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—This problem is far ______ me. I‘m afraid I can’t work it out.—Don’t worry, we will help you.









更多 “单选题—This problem is far ______ me. I‘m afraid I can’t work it out.—Don’t worry, we will help you.A beyondB besideC behindD between” 相关考题
考题 – Excuse me. Which bus could I take to the post office? –() (A)Ask the policeman over there.(B) I’m afraid there’s no bus in that direction.(C) Don’t ask me.(D) Sorry, I can’t say that.

考题 – Excuse me. Is this the right way to Peace Hotel? – () (A)I think so. Thank you very much.(B) Sorry, I don’t know. I’m a stranger here, too.(C) You can’t ask me.(D) Okay.

考题 I’m afraid Mr. White isn’t available at the moment. Can I ______?

考题 听力原文:M: Can you work for me tomorrow from 1:30 P.m. to 5:00 P.m.? You see, I have a meeting and I need someone, to fill in hose hours for me.W: I don't know if I can. I have an appointment tomorrow at 3:00 P.m. I really can't cancel it either. I can work about an hour for you, though, if that'll help.Q: Why does the man want the woman to work for him?(14)A.He has to fill in for someone.B.He has an appointment.C.He has a meeting.D.He doesn't give a reason.

考题 -Is it possible to find alternative payment terms for this order? -__________________________ A I’m afraid not. We insist on a letter of credit. ;B No, I think the price is reasonable. ;C I can’t be of any help in this respect.

考题 —Will you be able to come to my birthday party this Saturday?—____________A. No, I'd like to.B. I believe I can't.C. I'm afraid.D. Yes, I'd love to.

考题 Please help yourself to the seafood__________ A.Sorry, I can't helpB.Well,seafood doesn't suitC.Well,I'm afraid I don't like seafood

考题 Hi, Helen, I'll have an interview tomorrow. I'm afraid I can't make it. ()A. Sure, you can. Take it easy.B. I'm sorry to hear that.C. That's all right.

考题 —Mary, can I use your computer now? —(). It doesn’t work. A、That’s all rightB、I’m afraid notC、You’re welcomeD、It doesn’t matter

考题 I’m very busy, so I can’t ________ that problem with you for the moment. A.discussB.quarrelC.answerD.explain

考题 – Do you agree with me? -- ______________.A、No.B、I’m afraid not.C、I can’t.D、Not.

考题 – Can you finish this work on time? -- _____________.A、I’m afraid not.B、It’s good.C、Good idea.D、Thanks a lot.

考题 - I was wondering if you'd like to go skating? - _______________________ A. Are you really interested in going?B. I often go skating on Saturday.C. I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't do it today.D. Don't you like it?

考题 8. —Can you lend me some books?— _______ I’ ve no books here.A.I'm afraid notB.l don-t hope soC. I'm not afraidD. I-m afraid

考题 ――I'm afraid I can't finish the book within this week.――____A.Please go ahea B.That's righ C.Not at al D.Take your tim

考题 --Would you like to go to the theater with me tonight? __________,but I don′t think I can afford the time.A.That's nothing B.Well done C.I'd like to D.I'm afraid not

考题 Can I have a look at your letter, please?()AExcuse me, you can'tBI'm afraid you can'tCI can't agree with youDYes, thank you

考题 Can I have a look at your letter, please?()A、Excuse me, you can'tB、I'm afraid you can'tC、I can't agree with youD、Yes, thank you

考题 How do I get to Cairo?()A、I‘m sorry. I can‘t understand.B、You could catch the 9:30 flight and change at Paris.C、I‘m afraid you have missed the flight.D、I‘m glad to show you the way

考题 May I borrow your umbrella for a moment?()A、No, you can't do itB、Sorry, but you may notC、Well, I am afraid I am going to use it myselfD、Of course not. I'm going to need it myself

考题 单选题I have an urgent problem and I need to call my parents, but I’m afraid I haven’t got ______ change—only a £10 note. Will you do me a ______ ?A any; favourB a lot; helpC some; handD a few; support

考题 单选题Wang: I think we should go to the theater tonight. What do you think, Mr. Huber?  Mr. Huber: ______ But if the play is in Chinese, I’m afraid I won’t be able to follow it.  Wang: No problem. I’ll be your interpreter. What about Beijing Opera? Would you like to go?  Mr. Huber: Oh, I’d love to.A I’ve no idea.B Haven’t you got any other ideas?C Oh no, I hate to watch plays at theater.D It’s fine with me.

考题 单选题Paul: I’m afraid I spilled some coffee on the tablecloth.  Roger: Oh, don’t worry about it.  Paul: I’m really sorry. Is there anything I can do?  Roger: ______ I never did like it anyway.A Just forget about it.B I’m afraid there is not.C Don’t be silly.D It’s absolutely out of the question.

考题 单选题—Why don’t you go out to play, Rose?—I’m afraid I can’t. I have much homework ______.A doB doesC doingD to do

考题 单选题— Excuse me. Is the library open all day?—______. Only from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m..A Yes, of courseB That’s rightC Sorry, I’m not sureD Sorry, I’m afraid not

考题 单选题A: Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the nearest subway station?  B: ______A Any time. It’s far from here, isn’t it?B Do you want me to go with you?C No problem. What can I do for you?D Of course. Go down this street and turn right.

考题 单选题—This problem is far ______ me. I‘m afraid I can’t work it out.—Don’t worry, we will help you.A beyondB besideC behindD between

考题 单选题—Mum, ______ I visit the Movie Museum tomorrow?—I’m afraid you can’t. It is closed on Monday.A mustB mayC shouldD need