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If the main engine starting consecutively failed () times, it should be found the cause before another starting.









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更多 “单选题If the main engine starting consecutively failed () times, it should be found the cause before another starting.A 2B 3C 4D 5” 相关考题
考题 "Stand by an engine" meansA."prepare to stop the engine"B."assemble an engine on its bedplate"C."make an engine ready for starting"D."dismantle an engine"

考题 Vessels having main engines arranged for air starting are to be provided with at least__.A.one automatic drain serving both containersB.two air starting containers of approximately equal sizeC.one control air container and one starting air containerD.one additional means of starting the main engine

考题 If a diesel engine turned over freely but failed to start, the cause could be ________.A.water in the fuelB.cold lube oilC.excessive starting air pressureD.excessive fuel pressure

考题 After the switch malfunction, electrical service on the main building was _____ restored at 8 PM. A. finally B. constantly C. consecutively D. usually

考题 单选题If a diesel engine turned over freely but failed to start, the cause could be ()A water in the fuelB cold lube oilC excessive starting air pressureD excessive fuel pressure

考题 单选题Vessels having main engines arranged for air starting are to be provided with at least ()A one automatic drain serving both containersB two air starting containers of approximately equal sizeC one control air container and one starting air containerD one additional means of starting the main engine

考题 单选题The main purpose of starting the diesel engine on air briefly is()A to inspect if the cylinder has the water leakageB to expel out the residual water/gas/oil from the cylinderC to check if fuel supply is normalD A and B

考题 单选题“Stand by an engine” means ()A “prepare to stop the engine”B “assemble an engine on its bedplate”C “make an engine ready for starting”D “dismantle an engine”

考题 单选题The main purpose of warming the parts of the main engine is ()A to reduce heat stressB to reduce low temperature corrosionC to improve firing and starting performanceD fuel saving

考题 单选题Which of the following may cause that an engine doesnt turn on starting air?()A too low starting air pressureB main starting valve closedC neither A nor BD A and B

考题 单选题In a four-stroke engine the camshaft rotates at ().A half the engine speedB twice the engine speedC the engine speedD four times the engine speed

考题 单选题Starting a large low-speed propulsion diesel engine on diesel fuel during cold weather conditions, will be made easier by ()A increasing the quantity of starting airB increasing the lube oil pressureC heating the engine fuel supplyD heating the engine coolant

考题 单选题Why a gearbox is needed in a ship driven by a medium-speed diesel engine?()A To reduce the main engine speedB To increase the main engine speedC To govern the main engine speedD To fix the propeller shaft

考题 单选题The () engine is used for alternators and some times for main propulsion with a gearbox to provide a propeller of between 90 to 120 rpm.A four-strokeB two-strokeC slow speedD reversible

考题 单选题In the starting process of a diesel engine, the main object is to attain the compression conditions sufficient to ()A turn the flywheelB reduce frictionC overcome inertiaD ignite the fuel

考题 单选题During maneuvering operations for a direct reversing large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine, which of the following actions is used to stop the shaft from turning prior to reversing the engine rotation?()A Flywheel inertiaB Admission of starting airC The way of the vesselD securing of fuel to the cylinders

考题 单选题If a diesel engine turned over at normal cranking speed but failed to start, the cause could be late fuel injection or ()A excessive fuel pressureB high lube oil viscosityC inadequate fuel injectionD excessive starting air pressure

考题 单选题Engine displacement is equal to the cylinder ().A area times the strokeB area times the stroke, times the number of cylindersC volume times the strokeD volume times the stroke, times the number of cylinders

考题 单选题Prior to starting, the purpose of turning over a main propulsion diesel engine with the cylinder test cocks open, is to ()A test the starting systemB remove condensation from the cylindersC check the compressionD check for proper lube oil pressure

考题 单选题After finished the engine, which of valves cannot be shut off by the duty engineer?()A fuel valveB the starting air valveC the sea chestD the main sea pump inlet valve

考题 单选题If the main engine starting consecutively failed () times, it should be found the cause before another starting.A 2B 3C 4D 5

考题 单选题When starting air is admitted, a diesel engine turns over very slowly without firingThe cause may be ()A an obstruction in an cylinderB water accumulation in some engine cylindersC low starting air pressureD low scavenge air pressure

考题 单选题Which is false about engine trials?()A engine trails should be done after finishing the operation of turning the engine with the turning gear and starting the engine on air brieflyB in the operation of engine trails, the main engine should be running in low-speedC As to the ship equipment with twin main engine, engine trials should be done with one engine ahead and another engine astern at the same timeD the order “engine trials” should be given by the bridge

考题 单选题When the diesel is stopped, which of the following items is wrong?()A keep all systems in normally runningB the main engine is stand-byC shut off the starting air bottle outlet valveD pay attention to the changes of the system parameters

考题 单选题I hereby request permission()the ship’s main engine for routine maintenance.A immobilizeB to immobilizeC immobilizationD immobilizing

考题 单选题The diesel engine must be started before it can run by it self For this purpose () has to be used.A a starting systemB the starting airC a starting operationD A, B and C

考题 单选题A six-cylinder, two-stroke/cycle diesel engine is fitted with a rotary distributing air starting systemThe speed of the rotating distributor disc is ()A one-half engine speedB the same as engine speedC twice engine speedD four times engine speed

考题 单选题The purpose of the flywheel is to ()A provide energy to operate the engine between power impulsesB neutralize the primary inertia force of the crankshaftC reduce the shock of starting loads on the main bearingsD prevent the engine from operating at critical speed