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题目内容 (请给出正确答案)
The primary function of the first paragraph of the passage is to _____.

present a historical context for the author’s observations


anticipate challenges to the prescriptions that follow


clarify some disputed definitions of economic terms


summarize a number of long—accepted explanations


第一段是通过提供历史数据说明cost-cutting并不能improve productivity,所以A为正确选项。
更多 “单选题The primary function of the first paragraph of the passage is to _____.A present a historical context for the author’s observationsB anticipate challenges to the prescriptions that followC clarify some disputed definitions of economic termsD summarize a number of long—accepted explanations” 相关考题
考题 2. Which of the following is implied in the first paragraph?[A] People used to be forced to work under whips.[B] The author dislikes the function of politics in economy.[C] Incentives are always less available than regulations.[D] People have an instinct of working less and getting more.

考题 如果存在如下过程:Private Function FMax(a() As Integer)Dim First As Integer, Last As Integer, i As IntegerFirst=LBound(A)Last=UBound(A)Max=a(First)For i=First To LastIf a(i) Max Then Max=a(i)Next iFMax=MaxEnd Function在窗体上添加一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程:Private Sub Command1_Click()ReDim m(1 To 4) As Integerm(1) =20: m(2) =30: m(3) =50: m(4) =100c=FMax(m)Print cEnd Sub单击命令按钮,其输出结果为 【12】 。

考题 What is the introduction paragraph?() A. It is usually the first paragraph of an argumentative essayB. It serves as a ‘map’ of the essayC. It is supposed to raise readers’ interest and should not be too long

考题 What should we read while previewing an article(). A、Titles and subtitlesB、The first paragraphC、The first paragraphD、The first sentence of each remaining paragraph

考题 The objective of (71) is to determine what parts of the application software will be assigned to what hardware. The major software components of the system being developed have to be identified and then allocated to the various hardware components on which the system will operate. All software systems can be divided into four basic functions. The first is (72). Most information systems require data to be stored and retrieved, whether a small file, such as a memo produced by a word processor, or a large database, such as one that stores an organization's accounting records. The second function is the (73), the processing required to access data, which often means database queries in Structured Query Language. The third function is the (74), which is the logic documented in the DFDs, use cases, and functional requirements. The fourth function is the presentation logic, the display of information to the user and the acceptance of the user's commands. The three primary hardware components of a system are (请作答此空). A. computers, cables and network B.clients, servers, and network C. CPUs, memories and I/O devices D.CPUs, hard disks and I/O devices

考题 The objective of()is to determine what parts of the application software will be assigned to what hardware. The major software components of the system being developed have to be identified and then allocated to the various hardware components on which the system will operate. All software systems can be divided into four basic functions. The first is().Most information systems require data to be stored and retrieved, whether a small file,such as a memo produced by a word processor, or a large database, such as one that stores an organization's accounting records.The second function is the(),the processing required to access data, which often means database queries in Structured Query Language. The third function is the (),which is the logic documented in the DFDs, use cases,and functional requirements.The fourth function is the presentation logic,the display of information to the user and the acceptance of the user's commands.The three primary hardware components of a system are (请作答此空 ). A. computers,cables and network B.clients,servers,and network C. CPUs,memories and I/O devices D.CPUs,hard disks and I/O devices

考题 下列哪些是格式良好的 XHTML?() A、pA bishort/b/i paragraph/pB、pA bishort/i/b paragraph/pC、pA bishort/i/b paragraph

考题 以下each()使用方法正确的是()。A、$("div").each(function(){})B、$.each($("div"),function(){})C、each(i=0;i$("div").length;i++){}D、each($("div"),function(){})

考题 单选题Which of the following most accurately states the role of the first paragraph in relation to the passage as a whole?A It summarizes two theories. the relative merits of which are debated in the passage.B It puts forth an argument that the rest of the passage is devoted to refuting.C It introduces a new concept that the rest of the passage expands upon.D It frames the background and relevance of the material to follow.E It outlines the majorthemes of each of the four paragraphs to follow.

