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No matter how much you feel the pull of the past, make a determined effort to _____ the future.

look to


dwell on


permeate into


shrug off


句意:不管过去对你的影响有多大,你都要下定决心努力向前看。look to sth展望;look to sb依赖指望某人。dwell on/upon sth细想;详述。permeate弥漫;散布;充满,后常与through搭配。shrug sth off (认为不重要)不予理会。
更多 “单选题No matter how much you feel the pull of the past, make a determined effort to _____ the future.A look toB dwell onC permeate intoD shrug off” 相关考题
考题 Many people, including some policemen, believe eye contact is a good test of honesty. If someone can't look at you directly in the eye, then he or she is not playing honestly, they insist. After many experiments, however, a number of experts have found out that good liars can make false eye contact.Eye contact, though not a sure sign of dishonesty, is a clear way to show interest in another person. When a person looks at you and continues to do so, you know his attention is placed on you. When he turns his head away, his mind is probably elsewhere. But there are exceptions. A shy person may have trouble making and keeping eye contact, no matter how interested he is in the other person. And certain nationalities, such as the British and Germans, are much less oriented to eye-to-eye contact than, say, the French and the Arabs.Eye contact should be natural, not forced or overdone.Have short periods of eye contact while you watch other parts of the person's face — especially the mouth. When the person smiles, be sure to smile back. But always make an effort to return your gaze to the person's eyes as she speaks. It is common to look up, down, and all around when speaking to others, and not have eye contact at all times.Too much eye contact, especially if it is forced, can work against you. If you stare at a person, or leer in a suspicious way, the other person may feel uncomfortable and even suspicious about your intent. A fixed stare can seem like aggressive behavior. if it is a challenge as to who will look away first.(1)Many people believe that eye contact is a sign of ___________.A、honestyB、dishonestyC、attentionD、A and C(2)According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?A、Eye contact is a way to show interest in another person.B、When a person looks at you, his attention is placed on you.C、When a person fails to make eye contact, he is definitely not interested in you.D、It is common to look up, down, and all around when speaking to others.(3)While we watch other person's face, we should have short periods of eye contact with, especially, other people's _____________.A、eyesB、noseC、mouthD、ears(4)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A、Eye contact is not a good test of honesty.B、Some people may have trouble making and keeping eye contact, no matter how interested he is in the other person.C、If someone can look at you directly in the eye, he or she is playing honestly.D、A number of experts have found out that no one can make false eye contact.(5)This passage mainly discusses ________________.A、how to test one is honest or not by the way of eye contactB、how to make eye contactC、how to avoid too much eye contactD、the function of correct eye contact

考题 Everyone needs friends, and if you fail to make friends, you should examine yourself and see if there is something wrong with your personality.Maybe you have social faults such as snobbishness, talkativeness, using slang, etc., which drive away your new acquaintances. Whatever your social faults may be, look at them honestly, and make a real effort to correct them.To be friendly you must feel friendly. Cheerfulness is the basis of friendliness. A cheerful person smiles. A smile is a magnet which draws people. Smile at someone and you are almost sure to get a smile in return.A friendly person does his best to make a stranger feel at home, wherever he happens to be. Put yourself in the other fellow's place and make him feel welcome.Try to remember names. It makes your new acquaintances feel happy when you call them by their names. It gives them the feeling that they have made an impression on you and that must mean something to them because you remember them.If you do not agree with other people on a certain matter, you should appear to be friendly. Do not argue, but discuss. You always lose friends if you argue too much.A friendly person thinks of others, and does not insist on his own “rights”. People who refuse to consider others have few friends.Finally, don't treat people only according to their social position. Really friendly people respect everyone at all times.(1)Those who fail to make friends may ______.A、discuss with others rather than argue with othersB、remember the names of new acquaintancesC、insist on his own rights and fail to stand in others' shoesD、make a stranger feel at home(2)What does the word “magnet” mean in the third paragraph?A、brushB、sth. beautifulC、signD、sth. attractive(3)What can we infer from this passage?A、Others will smile at you if you smile at them.B、If you respect people no matter who they are, you'll make more friends.C、Snobbishness, talkativeness and using slang are some social faults.D、None of the above.(4)According to the passage, which of the following statement is NOT true?A、Making friends has sth. to do with your personality.B、Cheerful smiles can make you friendly in others' eyes.C、Friendly people will treat others according to their social position.D、Thinking of others can bring you more friends.(5)The purpose of the passage is ________.A、how to correct social faultsB、how to build good personalityC、how to feel at home with strangersD、how to make friends

