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患儿男性,1岁。表情呆滞,刚会坐,眼距宽,眼裂小,双眼外侧角上斜,舌大外伸,通贯手。四肢肌张力低下。应采取哪项治疗措施?(  )






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更多 “单选题患儿男性,1岁。表情呆滞,刚会坐,眼距宽,眼裂小,双眼外侧角上斜,舌大外伸,通贯手。四肢肌张力低下。应采取哪项治疗措施?(  )A B C D E ” 相关考题
考题 单选题支原体肺炎选用()A 青霉素B 红霉素C 阿米卡星D 利巴韦林E 头孢菌素

考题 单选题10个月小儿患化脓性脑膜炎,脑脊液培养为脑膜炎双球菌,首选的药物是()A 青霉素B 磺胺嘧啶钠C 氯霉素D 庆大霉素E 红霉素

考题 单选题婴儿期肾位置低,下极位于()A 髂嵴以下平第4腰椎B 髂嵴以上C 受压及扭曲D 自主排尿E 耻骨联合以上

考题 单选题Which design phase service component consists of developing a detailed, site-specific plan for implementing a new technology system or solution? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。A Detailed Design DevelopmentB Systems Acceptance Test Plan DevelopmentC Staging PlanD Implementation Plan DevelopmentE Project Kick-off

考题 单选题Refer to the exhibit.All switch ports are assigned to the correct VLANs, but none of the hosts connected to SwitchA can communicate with hosts in the same VLAN connected to SwitchB. Based on the output shown, what is the most likely problem?()A The access link needs to be configured in multiple VLANs.B The link between the switches is configured in the wrong VLAN.C The link between the switches needs to be configured as a trunk.D VTP is not configured to carry VLAN information between the switches.E Switch IP addresses must be configured in order for traffic to be forwarded between the switches

考题 单选题补充累积损失量的速度一般为(  )。A 10~12ml/(kg·h)B 8~10ml/(kg·h)C 6~8ml/(kg·h)D 5~7m1/(kg·h)E 3~5ml/(kg·h)

考题 多选题What functions do routers perform in a network? ()Apacket switchingBaccess layer securityCpath selectionDVLAN membership assignmentEbridging between LAN segmentsFmicrosegmentation of broadcast domains

考题 多选题Which three of these statements regarding 802.1Q trunking are correct? ()A802.1Q native VLAN frames are untagged by default.B802.1Q trunking ports can also be secure ports.C802.1Q trunks can use 10 Mb/s Ethernet interfaces.D802.1Q trunks require full-duplex, point-to-point connectivity.E802.1Q trunks should have native VLANs that are the same at both ends.

考题 单选题佝偻病后遗症期表现为(  )。A B C D E