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现有: 1. class Wrench f 2.public static void main(String [] args) { 3.Wrench w=new Wrench( ); Wrench w2=new Wrench( ); 4. w2=go (w, w2); 5.System.out.print (w2==w); 6. } 7.static Wrench go (Wrench wrl, Wrench wr2) { 8.Wrench wr3=wrl; wrl=wr2; wr2=wr3; 9. return wr3; 10. } 11. } 结果是什么?()









解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题现有: 1. class Wrench f 2.public static void main(String [] args) { 3.Wrench w=new Wrench( ); Wrench w2=new Wrench( ); 4. w2=go (w, w2); 5.System.out.print (w2==w); 6. } 7.static Wrench go (Wrench wrl, Wrench wr2) { 8.Wrench wr3=wrl; wrl=wr2; wr2=wr3; 9. return wr3; 10. } 11. } 结果是什么?()A falseB trueC 编译失败D 运行的时候有异常抛出” 相关考题
考题 运行下列程序的结果是 ( ) abstract class MineBase { abstract void amethod(); static int i; } public class Mine extends MineBase { public static void main(String argv[]){ int[]ar=new int[5]; for(i=0;i<ar.length;i++) System.out.println(ar[i]);A.打印5个0B.编译出错,数组ar[]必须初始化C.编译出错,Mine应声明为abstractD.出现IndexOutOfBoundes的例外

考题 以下哪个是Java应用程序main方法的有效定义? A. public static void main();B. public static void main( String args );C. public static void main( String args[] );D. public static void main( Graphics g );E. public static boolean main( String a[] );

考题 以下是JAVA中正确的入口方法是? () A、 public static void main(String[] args){}B、 public static void main(String args){}C、 public void main(String[] args){}D、 public static int main(String[] args){}

考题 现有:  class Tree {  private static String tree = "tree ";  String getTree ()  {  return tree;  }       }  class Elm extends Tree {  private static String tree = "elm ";  public static void main (String  []  args)  {       new Elm() .go (new Tree())  ;      } }  void go (Tree t)  {  String  s =  t.getTree () +Elm.tree  +  tree  +   (new  Elm() .getTree ()) ;      System.out.println (s) ;}     结果为:()                 A、 elm elm elm elmB、 tree elm elm elmC、 tree elm elm treeD、 tree elm tree elm

考题 Which declarations will allow a class to be started as a standalone program?()  A、public void main(String args[])B、public void static main(String args[])C、public static main(String[] argv)D、final public static void main(String [] array)E、public static void main(String args[])

考题 Public class test (  Public static void main (String args[])  (  System.out.printIn (6 ^ 3);  )  )   What is the output?()

考题 下列有关main()方法的签名正确的是哪些?()A、 public static void main(String[] args){}B、 public static void main(){}C、 public static void main(String args[]){}D、 public void static main(String[] args){}

考题 现有:  class Wrench f  public static void main(String  []  args)  {  Wrench w=new Wrench();    Wrench w2=new Wrench();     w2=go (w, w2);      System.out.print (w2==w);      }  static Wrench go (Wrench wrl,  Wrench wr2)  {     Wrench wr3=wrl; wrl=wr2; wr2=wr3;     return wr3;      }       结果是什么?()     A、 falseB、 trueC、编译失败D、运行的时候有异常抛出

考题 Given classes defined in two different files: 1.package util; 2.public class BitUtils{ 3.private static void process(byte[]b){} 4.} 1.package app; 2.public class SomeApp{ 3.public static void main(String[]args){ 4.byte[]bytes=newbyte[256]; 5.//insert code here 6.} 7.} What is required at line 5 in class SomeApp to use the process method of BitUtils?()A、process(bytes);B、BitUtils.process(bytes);C、app.BitUtils.process(bytes);D、util.BitUtils.process(bytes);E、importutil.BitUtils.*;process(bytes);F、SomeApp cannot use the process method in BitUtils.

考题 现有: class TestApp{ public static void main (String[] args){ for (int i=0; iA、0123B、012456789C、0123456789D、012

考题 下面哪些选项是正确的main方法说明?()A、 public main(String args[])B、 public static void main(String args[])C、 private static void main(String args[])D、 void main()

考题 现有: 1. class Wrench f 2.public static void main(String [] args) { 3.Wrench w=new Wrench( ); Wrench w2=new Wrench( ); 4. w2=go (w, w2); 5.System.out.print (w2==w); 6. } 7.static Wrench go (Wrench wrl, Wrench wr2) { 8.Wrench wr3=wrl; wrl=wr2; wr2=wr3; 9. return wr3; 10. } 11. } 结果是什么?()A、falseB、trueC、编译失败D、运行的时候有异常抛出