考题 – I’ve lost a good chance to futher my study abroad last term. –() (A) Don’t worry.(B) Don’t dwell too much on your past.(C) You should blame yourself.(D) You should satisfy with it.

考题 How could she keep you ____ believing that she was changing her mind? A.atB.onC.fromD.off

考题 5. Please cut _________ the meat and let's make dumplings.A.upB.downC.intoD.off

考题 What are you recommended to answer the question tell me about yourself, if you are seeking for your first job?A.Speak much about how that job appeals to you and caused you to apply for it.B.Speak much about how your enthusiasm about an area has driven you to want that job.C.Speak much about how a book you’ve read or a person you’ve known motivated you to get that job.D.Speak much about how your past experiences made you decide to compete for that job.

考题 16.A. gets upB. gets onC. gets intoD. gets off

考题 -- How do you like these chairs?-- Yes, they are actually nice but they are not much ______ demand now.A. inB. onC. atD. for

考题 If you want to telephone him, you will have to _____ the number in this book. A.look upB.look throughC.look intoD.look at

考题 FOUR TIPS FOR BECOMING A FRANCHISEEIf you want to become a franchisee, the tips below can help you to find the perfect opportunity. BE FOCUSD ON YOUR PREFERENCE. On the stage of decision-making, the bottom line is: Don't rule out a business without learning or seeing what the day-to-day will look like. For instance, think about a mom returning to the work force who knows she wants to interact with children on a daily basis. Among the hundreds of options there, she needs to decide if she would like to be hands on as a teacher or if she would rather manage a facility that tutors children in math. Deciding between the two is easy if she considers which day-to-day position she would prefer and how that will impact her other goals. BE PROACTIVE WITH YOUR RESEARCH. After you've determined what role you want in a franchise, it's important to start researching different options. Physically visit many different franchise locations and browse the web and then determine what will be a fit in your community. Make sure the franchisor has experience. Before signing on to a franchise, it is essential to ask the franchisor about the executive team and its past industry experience. Find out if the company leaders have had significant experience at another franchise and are now applying that knowledge successfully. READ THE FRANCHISE DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT CAREFULLY. The first thing to look at is how much a franchise would cost to purchase. Make sure you have a financial advisor who can look at that item with you and see the type of profit a franchisee can make on average. It's also important to take a look at the post-termination clause in the agreement to make sure that when you want to leave the business, you know the terms well and your interests are properly protected.1. Decide on a business with learning or seeing what the day-to-day will look like.() 2. Before you've determined what role you want in a franchise, it's time to start the business.()3. Before signing on to a franchise, the essential job is to ask the franchisor about the executive team and its past industry experience.()4. The first thing to look at is how long a franchise would take to purchase.()5. To make sure that when you want to leave the business, you have made enough money and you are satisfied with that.()

考题 How are you feeling? –I feel much better. Thank you。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Mother asked me to cut the meat () small pieces.A. toB. onC. intoD. of

考题 ( ) whom did you get the letter A、ToB、OnC、InD、From

考题 We hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you() your business extension.A、toB、inC、intoD、on

考题 There is always ______ for improvement no matter how much you have already done.A、placeB、areaC、roomD、space

考题 The most important thing to handle pain is ______.A) how we look at painB) to feel pain as much as possibleC) to show an interest in painD) to accept the pain reluctantly

考题 I’ve already told you that I′ m going to buy it, ____________A.however much it costs B.how much does it cost C.however does it cost much D.no matter how it costs

