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Helen’s new boyfriend is not ______ what I ______ .

the same; wanted


the one; liked


at all; expected


the type; wished


句意:海伦的新男朋友和我预想的相差甚远。not at all一点也不。expect期待,盼望,预期。wish希望,愿望。
更多 “单选题Helen’s new boyfriend is not ______ what I ______ .A the same; wantedB the one; likedC at all; expectedD the type; wished” 相关考题
考题 Roger:Hi, Kelly! What's up?Kelly: __________Same old thing.A. Nothing up.B. Nothing new.C. Everything's OK.D. Everything's the same.

考题 I broke Tom's teacup yesterday, so I had to buy him _______. A.a new oneB.an new oneC.the new oneD.one new

考题 Hi, Helen, I'll have an interview tomorrow. I'm afraid I can't make it. ()A. Sure, you can. Take it easy.B. I'm sorry to hear that.C. That's all right.

考题 Excuse me where is the post of fie?Sorry I'm new here.()A. What a pity.B. Thank you all the same.C. Bad luck.

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考题 –– James: Hi, Harry. ____–– Harry: Hi, James. I just bought a new camping tent. I can ’t wait to use it.A: What’s up?B: What’s on?C: What’s wrong?D: What’s right?

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考题 Helen couldn t go to France after all. That s too bad. I am sure she would have enjoyed it if () . A、she s goneB、she ll goC、she d goneD、she d go

考题 哪些句子回答How’s it going? /What’s up?/What’s happening? () A、I'm fine, thank you.B、Nothing much.C、I've been fine, thank you.D、Same as usual.

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考题 Could you give me a helping hand?()I want to clean my garageAHow's that.BSure. What can I do for you?CNot at all.DWhich one?

考题 Could you give me a helping hand?()I want to clean my garageA、How's that.B、Sure. What can I do for you?C、Not at all.D、Which one?

考题 I have lost my new English dictionary.()A、What a pity!B、It's nothing.C、It doesn't matter.D、Not at all.

考题 In the event of a catastrophic disaster, after which you need to replace the entire UCS blade system (that is, new fabric interconnects, new IOMs, new chassis, and new blades), what type of backup would provide the most complete set of information?()A、 logical configurationB、 all configurationC、 full stateD、 system configuration

考题 Companycom wants to manage multiple partitions for a p5 590 server using Partition Load Manager (PLM). Some of the partitions are dedicated processors and some of them are shared processors. What information about PLM limitations should be expressed to the customer?() A、All of the partitions can be managed in one group mixing dedicated and shared processors. PLM will move resources in the group as setup in the PLM profiles. B、PLM handles memory, dedicated and shared processor partitions. All the partitions in a group must be of the same processor type. PLM moves I/O resources between partitions based on PLM policy files. C、PLM handles memory, dedicated and shared processor partitions. The policy file, once loaded, is static and has no knowledge of workload on the managed partitions. PLM is supported for partitions that are running AIX 5.2 or i5OS. D、All of the partitions in a group must be the same type, either all dedicated processor partitions or shared processor partitions. One PLM Server can manage multiple groups of partitions. PLM does not move resources between groups.

考题 单选题In the master’s note of sea protest, I reserve the right to extend same at time and place convenient. What’s the meaning of the same?().A same timeB sea protestC reportD accident

考题 单选题In the event of a catastrophic disaster, after which you need to replace the entire UCS blade system (that is, new fabric interconnects, new IOMs, new chassis, and new blades), what type of backup would provide the most complete set of information?()A  logical configurationB  all configurationC  full stateD  system configuration

考题 单选题Matt: Hello, Helen! Helen: Matt, hi. Matt: Haven’t seen you for ages. What’ve you been up to? Helen:I’ve been to Toronto. Matt:Toronto? What brought you there? Helen:I got married—married a Canadian! Matt: You didn’t! _____ How about a drink?A How can you do that? B Well, congratulations!C I know you didn’t marry him.D I’ll miss you a lot.

