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People ______ wait until the traffic light becomes green. That’s the traffic rule.









更多 “单选题People ______ wait until the traffic light becomes green. That’s the traffic rule.A mustB canC needD may” 相关考题
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考题 The traffic lights were red when the driver reached them.To the surprise of his passenger,the ear did not slow down.Unexpectedly the passenger was thrown forward in the vehicle as the driver put on his brakes at the last moment.The car stopped just in time. "Sorry,I didn't notice the light.I thought it was green until I saw that it was the top light which was shining." This strange story is quite true.About ten men in every hundred are color blind in some way;women are luckier--only about one in two hundred suffers from color blindness. In some cases,a man may not be able to see deep red.He may think that red,orange and yellow are all the same as green. People often like one color more than others.Blue is the color of the sky and sea.Green makes us think of fields and trees.Red is the color of blood and makes some people think of danger.Black is the color of night.In the dark we cannot see what is around us so we are sometimes afraid of the unknown and do not like black as a color. Among the traffic lights,red light is placed__.A.at the bottom B.in the middle C.at the top D.below the green light

考题 The traffic lights were red when the driver reached them.To the surprise of his passenger,the ear did not slow down.Unexpectedly the passenger was thrown forward in the vehicle as the driver put on his brakes at the last moment.The car stopped just in time. "Sorry,I didn't notice the light.I thought it was green until I saw that it was the top light which was shining." This strange story is quite true.About ten men in every hundred are color blind in some way;women are luckier--only about one in two hundred suffers from color blindness. In some cases,a man may not be able to see deep red.He may think that red,orange and yellow are all the same as green. People often like one color more than others.Blue is the color of the sky and sea.Green makes us think of fields and trees.Red is the color of blood and makes some people think of danger.Black is the color of night.In the dark we cannot see what is around us so we are sometimes afraid of the unknown and do not like black as a color. According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?A.Black stands for unhappines B.Black makes people think of nigh C.Black makes people think of sorro D.Black is the color of the mournin

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考题 问答题We can’t walk across the street when the traffic light is red.

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考题 单选题I’ve come to ask him for the book. That’s why I () wait until he comes back.A needB shouldC oughttoD have to

考题 单选题—Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green?—Yes, I’m afraid we ______. That’s the traffic rule.A canB mayC have toD need

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