考题 资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises. We might resolve to tackle a task, but find endless reasons to defer it. We might prioritize things we can readily tick off our to-do list- answering emails, say- while leaving the big, complex stuff untouched for another day. We can look and feel busy. while artfully avoiding the tanks that really matter. And when we look at those rolling, long untouched items at the bottom of our to-do list, we can't help but feel a little disappointed in ourselves. The problem is our brains are programmed to procrastinate. In general, we all tend to struggle with task that promise future upside in return for efforts we take now. That's because it's easier for our brains to process concrete rather than abstract things, and the immediate hassle is very tangible compared with those unknowable, uncertain future benefits. So the short-term effort easily dominates the long-term upside in our minds--an example of something that behavioral scientists call present bias. How can you become less myopic about your elusive tasks? It's all about rebalancing the cost benefit analysis: make the benefits of action feel bigger, and the costs of action feel smaller. The reward for doing a pestering task needs to feel larger than the immediate pain of tacking it. To make the benefits of action feel bigger and more real: Visualize how great it will be to get it done. Researchers have discovered that people are more likely to save for their future retirement if they're shown digitally aged photographs of themselves. Why? Because it makes their future self feel more real-making the future benefits of saving also feel more weighty. The next paragraph is probably about____.A.The natural function of our brain B.The other ways to make the benefits of action feel bigger and real C.The other ways to make the benefits of action feel smaller and unreal D.The perils of procrastination

考题 资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises. We might resolve to tackle a task, but find endless reasons to defer it. We might prioritize things we can readily tick off our to-do list- answering emails, say- while leaving the big, complex stuff untouched for another day. We can look and feel busy. while artfully avoiding the tanks that really matter. And when we look at those rolling, long untouched items at the bottom of our to-do list, we can't help but feel a little disappointed in ourselves. The problem is our brains are programmed to procrastinate. In general, we all tend to struggle with task that promise future upside in return for efforts we take now. That's because it's easier for our brains to process concrete rather than abstract things, and the immediate hassle is very tangible compared with those unknowable, uncertain future benefits. So the short-term effort easily dominates the long-term upside in our minds--an example of something that behavioral scientists call present bias. How can you become less myopic about your elusive tasks? It's all about rebalancing the cost benefit analysis: make the benefits of action feel bigger, and the costs of action feel smaller. The reward for doing a pestering task needs to feel larger than the immediate pain of tacking it. To make the benefits of action feel bigger and more real: Visualize how great it will be to get it done. Researchers have discovered that people are more likely to save for their future retirement if they're shown digitally aged photographs of themselves. Why? Because it makes their future self feel more real-making the future benefits of saving also feel more weighty. How can you become less myopic about your elusive tasks?A.Make the costs of action feel smaller. B.Make the reward larger than the immediate pain of doing it. C.Make the benefits of action feel bigger. D.All the above.

考题 We have to get that car fixed ().Ano matter it costs how muchBno matter how much costs itCno matter how much it costsDno matter how much does it cost

考题 We have to get that car fixed ().A、no matter it costs how muchB、no matter how much costs itC、no matter how much it costsD、no matter how much does it cost

考题 He tried to hack()the banking system.A、toB、onC、intoD、for

考题 填空题Whether or not you’re easily influenced by contagious yawning may be linked to how much empathy you feel for others.____

考题 单选题We have to get that car fixed ().A no matter it costs how muchB no matter how much costs itC no matter how much it costsD no matter how much does it cost

考题 单选题A: Could you break a 20-dollar bill for me?  B: ______A OK. How much is it?B How can I help you, Miss?C Sure. How do you want it?D I thought you were well-off.

考题 单选题Father: I’d like to talk to both of you about the money situation in our family.  Bette: ______  Mother: But, Bette...  Father: I make good money, and you two spend it all.  Bette: Look, Dad, I really think this is ridiculous. You make so much money, but you don’t know how to spend it. ______ I don’t see what difference it makes.A What’s the matter? ; There must be something unusual.B Oh, here he goes again. ; I don’t know why you are complaining.C It’s no need for you to say so. ; Business is business.D We all know that. ; Every dog has his day.

考题 单选题Sometimes _____ a business can feel like a tough decision to make, no matter how good your idea is.A startingB being startedC startD to be started