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句意:或许你在身处的环境中接收到过多的消极信息,很多都是不应得的。后面修饰“delightful messages”肯定是“很少的”,故选minimum。
更多 “填空题____” 相关考题
考题 单选题According to the passage, before taking a job, a person should _____.A demonstrate his capabilityB give his boss a good impressionC ask for as much money as he canD ask for the salary he hopes to get

考题 问答题Practice 4Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Views on Examinations. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

考题 填空题Adult literacy programs are sponsored by public libraries.____

考题 问答题Practice 2  鸦片战争后的100多年中,列强又多次发动对中国的侵略战争,使中国的主权与领土完整继续遭到破坏,使中国人民遭受殖民主义者的欺辱;同时,中国也涌现出许许多多的抵抗侵略,挽救国家危亡的可歌可泣的事。如太平天国运动、戊戌变法运动、义和团运动等,特别是1911年孙中山领导的辛亥革命,推翻了中国2,000多年的封建君主专制制度,建立了中华民国;1919年的五四运动,为中国共产党的诞生奠定了基础;1921年,中国共产党的诞生,使中国革命出现了新局面。1949年,在中国共产党的领导下,中国人民赶走了帝国主义势力,推翻了国民党在大陆的统治,结束了半殖民地半封建社会的历史,取得了革命的胜利。

考题 单选题A To examine the chemical elements in the Ice Age.B To look into the pattern of solar wind activity.C To analyze the composition of different trees.D To find out the origin of carbon-14 on Earth.

考题 填空题When the kids help Kerri Paquette cook, they learn math and science at the same time.____

考题 填空题The “Trick or Treat!” tradition was brought to the United States by Irish immigrants.____

考题 单选题A Most of them have a long history.B Many of them are specialized libraries.C They house more books than any other university library.D They each have a copy of every book published in Britain.

考题 填空题____

考题 填空题According to the CDD’s Chester, nobody can take Microsoft seriously when it comes into a room.____

考题 单选题The erosion of the white cliffs in the south of England _____.A will soon become a problem for people living in central EnglandB has now become a threat to the local residentsC is quickly changing the map of EnglandD can be stopped if proper measures are taken

考题 单选题In the author’s view, higher service standards are impossible in Israel _____.A if customer complaints go unnoticed by the managementB unless foreign companies are introduced in greater numbersC if there’s no competition among companiesD without strict routine of employees

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题The author’s experience shows that he was _____.A creativeB ambitiousC unrealisticD irrational

考题 填空题____

考题 填空题Rainforest trees tightly rely on microorganisms.____

考题 填空题According to Chinese legend, it was Shen Nung who first discovered tea.____

考题 单选题The study of sign language is thought to be _____.A an approach to simplify the grammatical structure of languageB an attempt to clarify misunderstanding about the origin of languageC a challenge m traditional views on the nature of languageD a new way to take at the learning of language

考题 填空题Computers are more prominently displayed than books in the San Francisco Public Library.____

考题 问答题Practice 2Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Changing Criteria for Good Students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

考题 单选题A A radio announcerB A bank employee.C A car mechanic.D A movie actor.

考题 单选题A The reasons why people don’t read newspapers are more complicated than assumed.B There are more uneducated people among the wealthy than originally expected.C The number of newspaper readers is steadily increasing.D There are more nonreaders among young people nowadays.

考题 问答题Practice 1Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Tour Fever Should Be Cooled Down. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

考题 填空题One million Earths could fit inside the Sun.____

考题 单选题Professor Elshtain is pleased to see that Americans _____.A have adapted to a new set of moral standardsB are longing for the return of the good old daysC have realized the importance of material thingsD are awakening to the lowing of their moral standards

考题 填空题Some scientists believe that yawning is just to make us more alert.____

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题A The rescue operation involved many people.B The cause of the explosions has been determined.C Rescue efforts were stopped on Thursday.D The explosions didn’t destroy the building.