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When recording the wind direction in the weather log,you would report the().

direction the wind is blowing toward


direction the wind is blowing from


duration of the maximum gust of wind


wind chill factor


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更多 “单选题When recording the wind direction in the weather log,you would report the().A direction the wind is blowing towardB direction the wind is blowing fromC duration of the maximum gust of windD wind chill factor” 相关考题
考题 __________ banker is __________ man who lends you __________ umbrella when the weather is fair, and takes it away from you when it rains. A.The, the, theB.A, a, anC.A, the, anD.The, a, an

考题 When recording the wind direction in the weather log,you would report the ______.A.direction the wind is blowing towardB.direction the wind is blowing fromC.duration of the maximum gust of windD.wind chill factor

考题 When a high pressure system is centered north of your vessel in the Northern Hemisphere ______.A.You should experience hot,moist,clear weatherB.The wind direction is generally easterlyC.The winds should be from the southwest at your locationD.The winds should be brisk

考题 A wind vane on a moving vessel shows ______.A.dead reckoning wind directionB.true wind directionC.apparent wind directionD.estimated wind direction

考题 An anemometer on a moving vessel measures ______.A.apparent wind speed onlyB.true wind speed and true wind directionC.true wind speed onlyD.apparent wind speed and true wind direction

考题 If the center of low pressure is due west of you in the Northern Hemisphere, which wind direction should you expect?A.South to westB.South to eastC.West to northD.North to east

考题 In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind ______.A.changes direction clockwise, as from north to east, etcB.changes direction counterclockwise, as from south to east, etcC.changes direction violently and erraticallyD.remains constant in direction and speed

考题 In the Northern Hemisphere, if the center of a high pressure area is due west of you, what wind direction would you expect?______.A.South to westB.South to eastC.North to westD.North to east

考题 You should (松)()the mooring lines at the same time when the wind is big.A、fastenB、slackC、fastD、slacken

考题 In which scenario will you perform an incomplete recovery?()A、 when a table is dropped and stored in the Recycle BinB、 when all the control files are deletedC、 when a member of a multiplexed redo log group is droppedD、 when you are required to recover a table to its previous state

考题 单选题When recording the wind direction in the weather log,you would report the().A direction the wind is blowing towardB direction the wind is blowing fromC duration of the maximum gust of windD wind chill factor

考题 单选题On a clear,warm day,you notice the approach of a tall cumulus cloud. The cloud top has hard well defined edges and rain is falling from the dark lower edge. Should this cloud pass directly overhead().A it will be preceded by a sudden increase in wind speedB it will be preceded by a sudden decrease in wind speedC the wind speed will not change as it passesD the wind will back rapidly to left in a counterclockwise direction as it passes

考题 单选题If you log a distress message,it must include the().A sea stateB names of witnessesC time of its occurrenceD wind direction and velocity

考题 单选题When reporting wind direction, you should give the direction in().A true degreesB magnetic compass degreeC relative degreesD isobaric degrees

考题 单选题In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind().A Changes direction clockwise,as from north to east,etcB Changes direction violently and erraticallyC Remains constant in direction and speedD Changes direction counterclockwise,as from south to east,etc

考题 单选题You should ()the mooring lines at the same time when the wind is big.A fastenB slackC fastD slacken

考题 单选题An instrument that indicates wind direction is known as a(n)().A weather vane,wind vane or wind sockB hydrometerC hygrometerD sling psychrometer

考题 单选题How can you estimate the position of a tropical storm’s center?()A With a radio weather bulletin or weather faxB using shipboard radarC observe the wind direction and apply Buys Ballot's lawD All of the above

考题 单选题When a wind is permanently changing the direction from which it blows, it is().A variableB changingC backingD veering

考题 单选题In rough weather,when a ship is able to maneuver,it is best to launch a lifeboat().A on the lee sideB on the windward sideC with the wind dead aheadD with the wind from astern

考题 单选题When observing a rapid rise in barometric pressure,you may expect().A Clear weather with no wind,but the possibility of rain or snow within 24 hoursB Deteriorating weather with rain or snowC Heavy rain or severe thundershowersD Clearing weather,possibly accompanied by high winds

考题 单选题An anemometer on a moving vessel measures().A apparent wind speed onlyB true wind speed and true wind directionC true wind speed onlyD apparent wind speed and true wind direction

考题 单选题When you walk in a busy street, you should walk on the side _____.A where the wind is comingB where the wind is goingC where the wind is weakerD where the wind is stronger

考题 单选题A wind blows round anticlockwise defines().A backing ( of wind )B beach ( to )C veering ( of wind )D maintaining direction of the wind

考题 单选题In the Northern Hemisphere,the right half of the storm is known as the dangerous semicircle because().A the wind speed is greater here since the wind is traveling in the same general direction as the storm's trackB the direction of the wind and seas might carry a vessel into the path of the stormC the seas are higher because of greater wind speedD All of the above

考题 单选题The distance gained in the direction of the original course when you are making a turn is known as().A advanceB driftC tactical diameterD transfer

考题 单选题When abandoning ship,after launching the motor lifeboat you should().A plot a course for the nearest landB take a vote on which direction you should goC stay in the immediate areaD go in one direction until fuel runs out

考题 单选题If the center of low pressure is due west of you in the Northern Hemisphere,which wind direction should you expect().A South to westB South to eastC West to northD North to east