考题 声明Java独立应用程序main()方法时,正确表达是()。A、public static void main(String[]args){…}B、private static void main(String args[]){…}C、public void main(String args[]){…}D、public static void main(){…}

考题 现有:  class  Wrench2  {      int size;  public static void main(String  []  args)  {      Wrench2 w=new Wrench2();      w.size=II;  Wrench2 w2=go(w, w.size);     System. out .print (w2. size);      }  static Wrench2 go(Wrench2 wr. int s)  {      S=12;  return wr;     }     } 结果为()    A、 11B、 12C、编译失败D、运行时异常被抛出

考题 下面哪些main方法可用于程序执行()A、public static void main(String[]args)B、public static void main(String[]x)C、public static void main(Stringargs[])D、public void main(String[]args)

考题 多选题Which declarations will allow a class to be started as a standalone program?()Apublic void main(String args[])Bpublic void static main(String args[])Cpublic static main(String[] argv)Dfinal public static void main(String [] array)Epublic static void main(String args[])

考题 单选题现有:  class Tree {  private static String tree = "tree ";  String getTree ()  {  return tree;  }       }  class Elm extends Tree {  private static String tree = "elm ";  public static void main (String  []  args)  {       new Elm() .go (new Tree())  ;      } }  void go (Tree t)  {  String  s =  t.getTree () +Elm.tree  +  tree  +   (new  Elm() .getTree ()) ;      System.out.println (s) ;}     结果为:()A  elm elm elm elmB  tree elm elm elmC  tree elm elm treeD  tree elm tree elm

考题 多选题下面哪些main方法可用于程序执行()Apublic static void main(String[]args)Bpublic static void main(String[]x)Cpublic static void main(Stringargs[])Dpublic void main(String[]args)

考题 单选题以下是JAVA中正确的入口方法是? ()A  public static void main(String[] args){}B  public static void main(String args){}C  public void main(String[] args){}D  public static int main(String[] args){}

考题 单选题现有:  class Passer f  static final int X=5;  public  static void main (String  []  args)  {      new  Passer().go (x);      System. out .print (x);      }  void go (int x)  {     System. out .print(x++);     }     结果是什么?()A 55B 56C 65D 66

考题 单选题现有:  class  Wrench2  {      int size;  public static void main(String  []  args)  {      Wrench2 w=new Wrench2();      w.size=II;  Wrench2 w2=go(w, w.size);     System. out .print (w2. size);      }  static Wrench2 go(Wrench2 wr. int s)  {      S=12;  return wr;     }     } 结果为()A  11B  12C 编译失败D 运行时异常被抛出

考题 单选题现有:  class Wrench f  public static void main(String  []  args)  {  Wrench w=new Wrench();    Wrench w2=new Wrench();     w2=go (w, w2);      System.out.print (w2==w);      }  static Wrench go (Wrench wrl,  Wrench wr2)  {     Wrench wr3=wrl; wrl=wr2; wr2=wr3;     return wr3;      }       结果是什么?()A  falseB  trueC 编译失败D 运行的时候有异常抛出

考题 单选题现有:  class Banana2  f      static int X=2;  public static void main (String  []  args)  {     int X=2;   Banana2 b=new Banana2();     b.go(x);     }  static  {x+=x; }   void go (int x)  {    ++x;  System. out.println (x);    }         结果为:()A 7B 5C 3D 2

考题 单选题class Wrench2 {  int size;  public static void main(String [] args) {  Wrench2 w = new Wrench2();  w.size = 9;  Wrench2 w2 = go(w, w.size);  System.out.print(w2.size);  }  static Wrench2 go(Wrench2 wr, int s) {  s = 7;  return wr;  }  }  结果为:()A 7B 9C 编译失败D 输出结果不可预料

考题 多选题下列有关main()方法的签名正确的是哪些?()Apublic static void main(String[] args){}Bpublic static void main(){}Cpublic static void main(String args[]){}Dpublic void static main(String[] args){}

考题 单选题class Wrench {  public static void main(String [] args) {  Wrench w = new Wrench(); Wrench w2 = new Wrench();  w2 = go(w,w2);  System.out.print(w2 == w);  }  static Wrench go(Wrench wr1, Wrench wr2) {  Wrench wr3 = wr1; wr1 = wr2; wr2 = wr3;  return wr3; }  }  结果是什么?()A trueB falseC 编译失败D 输出不可预期

考题 单选题现有: class TestApp{ public static void main (String[] args){ for (int i=0; i A 0123B 012456789C 0123456789D 012

考题 单选题下面哪些选项是正确的main方法说明?()A  public main(String args[])B  public static void main(String args[])C  private static void main(String args[])D  void main()