考题 单选题Which statement is true regarding the COALESCE function?()A It can have a maximum of five expressions in a list B It returns the highest NOT NULL value in the list for all rows C It requires that all expressions in the list must be of the same data type D It requires that at least one of the expressions in the list must have a NOT NULL value

考题 单选题Sam: Hello, I’d like to make a reservation for July 30.  Lucia: ______ ?  Sam: I’d like a suite with a king-size bed.  Lucia: A suite with a king-size bed. Let me see. Yes, we ______ . It’s $146 a night.  Sam: All right. That sounds good.A What type of room; have no room availableB What type of room; have a room availableC Which room do you like; have one available roomD Your name, please; have one room available

考题 单选题—What do you think of his new design?—It’s of even ______practical value than the old one. He’s just a bookworm!A greaterB greatC lessD little

考题 单选题If several fixed navigational lights are visible at the same time,each one may be positively identified by checking all of the following EXCEPT what against the Light List?()A RhythmB PeriodC IntensityD Color

考题 问答题Practice 3  If I have called in the cuckoo to illustrate the ordinary man’s ignorance, it is not because I can speak with authority on that bird. It is simply because, passing the spring in a parish that seemed to have been invaded by all the cuckoos of Africa, I realized how exceedingly little I, or anybody else I met, knew about them. But your and my ignorance is not confined to cuckoos. It dabbles in all created things, from the sun and moon down to the names of the flowers. I once heard a clever lady asking whether the new moon always appears on the same day of the week. She added that perhaps it is better not to know, because, if one does not know when or in what part of the sky to expect it, its appearance is always a pleasant surprise. I fancy, however, the new moon always comes as a surprise even to those who are familiar with her time-tables. And it is the same with the coming-in of spring and the waves of the flowers. We are not the less delighted to find an early primrose because we are sufficiently learned in the services of the year to look for it in March or April rather than in October. We know, again, that the blossom precedes and not succeeds the fruit of the apple-tree, but this does not lessen our amazement at the beautiful holiday of a May orchard.  At the same time there is, perhaps, a special pleasure in re-learning the names of many of the flowers every spring. It is like re-reading a book that one has almost forgotten. Montaigne tells us that he had so bad a memory that he could always read an old book as though he had never read it before. I have myself a capricious and leaking memory. I can read Hamlet itself and The Pickwick Papers as though they were the work of new authors and had come wet from the press, so much of them fades between one reading and another. There are occasions on which a memory of this kind is an affliction, especially if one has a passion for accuracy. But this is only when life has an object beyond entertainment. In respect of mere luxury, it may be doubted whether there is not as much to be said for a bad memory as for a good one. With a bad memory one can go on reading Plutarch and The Arabian Nights all one’s life. Little shreds and tags, it is probable, will stick even in the worst memory, just as a succession of sheep cannot leap through a gap in a hedge without leaving a few wisps of wool on the thorns. But the sheep themselves escape, and the great authors leap in the same way out of an idle memory and leave little enough behind.

考题 单选题Could you give me a helping hand?()I want to clean my garageA How's that.B Sure. What can I do for you?C Not at all.D Which one?

考题 单选题John: What plastic products do you have in mind that are easy to recycle?  Tom: Shampoo bottles, detergent bottles, medicine bottles, food containers, etc. They are all easily collectable and reusable.  John: ______, but actually I think you are missing the point of recycling. It doesn’t just mean using old bottles again and again for the same purpose. What it means these days is melting the plastics down and building them up again into some completely new product.A Not too bad B Something is wrongC You’re right thereD It’s a new idea

考题 单选题Companycom wants to manage multiple partitions for a p5 590 server using Partition Load Manager (PLM). Some of the partitions are dedicated processors and some of them are shared processors. What information about PLM limitations should be expressed to the customer?()A All of the partitions can be managed in one group mixing dedicated and shared processors. PLM will move resources in the group as setup in the PLM profiles. B PLM handles memory, dedicated and shared processor partitions. All the partitions in a group must be of the same processor type. PLM moves I/O resources between partitions based on PLM policy files. C PLM handles memory, dedicated and shared processor partitions. The policy file, once loaded, is static and has no knowledge of workload on the managed partitions. PLM is supported for partitions that are running AIX 5.2 or i5OS. D All of the partitions in a group must be the same type, either all dedicated processor partitions or shared processor partitions. One PLM Server can manage multiple groups of partitions. PLM does not move resources between groups.

考题 单选题—The scarves are all beautiful. I can’t decide which one to choose.—Oh, look at this red one. I think it’s ______.A beautifulB more beautifulC the most beautifulD less beautiful