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We are counting on your offer to help during the election.









句意:大选中我们就依仗你们的帮助了。rely (on)依赖,依仗。count on指望。hope希望,期待。expect期望,期待。discount对……持怀疑态度。
更多 “单选题We are counting on your offer to help during the election.A hopingB expectingC relyingD discounting” 相关考题
考题 (),we could not have finished the work on time. A.If they do not help usB.Was it not for their helpC.Should they offer to help usD.But for their help

考题 – () – We offer special services such as personal belongings, express, holiday pick-up and delivery services and so on. A、What kind of special services do you offer?B、How would you offer your special services?C、Why do you offer your special services?

考题 It will ( ) your expectations and we offer a full guarantee for three years. A.satisfy withB.satisfyC.meet withD.meet

考题 I really appreciate ()to help me,but I am sure that I will be able to manage by myself.A、you to offerB、your offeringC、that you offer

考题 We shall glad to receive your offer for walnut meat, shipment, during September/October for transshipment at Hongkong.()

考题 We feel that it is () to decline your counter-offer.A、regrettableB、 regretfulC、regretD、regretting

考题 We offer firm CIF, Lagos shipment()30 days, subject to your reply here ()10 a.m., our time.A、within,withinB、for,byC、during,byD、in,untill

考题 In conformity () our desire to promote business, we have accepted your offer of 50 tons wool.A、toB、throughC、atD、in

考题 Unfortunately we cannot accept your offer. Your prices are ().A、up-to-roofB、countlessC、prohibitiveD、more high

考题 ()you reduce your price by $5 per dozen, we will have to decline your offer. A、UnlessB、WhileC、WhenD、Except

考题 In the event of our acceptance of your offer we shall open an irrevocable letter of credit in your favour, payable in China against shipping documents.(英译中)

考题 We do appreciate ____________ during the coming holidays. A.you visitB.your visitingC.you to visitD.your visit us

考题 We are confident ( ) securing large orders for you if your offer is competitive.A、ofB、withC、by

考题 Thank you ______ advance for your help and we look forward to receiving your recommendations.A、atB、fromC、inD、to

考题 Although we have _____ not to offer you a position at this time, we will keep your resumeon file for our future openings. A. decided B. deciding C. decision D. decidedly

考题 __your help we were successful.A.According to B.But for C.Owing to D.As for

考题 We wanted to offer help,but the fierce glare on his face stopped us.A:angry B:cold C:severe D:gloomy

考题 We regret () that we can’t accept your offer.Aof sayingBfor sayingCabout sayingDto say

考题 翻译:Now that we have already made an inquiry on your articles, will you please make an offer before the end of this month?

考题 单选题______, we could not have finished the work on time.A If they do not help usB Was it not for their helpC Should they offer to help usD But for their help

考题 单选题_____ we appreciate your counter-offer, we your prices too low to be acceptable.A MeanwhileB WhileC HoweverD Whether

考题 单选题We regret () that we can’t accept your offer.A of sayingB for sayingC about sayingD to say

考题 单选题We all()your coming to help us.A appropriateB appreciateC admitD affect

考题 单选题We are all very grateful______you for your help.A onB fromC withD to

考题 单选题In()to your inquiries, we regret to inform you that we can’t help you in this matter.A orderB responseC answerD reaction

考题 问答题翻译:Now that we have already made an inquiry on your articles, will you please make an offer before the end of this month?

考题 单选题“HELP US TO HELP YOU” means ______.A sometimes your help is not necessaryB you can make it easier for us to helpC usually we cannot help you

考题 单选题We are counting on your offer to help during the election.A hopingB expectingC relyingD discounting