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The President of the United States is elected()

indirectly by the electors


by Congress


directly by the voters


None of the above


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更多 “单选题The President of the United States is elected()A indirectly by the electorsB by CongressC directly by the votersD None of the above” 相关考题
考题 President of the United States lives in 10 Downing Street.()

考题 Through the Department of _____, the President is responsible for the protection of Americans abroad and of foreign nationals in the United States. A.StateB.JusticeC.LaborD.Defense

考题 Abraham Lincoln became President of the United States in 1861, representing the Democratic Party.()

考题 共用题干 The United States is a federal union of 50 states.The capital of national government is in Washington,D.C.The federal constitution sets up the structures of the national government and lists its powers and activities.The constitution gives Congress the authority to make laws which are necessary for the common defense and the good of the nation.It also gives the federal government the power to deal with national and international problems that involve more than one state._________(46)_________(47)The legislative branch makes the laws;the executive branch carries out the laws;and the judicial branch interprets the laws.The President heads the executive branch and the Supreme Court heads the judicial branch.The legislative branch includes both houses of Congress一 the Senate and the House of Representatives._________(48)For example,Congress can pass a law; the President may sign it. Nevertheless,the Supreme Court can declare the law unconstitutional and nullify(取消)it.__________(49)The President and the members of the Congress are elected directly.But the heads of federal departments and Supreme Court judges are appointed by the President. Every citizen votes in secret.__________(50)The people believe that their government should provide a framework of law and order within which they are left free to run their own lives._________(46)A:The election of government takes place every four years.B:The federal government has three branches:the executive,the legislative,and the judicial.C: All the powers that are not given to the federal government by the constitution are the responsibility of the individual states.D:The United States government is based on the principle of federalism,in which power is shared between the federal government and state governments.E:Consequently,no one knows for sure whether his neighbor actually votes for or against a particular candidate.F:The constitution limits the powers of each branch and prevents one branch from gaining too much power.

考题 According to paragraph 1,the presidency of Andrew Jackson was especially significant for which of the following reasons?( ) A.The President granted a portion of his power to the Senate. B.The President began to address the Senate on a regular basis. C.It was the beginning of the modern presidency in the United States. D.It was the first time that the Senate had been known to oppose the President.

考题 According to paragraph 1,the presidency of Andrew Jackson was especially significant for which of the following reasons?( ) A.The President granted a portion of his power to the Senate B.The President began to address the Senate on a regular basis C.It was the beginning of the modern presidency in the United States D.It was the first time that the Senate had been known to oppose the President

考题 Abraham Lincoln was elected President as candidate of()Athe Democratic PartyBthe Republican PartyCthe Whig PartyDNone of the above

考题 The President of the United States is elected()Aindirectly by the electorsBby CongressCdirectly by the votersDNone of the above

考题 The consequence of the three neutrality acts of the United States was()Ato make the United States gain time to arm itselfBto actually help the aggressors by making clear that the United States would not interveneCto get the United States involved in the warDto prevent the United States form being dragged into the war

考题 The President of the United States is elected()A、indirectly by the electorsB、by CongressC、directly by the votersD、None of the above

考题 请从下列选项中选出“在美国,人人都能买到枪”地道的英文表达。()A、In the United States,everyone can buy a gunB、In the United States,guns are available to everyoneC、In the United States,every person can buy a gun

考题 The consequence of the three neutrality acts of the United States was()A、to make the United States gain time to arm itselfB、to actually help the aggressors by making clear that the United States would not interveneC、to get the United States involved in the warD、to prevent the United States form being dragged into the war

考题 The House Speaker and the temporary President of the Senate are usually()A、elected by the majority partyB、chosen from the majority and minority partiesC、members of the majority partyD、chosen freely from the Congressmen and Senators

考题 单选题Unlike the United States, the president of the Philippines are elected to a six-year term in office.A United States, the president of the Philippines are electedB United States, the president of the Philippines is electedC United States, the people of the Philippines elect a presidentD the president of the United States, the people of the Philippines electE the president of the United States, the president of the Philippines is elected

考题 问答题Practice 3  The United States is a federal union of 50 states. The District of Columbia is the seat of the national government. The Constitution outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its powers and activities. Other governmental activities are the responsibilities of the individual states, which have their own constitutions and laws. Within each state are counties, townships, cities and villages, each of which has its own elective government.  All government in the United States is “of, by and for the people”. Members of Congress, the President, state officials, and those who govern counties and cities are elected by popular vote. Heads of federal departments are named by the President, and judges are either elected directly by the people or are appointed by elected officials. Voting ballots are unsigned and marked by the voters in private booths so that no one else can find out for whom a citizen is voting. Public officials may be removed from office for failing to perform their duties properly as well as for serious violations of law.

考题 单选题President Jiang Zemin’s visit to America helped the United States and China to have a better _____ understanding.A habitualB relevantC equivalentD mutual

考题 单选题_____ has the power to impeach the President of the United States when he abuses his power.A The SenateB The Justice of the Supreme CourtC The CongressD The Supreme Court

考题 单选题One of the fifty states in the United States ______ an island, Hawaii.A isB areC wasD were

考题 单选题请从下列选项中选出“在美国,人人都能买到枪”地道的英文表达。()A In the United States,everyone can buy a gunB In the United States,guns are available to everyoneC In the United States,every person can buy a gun

考题 单选题Abraham Lincoln was elected President as candidate of()A the Democratic PartyB the Republican PartyC the Whig PartyD None of the above

考题 单选题The consequence of the three neutrality acts of the United States was()A to make the United States gain time to arm itselfB to actually help the aggressors by making clear that the United States would not interveneC to get the United States involved in the warD to prevent the United States form being dragged into the war

考题 单选题John F. Kennedy was ______ youngest President of the United States and ______ to be murdered. Can you remember how long he ______ the country before his death?A the; the fourth; had been rulingB /; fourth; have been rulingC the; fourth; was rulingD a; the four; ruled

考题 单选题The modern Internet, first established in the mid-1980s, is based on the technology developed for the ARPANET, it was created by the United States Department of Defense in the 1960s.A ARPANET, it was created by the United States Department of DefenseB ARPANET; it was created by the United States Department of DefenseC ARPANET, which was created by the United States Department of DefenseD ARPANET, being created by the United States Department of DefenseE ARPANET; the United States Department of Defense created it

考题 单选题Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?A Types of Doctors in the United StatesB Health Care in the United States and BritainC Treatment of Sick Children in the United StatesD Medical Insurance in the United States and Britain

考题 单选题The passage is chiefly concerned with _____.A arguing against the increased internationalization of United States corporationsB warning that the application of laws affecting trade frequently has unintended consequencesC demonstrating that foreign-based firms receive more subsidies from their governments than United States firms receive from the United States governmentD advocating the use of trade restrictions for “dumped” products but not for other imports

考题 单选题From the beginning of this passage we know that.A most of the American states were prohibited to take a restB the United States of America prohibited others from restC the United States of America prohibited alcohol salesD most states in the country began to allow alcohol sales

考题 单选题The author intends to tell the readers that _____.A the United States is a wealthy country although poverty and crime exist thereB crime has become a serious problem in the United States, although it is said to be a prosperous oneC despite the fact that crimes have been increasing rapidly in the United States, it is a country of prosperityD in spite of stories about poverty and crime in the United States, it is prospering at an increasing rate

考题 单选题The President of the United States is elected()A indirectly by the electorsB by CongressC directly by the votersD None of the above