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更多 “单选题“Fatigue”的意义是()A 疲劳;B 失效” 相关考题
考题 我国的历史名城各有其特定的历史意义,北京的历史意义是__________,遵义的历史意义是__________,绍兴的历史意义是________。

考题 自我安全查检表不包括() A.Illness(疾病)B.Stress(压力)Sleep(睡眠)C.Fatigue(疲劳)andfat(肥胖)D.AlcoholandDrugs(酒精及特殊药物)E.Medication(常规药物)Menstruation(月经)

考题 The greatest danger is fatigue at the wheel. Some music can ________ you into concentration loss.A contributeB lullC causeD conduce

考题 But then fatigue created a kind of mental ________.A、anaestheticB、paralyzedC、subsideD、exhaustion

考题 If we overwork ourselves, we may suffer from both physical and psychological fatigue.() A. pictureB. mimicC. markD. tire

考题 One of the most common causes of reduction gear failure is gear wear caused by scoring as a result ofA.surface fatigue of the gearsB.an inadequate lube oil filmC.plastic flow of the gearsD.fretting corrosion from water

考题 During a storm,the chance of fatigue failure of a mooring line will increase as ______.A.vessel motions increaseB.mooring tensions decreaseC.KG increasesD.KG decreases

考题 ______ shall be conducted in a manner that minimizes the disturbance of rest periods and does not induce fatigue.A.All work on board the shipB.Engine watch-keepingC.Bridge watch-keepingD.Musters,fire-fighting and lifeboat drills

考题 Where do fatigue failures of wire rope mooring lines usually occur ________.A.In the middle part of the line lengthB.Near the socketed end fitting adjacent to the anchorC.At the point where the line touches the bottomD.At the place the anchor buoy is attached to the line

考题 In a combination chain and wire rope mooring system, the anchor chain is deployed at the anchor end of the line to ______.A.increase fatigue life of the systemB.reduce the time to retrieve the lineC.increase the holding powerD.reduce the catenary

考题 下列属于临终关怀意义的是()。A、对医学的意义B、对医院的意义C、对生命的意义D、对临终患者朋友的意义E、对道德的意义

考题 词的附加意义是同理性意义相对而独立存在的意义。

考题 “Fatigue”的意义是()A、疲劳;B、失效

考题 疲劳误差(error of fatigue)

考题 “浇水”这个组合中,“浇”和“水”之间是动作行为和工具的关系,这种关系所赋予的意义是()。A、语法关系意义B、语义关系意义C、语境意义D、语气意义

考题 语素、词是语言的构成单位,它们的意义是()。A、语法意义B、短语的意义C、语言意义D、语境意义

考题 词的指称意义中的()意义是词的核心意义,词典就是主要解释这种意义的。

考题 什么是意义?意义是如何产生的?

考题 词的本义是词的()意义,基本义是词的()的意义,引申义是()的意义,比喻义是()的意义。

考题 “老王说服了小李”中“老王”是行为的施事,“小李”是行为的受事,这种意义是()A、语汇意义B、语法意义C、语境意义D、蕴含意义

考题 单选题语素、词是语言的构成单位,它们的意义是()。A 语法意义B 短语的意义C 语言意义D 语境意义

考题 单选题“老王说服了小李”中“老王”是行为的施事,“小李”是行为的受事,这种意义是()A 语汇意义B 语法意义C 语境意义D 蕴含意义

考题 问答题Industrial psychologists have also studied the effects of fatigue on workers to determine the length of working time that yields the greatest productivity.

考题 单选题During a storm,the chance of fatigue failure of a mooring line will increase as().A vessel motions increaseB mooring tensions decreaseC KG increasesD KG decreases

考题 单选题In a combination chain and wire rope mooring system,the anchor chain is deployed at the anchor end of the line to().A increase fatigue life of the systemB reduce the time to retrieve the lineC increase the holding powerD reduce the catenary

考题 单选题In context, which version of the underlined portion of sentence 5 (reproduced below) is the best?Because the victims often get depression because of their symptoms, other doctors used to bell it was psychological.A those symptoms wereB their depression wasC the victims wereD chronic fatigue syndrome wasE they were

考题 填空题词的本义是词的()意义,基本义是词的()的意义,引申义是()的意义,比喻义是()的意义。