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Johnson is a man of great experience, ______ much can be learned.

for whom


for which


from that


from whom


更多 “单选题Johnson is a man of great experience, ______ much can be learned.A for whomB for whichC from thatD from whom” 相关考题
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考题 Johnson is a man of great experience, _________ much can be learned. A.for whom B.for which C.from that D.from whom

考题 Woman:Hello,Mr.Johnson′s office. Man:Good morning.56? Woman:Sorry,he′s in a meeting at the moment.57? Man:Yes.This is Steve Lee from Brightlight Systems.58? Woman:Tomorrow afternoon in your office. Man:59. Woman:Okay.60. Man:Thank you. 第56题的答案是()A.Can I speak to Mr.Johnson,please B.I′ll tell him you′ve called C.I′ll give him the message D.What can I do for you E.Can you tell him that we can meet tomorrow afternoon in my office F.Can I take a message G.Can you ask him to call me back as soon as possible H.That′s right

考题 As the author sees it,one of the most important gains from the study of great literature is( ) A.enrichment of our understanding of the past B.broadening of our approaches to social problems C.that it gives us a bowing acquaintance with great figures of the past D.that it provides us with vicarious experiences which provide a much broader experience than we can get from experiences of simply our own lives alone

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