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This is the most interesting film()I’ve ever seen.









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更多 “单选题This is the most interesting film()I’ve ever seen.A thatB whichC whatD when” 相关考题
考题 –I’ve noticed most Americans are friendly to us Chinese.–(). A、Most of the time.B、True.C、Great!D、No, thanks.

考题 –This is the worst film ever produced.–()! A、You said itB、I don’t mindC、Not at allD、No, that’s not real

考题 A: Have you ever seen the film The Day After Tomorrow? B:(). A、No, I haven't.B、No, I don't.C、No, I didn't.

考题 That is ( ). A. the best film I've ever seenB. a best film I've ever seenC. the best film I've never seenD. the best film I've always seen

考题 19. The film "Kung Fu Pan,da is _________ interesting _________ I would like to see itagain.A.such,thatB.too,toC.as,asD.so,that

考题 I haven't seen such an interesting film _____.A. for a long timeB. a long time agoC. since a long time

考题 A:What do you think of the film?B:I think it is great.A. reallyB. veryC. most

考题 --- What are you going to do this evening?--- ___________.A. I’m going to meet some friendsB. I’ve seen a film with some friends

考题 I ____ the movie ____ one of the worst I've ever seen. A、think...asB、regard...asC、believe...asD、know...as

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考题 –– Jackson: I’ve just heard that the tickets for Swan Lake have been sold out!–– Maria: Oh, no! ————————A: I was looking forward to it.B: It doesn ’t matter.C: It ’s not at all interesting!D: I knew it already.

考题 I like this film () the actors are very good and the plot is interesting.A、becauseB、althoughC、but

考题 I simply gave in to him,and I've felt regretted it ever since.A: sorry B:disappointed C:shameful D:disheartened

考题 I simply gave in to him,and I've feltregretted it ever since.A:sorry B:disappointed C:shameful D:disheartened

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考题 In short ,he is one of the most promising students I've ever known.A:Inaword B:That is to say C:To he frank D:In other words

考题 I don′t think this film is by far the most boring.I have seen__________A.better B.worse C.the best D.the worst

考题 It's()novel I've ever read.A、betterB、the bestC、goodD、best

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考题 单选题It's the best film I've()seen.A alwaysB oftenC everD usually

考题 单选题______ all the animals I've ever had, those two dogs are the most sensitive to the spoken word.A FromB OfC ForD With

考题 单选题It's()novel I've ever read.A betterB the bestC goodD best

考题 单选题I saw a comic film, ______ was very amusing, last Saturday. In fact, it was the best film ______ I’ve ever seen.A which; whatB that; whichC which; thatD that; what

考题 单选题I’ve never seen _____ before.A such a interesting filmB so interesting filmC such an interesting filmD so film interesting

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考题 单选题This is the most interesting film()I’ve ever seen.A thatB whichC whatD when