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The author suggests that singletons should _____.

find boy friends or girl friends


live with their parents and other family members


live together and share more with their friends


watch more episodes of the TV series “Friends”


更多 “单选题The author suggests that singletons should _____.A find boy friends or girl friendsB live with their parents and other family membersC live together and share more with their friendsD watch more episodes of the TV series “Friends”” 相关考题
考题 Judging from the passage, the author ______.A.suggests that New Castle is fortunateB.wonders at Wilmington's prosperityC.regrets that the two places should have become so differentD.thinks that Wilmington should not tear down old houses

考题 In bringing up the concept of GASP the author is making the point that[A] shareholders interests should be properly attended to.[B] information protection should be given due attention.[C] businesses should enhance their level of accounting security.[D] the market value of customer data should be emphasized.

考题 The author of the text mainly______.A. describes the activities of a law-breakerB. suggests an ideal way to travelC. argues against the air-courier travelD. tells us about a developing business

考题 The author suggests that a man becomes a philosopher when he ______.A. studies philosophy as a subjectB. collects all the factsC. realizes obvious truthsD. seeks a meaning for life

考题 () suggests that people should say the right thing to the right person with the right manner at the right place and in the right situation.A、SemanticsB、SyntacticsC、PragmaticsD、Appropriacy

考题 The author suggests in the last paragraph that the effect of peer pressure is[A] harmful[B] desirable[C] profound[D] questionable

考题 The author suggests that our perception of children's psychological devotement was much influenced by ________.[A] the marketing of products for children[B] the observation of children's nature[C] researches into children's behavior.[D] studies of childhood consumption

考题 When the author mentions the Indian fakir, he suggests that______.A) Indians are not at all afraid of painB) people may be senseless of painC) some people are able to handle painD) fakirs have magic to put needles right through their arms

考题 The author suggests that______.A) we shouldn't blame a person if he fails to act in emergenciesB) a person must feel guilty if he fails to helpC) people should be responsible for themselves in emergenciesD) when you are in trouble, people will help you anyway

考题 The author suggests that the approach of physicists to solving scientific problems is which of the following?( ) A.Practical for scientific purposes B.Detrimental to scientific progress C.Unimportant in most situations D.Expedient,but of lttle long-term value

考题 单选题To solve the present social problems the author suggests that we should _____.A resort to the production mode of our ancestorsB offer higher wages to the workers and employeesC enable man to fully develop his potentialitiesD take the fundamental realities for granted

考题 单选题The 4th paragraph suggests that ______.A questions are often put to the more intelligent studentsB alphabetically disadvantaged students often escape from classC teachers should pay attention to all of their studentsD students should be seated according to their eyesight

考题 单选题Which best characterizes how the impact of science on chimpanzees is treated in these two passages?A The author of Passage 1 lauds the benefits science has produced, while the author of Passage 2 speaks hopefully of possible future benefits.B Both of the passages react with distrust to the idea of using science to assess chimpanzees.C The first passage lists the studies that showed positive chimp interactions, while the author of Passage 2 refutes their claims,D The first passage suggests that science can have a positive impact on perceptions about chimps, whereas the second passage views science as almost universally negative.E The author of the first passage is more apt to justify using chimps in science than the author of Passage 2.

考题 单选题In bringing up the concept of GASP the author is making the point that ______.A shareholders interests should be properly attended toB information protection should be given due attentionC businesses should enhance their level of accounting securityD the market value of customer data should be emphasized

考题 填空题The author suggests that you should bring with you a change of clothing in your shoulder bag.____

考题 单选题The author suggests which of the following about the fertilizer industry (lines 50-51)?A Its chemicals are ultimately ineffective in eradicating garden slugs.B It should focus on harnessing nature rather than 'creating artificial solutions.C It should go out of business if gardeners stopped depleting natural resources.D It sells some products of nature.E It discourages slugs from eating garden plants.

考题 单选题In regard to the production of goods in greater quantities, the author states that______.A the price of the goods should dropB the quality of the goods should improveC the price and the quality should both riseD the quality and the price should both drop

考题 单选题It is implied in the passage that singletons are usually _____.A self-reliantB self-consciousC self-sufficientD self-centered

考题 填空题Bruce Arai suggests to parents who take up homeschooling that the resources and chances for learning should be provided in homeschooling.____

考题 单选题The author suggests that singletons should _____.A find boy friends or girl friendsB live with their parents and other family membersC live together and share more with their friendsD watch more episodes of the TV series “Friends”

考题 单选题The author implies that the use of mobile phones in such places as museums should be _____.A limitedB discouragedC expectedD recommended

考题 单选题According to the author, a born naturalist should first of all be______.A full of enthusiasmB self-disciplinedC full of ambitionD knowledgeable

考题 单选题The author suggests that the benefits of women are working _____.A mean that women are able to realize their dreamsB have been exaggerated in the past few decadesC are shared only by a limited number of womenD will be better seen in the years to come

考题 单选题The author suggests that we should ______.A stop ourselves from telling liesB know clearly what is on our mindsC heal all the wounds to free ourselvesD say with caution what we really think

考题 单选题According to the author, a born naturalist should first of all be _____.A full of enthusiasmB self-disciplinedC full of ambitionD knowledgeable

考题 单选题The author suggests that Griffith’s film innovations had a direct effect on all of the following EXCEPT: _____.A film editingB camera workC scene composingD sound editing

考题 单选题In regard of leadership competencies, the author suggests that people have _____.A believed in their existenceB learned to apply them extensivelyC found it very difficult to acquire themD been unable to realize their importance

考题 单选题The doctor suggests that anyone who has a sore throat should _____ from alcohol and smoking.A abstainB detainC retainD sustain