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分析以下Michoacan Aztec语中的一些词以及英语翻译。no kali—my house nokalimes--my houses mokali—your house ikali—his house kalimes--houses如果表示friend的词是mahkwa,表示myfriends的词应该是()











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更多 “单选题分析以下Michoacan Aztec语中的一些词以及英语翻译。no kali—my house nokalimes--my houses mokali—your house ikali—his house kalimes--houses如果表示friend的词是mahkwa,表示myfriends的词应该是()A nomahkwaB mahkwasC momahkwamesD momahkwaesE nomahkwames” 相关考题
考题 I leave my house around at midnight and walk around the city ______ what 1 find. A.to gatherB.gatherC.gathering

考题 My mother manages the entire(),including taking care of my grandfather. A、familyB、homeC、house holdD、household

考题 While my wife and my children were away for the long weekend,__________. A.I alone in the houseB.I alone had a houseC.I had the entire house to myselfD.I got a house to myself

考题 To my surprise, the Marvins' house ______ to be an old converted barn. A. turned downB. turned inC. turned asideD. turned out

考题 I bought a new house last year, but I_________ my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.A. didn't sellB. have not soldC. had not soldD. don't sell

考题 Instead of calling _________ his uncle, he called _________ my new house with his wife that day.A. by; forB. on; atC. for; onD. at; by

考题 My uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours, but it is twice _______ expensive.A. as B. so C. too D. very

考题 5. —My bike(自行车) is under the tree. Where is __________ bike?—It is in front of my house.A.youB.yoursC.yourD./

考题 Tom is the ( ) buyer of my house. A.prospectiveB.prospectC.futuristicD.future

考题 His wife, () you met at my house, has gone to Australia. A、thatB、whichC、whomD、whose

考题 汉语不靠词的形态变化来表示词与词的语法关系,而靠语序和虚词来表达语法关系,是()。 A、综合语B、黏着语C、孤立语D、屈折语

考题 What special skills do you have? -- (). A、My house is bigB、I can speak English wellC、I don’t understandD、I will study computer

考题 My house is ________ the two buildings, so we get little sunshine during the day. A.betweenB.amongC.inD.at

考题 I won’t ()these childeren making a noise in my house. A、haveB、doC、letD、permit

考题 I have my house cleaned once a week.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 境内与境外苗语在词汇上的差异主要体现在借词、新创词以及()上。 A、基本词汇B、固有词的使用C、一般词汇D、实词

考题 Can you come _o______ to my house to help me with my English?

考题 想从事英语翻译工作的学生,都报考英语专业,周玲报考了英语专业,她一定想从事英语翻译工作。 以下哪项为真,最能支持上述观点? A.所有报考英语专业的考生都想从事英语翻译工作 B.有不少英语翻译都有英语专业学位 C.有些英语翻译是大学英语专业毕业生 D.想从事英语翻译工作的人,多数报考了英语专业

考题 My son failed to come back last night.This morming the police came to our house and( )my worst fears that he was injured in a car accident. A.advocated B.confirmed C.promised D.insured

考题 纳兰性德的词:“骊山语罢清宵半,泪雨零铃终不怨。”请问词中的“骊山语罢”典故所指向的人是谁?

考题 “女神”的词最初来源于?()A、MY GODNESSB、My little PonyC、My destinyD、My bog

考题 反义词在日语中称为“反对语”。

考题 分析以下Michoacan Aztec语中的一些词以及英语翻译。no kali—my house nokalimes--my houses mokali—your house ikali—his house kalimes--houses如果表示friend的词是mahkwa,表示myfriends的词应该是()A、nomahkwaB、mahkwasC、momahkwamesD、momahkwaesE、nomahkwames

考题 在my alibaba后台,可以通过以下哪几个维度查看关键词?()A、我的词B、他的词C、热门搜索词D、行业视角

考题 “蒙太奇”是从英语翻译过来的词,原为建筑用语,意为装配、组合、构成等。在影视艺术中,该术语被用来指画面、镜头和声音的组织结构方式。

考题 单选题学习《雨霖铃》,教师先以排比句幽默吟诵,引出“以情带景、情景交融”的手法,然后小结:“有人说,柳词之美,美在有景、有物、有人、有情,唯有情,才使万物富有神韵。这节课我们一起领略了落魄才子柳永哀怨缠绵的千古离歌。当然,这只是起到抛砖引玉的作用,希望大家在以后的学习中能畅游于诗词世界。”以下对该结束语的分析,不恰当的是()。A 拓展型结束语,目的是让学生喜爱柳词、诵读柳词B 结束语归纳出柳词的特色及《雨霖铃》的词旨C 从下阕的抒情手法自然过渡到结语中的柳词特色D 力图通过柳词之美,培养学生对传统诗词的热爱

考题 单选题There ______ many trees in front of my house now.A isB areC wasD were

考题 单选题分析以下Michoacan Aztec语中的一些词以及英语翻译。no kali—my house nokalimes--my houses mokali—your house ikali—his house kalimes--houses如果表示friend的词是mahkwa,表示myfriends的词应该是()A nomahkwaB mahkwasC momahkwamesD momahkwaesE nomahkwames