考题 单选题The final paragraph plays what role in relation to the rest of the passage?A It offers information that raises doubts about the conclusions expressed in the previous paragraph.B It discusses an alternative view to points stated as facts in the second paragraph.C It restates the question raised in the opening paragraph, using information offered in the second and third paragraphs.D It offers background information for the system described in the two preceding paragraphs.E It summarizes points raised elsewhere in the passage.

考题 单选题The primary purpose of the first four sentences of Passage 1 is to ______.A introduce a discussion with a storyB establish the author's main thesisC define several key conceptsD provide the historical background to a debateE characterize two positions on an issue

考题 单选题The third paragraph plays what role in the passage?A It summarizes all the points expressed in the first two paragraphs.B It raises new arguments that expand on those previously expressed.C It suggests a possible area for useful research in the future.D It rejects the arguments expressed in the first paragraph.E It provides concrete evidence against arguments expressed in the second paragraph.

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following is true?A When I was young, I wanted to be a teacher.B I learned how to be a better teacher at first.C I learned a lot from my experience as a volunteer.D The children in the poor area were brave and easy to talk to.

考题 单选题Which best characterizes how the impact of science on chimpanzees is treated in these two passages?A The author of Passage 1 lauds the benefits science has produced, while the author of Passage 2 speaks hopefully of possible future benefits.B Both of the passages react with distrust to the idea of using science to assess chimpanzees.C The first passage lists the studies that showed positive chimp interactions, while the author of Passage 2 refutes their claims,D The first passage suggests that science can have a positive impact on perceptions about chimps, whereas the second passage views science as almost universally negative.E The author of the first passage is more apt to justify using chimps in science than the author of Passage 2.

考题 单选题The primary function of the last paragraph of the passage is to _____.A summarize main ideas of the passageB illustrate the parents’ digital double standard and the predisposition to printC exemplify a tech-obsessed parentD give a counter example to the prevailing trend of e-books

考题 单选题The primary function of the first paragraph of the passage is to _____.A present a historical context for the author’s observationsB anticipate challenges to the prescriptions that followC clarify some disputed definitions of economic termsD summarize a number of long—accepted explanations

考题 单选题Which of the following activities can be used to get the main idea of a passage? _____.A reading the passage in detailB reading to sequence the eventsC reading to fill in the chartsD reading the first and last sentences of the passage and the paragraphs

考题 问答题What’s the meaning of “humor” in the first paragraph?

考题 多选题以下each()使用方法正确的是()。A$(div).each(function(){})B$.each($(div),function(){})Ceach(i=0;i$(div).length;i++){}Deach($(div),function(){})

考题 单选题The primary function of an electric motor is to ()A develop torqueB generate high voltagesC produce a magnetic fieldD generate high electrical resistance

考题 问答题Why is the first episode of “Six Feet Under” mentioned in the first paragraph?

考题 单选题The word metropolis in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ____.A citizenB natureC cityD stress

考题 单选题The word these in the first paragraph refers to _____.A lettersB photographsC paintingsD objects

考题 单选题In the first paragraph, the writer introduces the topic of the passage by ______.A telling an interesting storyB explaining the word “green”C giving some special examples

考题 单选题What is the main idea of this passage?A The difference between the primary school and the secondary school.B The method that pupils get help from the teachers.C The personal development of the pupils in the secondary school.D The function of the secondary school.

考题 单选题The word“philosophy”in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to______.A studyB subjectC viewpointD Investigation

考题 单选题From the first sentence of the passage, we learn that the primary objective of industrial psychology is to study _____.A working efficiency that leads to the highest outputB the working skills and the working environmentC the techniques leading to the highest productivityD the use of workers to get the greatest profit

考题 问答题What does the ‘unwanted’ deep sea life mean in Paragraph 2 according to the passage?