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To determine the pressure and temperature limitations under which LFG is required to be transported on a barge,you should look at the().

Certificate of Inspection


loading order


rules and regulations for tank vessels


tankerman's document


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更多 “单选题To determine the pressure and temperature limitations under which LFG is required to be transported on a barge,you should look at the().A Certificate of InspectionB loading orderC rules and regulations for tank vesselsD tankerman's document” 相关考题
考题 To determine the pressure and temperature limitations under which LFG is required to be transported on a barge,you should look at the ______.A.Certificate of InspectionB.loading orderC.rules and regulations for tank vesselsD.tankerman's document

考题 Reid vapor pressure is ______.A.exerted by liquid cargo on the sides of a tankB.exerted by liquid cargo on a cargo hose bodyC.the lowest temperature and pressure that will cause a flammable liquid to give off vaporsD.a measurement of the amount of flammable vapors given off by a liquid at a certain temperature

考题 After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure______.A.drops,and the temperature dropsB.drops , and the temperature risesC.rises,and the temperature dropsD.rises,and the temperature rises

考题 Cloud formations are minimal when the ______.A.surface temperature and temperature aloft are equalB.surface temperature and temperature aloft differ greatlyC.barometric pressure is very lowD.relative humidity is very high

考题 在UPS电源中,“逆变器散热片的温升过高自动关机”的专业英语为()。A、High-temperature shutdownB、Over-temperature shutdownC、Up-temperature shutdownD、Under-temperature shutdown

考题 单选题A marine diesel engine is started by()A supplying high pressure oil into a hydraulic motorB supplying high temperature air into the cylinderC supplying high pressure air into the cylinderD electrical igniting

考题 单选题Reid vapor pressure is().A exerted by liquid cargo on the sides of a tankB exerted by liquid cargo on a cargo hose bodyC the lowest temperature and pressure that will cause a flammable liquid to give off vaporsD a measurement of the amount of flammable vapors given off by a liquid at a certain temperature

考题 单选题The vapor pressure of a substance().A decreases as temperature increasesB increases with the temperatureC is not affected by temperatureD may increase or decrease as the temperature rises

考题 单选题Early injection timing is indicated by ().A high exhaust temperature and low firing pressureB high exhaust temperature and high firing pressureC low exhaust temperature and low firing pressureD low exhaust temperature and high firing pressure

考题 单选题In a compression refrigeration plant the refrigerant is under low pressure in the () and under high pressure in the ().A compressor;condenserB condenser;evaporatorC throttle valve;evaporatorD evaporator;condenser

考题 单选题The () is a crystal which, under pressure, produces an electric current which varies with the pressure.A alternatorB glass thermometerC burdon tubeD piezoelectric pressure transducer

考题 单选题Water evaporates or steam condenses at the saturation temperature, which depends upon the pressure, the higher the pressure () the saturation temperature.A the moreB the higherC the lowerD the highest

考题 单选题How are the pressure and temperature affected in a diesel engine cylinder during compression?()A Pressure and temperature decreaseB Pressure and temperature increaseC Pressure decreases and temperature increasesD Pressure increases and temperature decreases

考题 单选题In a vacuum distillation system, the case is the higher the pressure, ().A the saturation temperature is higherB the higher the saturation temperatureC the higher is the saturation temperatureD the saturation temperature is more high

考题 单选题The temperature of the refrigerant in the evaporator coil depends mostly upon the ().A refrigerant pressure in the evaporatorB cooling water temperature to the condenserC heat load in the refrigerator compartmentD solenoid valve in the liquid line

考题 单选题In a diesel engine jacket water cooler, with seawater cooling the fresh water, the()A sea water temperature must never be warmer than 40℃B jacket water pressure should always be greater than the sea water pressureC jacket water temperature must always be less than 60℃D jacket water pressure must always be less than the sea water pressure

考题 单选题A refrigerant with oil in solution has a ().A higher boiling temperature for a given pressure than does a pure refrigerantB lower boiling temperature for a given pressure than does a pure refrigerantC boiling pressure equal to that of a pure refrigerant at a given pressureD boiling point will not be affected by entrained oil

考题 单选题The second stage feed-water temperature and shell absolute pressure in a multistage, flash type, distilling plant is ()A higher than the first stage feed-water temperature and absolute shell pressureB lower than the first stage feed-water temperature and absolute shell pressureC the same as the first stage feed-water temperature and absolute shell pressureD not related to the feed-water temperature and absolute shell pressure

考题 单选题In terms of pressure and temperature in the refrigerant in the compressor, what happens to the primary?()A its pressure and temperature are both loweredB its pressure and temperature are both raisedC its pressure is lowered and its temperature is raisedD its pressure is raised and its temperature is lowered

考题 单选题Both the temperature and the pressure of the refrigerant are increased in the ().A compressorB condenserC evaporatorD expansion valve

考题 单选题The greater the pressure difference between a high and a low pressure center,the().A dryer the air mass will beB cooler the temperature will beC greater the force of the wind will beD warmer the temperature will be

考题 单选题Under normal operating conditions, the highest temperature and pressure conditions existing in a flash-type evaporator will occur in the ().A first stageB second stageC distillate coolerD salt water feed heater

考题 单选题Thermostatic expansion valves can be adjusted for ().A suction pressure onlyB head pressure onlyC superheat onlyD suction pressure and box temperature

考题 单选题Bad valves operation of the reciprocating air compressors can be detected by observation of ().A the discharge temperature lowB the discharge temperature highC the discharge pressure riseD the inter-stage pressure low

考题 单选题Cloud formations are minimal when the().A surface temperature and temperature aloft are equalB surface temperature and temperature aloft differ greatlyC barometric pressure is very lowD relative humidity is very high

考题 单选题To determine the pressure and temperature limitations under which LFG is required to be transported on a barge,you should look at the().A Certificate of InspectionB loading orderC rules and regulations for tankersD tankerman's document

考题 单选题To determine the pressure and temperature limitations under which LFG is required to be transported on a barge,you should look at the().A Certificate of InspectionB loading orderC rules and regulations for tank vesselsD tankerman's document

考题 单选题After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure().A drops,and the temperature dropsB drops,and the temperature risesC rises,and the temperature dropsD rises,and the temperature rises