO, PQ, CQ, and MDRR, with WFQ, CBWFQ, and LLQBenables strict priority queuing for voice traffic, and weighted round robin queuing for data trafficCenables low latency queuing to ensure that voice traffic receives priority treatmentDenforces a trust boundary on switch access ports and uplinks/downlinksEmodifies queue sizes as well as queue weights where requiredFadjusts link speeds to adapt to QoS needs

考题 问答题请比较CBWFQ队列和LLQ队列?

考题 多选题What are two steps to define a QoS policy?()Aset a minimum bandwidth guaranteeBincrease bandwidthCdetermine a specific transfer rateDestablish timersEconfigure CBWFQ for best-effort trafficFset a maximum bandwidth limit

考题 单选题你想在你的网络中实现congestion avoidance,下面哪种机制可以实现有选择的丢弃数据包?()A  Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED)B  Low Latency Queuing (LLQ)C  Class-based Weighted Fair Queuing (CBWFQ)D  Modified Deficit Round Robin (MDRR)

考题 多选题Which two statements best describe CBWFQ?()AThe CBWFQ scheduler provides a guaranteed minimum amount of bandwidth to each class.BCBWFQ services each class queue using a strict priority scheduler.CThe class-default queue only supports WFQ.DInside a class queue, processing is always FIFO, except for the class-default queue.

考题 多选题Which two queuing methods will allow a percentage of the available bandwidth to be allocated to each queue?()Afirst-in, first-out queuing (FIFO)Bpriority queuing (PQ)Ccustom queuing (CQ)Dweighted fair queuing (WFQ)Eclass-based WFQ (CBWFQ)Flow latency queuing (LLQ)