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When rebooting a computer running Windows XP Home, a technician observes an error message stating,“illegal I/O port address.” Which of the following can be done to resolve this error?()

  • A、Upgrade the motherboard BIOS.
  • B、Upgrade to Windows XP Professional.
  • C、Upgrade the CPU on the motherboard.
  • D、Return to Windows 2000 Professional.


更多 “When rebooting a computer running Windows XP Home, a technician observes an error message stating,“illegal I/O port address.” Which of the following can be done to resolve this error?()A、Upgrade the motherboard BIOS.B、Upgrade to Windows XP Professional.C、Upgrade the CPU on the motherboard.D、Return to Windows 2000 Professional.” 相关考题
考题 通常配制FeSO4溶液时,加入少量铁钉,其原因与下列反应中的哪一个有关() A、O2(g)+4H+(aq)+4e⇋2H2O(l)B、Fe3+(aq)+e⇋Fe2+(aq)C、2Fe3+(aq)+Fe(s)⇋3Fe2+(aq)D、Fe3+(aq)+3e⇋Fe(s)

考题 A user states that the wireless router keeps rebooting while the power to the other equipment stays on. Which of the following should the technician perform to prevent users from rebooting the router?()A. Change the default administrator passwordB. Change the IP range of the wireless networkC. Hide the SSIDD. Disable WEP

考题 下列实验可以用来区别NaBr(aq)和NaI(aq)的是()。A、分别通入CO2B、分别通入Cl2C、分别加入NaNO3(aq)D、分别加入K(s)

考题 An administrator wants to use a Windows system to monitor a server that is rebooting. Which of the following commands should the administrator use to know when the NIC is back online in the server?()A、 ping i 240B、 ping -tC、 ping -aD、 ping w 240

考题 下列哪一体系可以自发发生同化反应而产生中间氧化态离子? ()A、Cu(s) + Cu2+(aq)B、Fe(s) + Fe3+(aq)C、Mn2+(aq) + MnO4aq)2-D、Hg(l)+ HgCl2(饱和)

考题 2FeCl3(aq) + H2S(aq)--()

考题 煤矿井下作业人员管理系统必须符合()技术要求A、AQ6210-2007B、AQ1048-2007C、AQ6201-2006

考题 已知反应:HCN(aq)+OH-(aq)=CN-(aq)+H2O(l)ΔrHθm=-12.1KJ·mol-1,H+(aq)+OH-(aq)=HO(l)ΔrHθm=-55.61KJ·mol-1,则1molHCN(aq)在水中电离反应的热效应为()

考题 通入H2S时,Ni2+(aq)比Mn2+(aq)更易形成硫化物

考题 电池Ag|Ag+(aq)||Cl-(aq)|Cl2(g),Pt与Ag(s),AgCl-(s)|Cl-(aq)|Cl2(g),Pt对应一个电池反应.

考题 A server keeps rebooting at various times throughout the day. Which of the following tools wouldBEST help to diagnose this issue?()A、MultimeterB、Temperature monitorC、Cable testerD、Toner probe

考题 A user states that the wireless router keeps rebooting while the power to the other equipment stays on. Which of the following should the technician perform to prevent users from rebooting the router?()A、Change the default administrator passwordB、Change the IP range of the wireless networkC、Hide the SSIDD、Disable WEP

考题 Which two statements are true about interoperating with Oracle AQ JMS with Oracle WebLogic server ?()A、 If you select a non-XA JDBC driver, you can use WebLogic AQ JMS in both local  global transactionsB、 Oracle WebLogic Server requires a JDBC driver to communicate with the Oracle AQ JMSC、 Oracle WebLogic AQ JMS stand-alone client automatically participate in global transactions managed by Oracle WebLogic ServerD、 If you select an XA JDBC driver, you can use WebLogic AQ JMS in both local and global transactions

考题 电池Ag(s)|AgCl(s)|KCl(aq)|Hg2Cl2(s)|Hg(l)与电池Hg(l)|Hg2Cl2(s)|KCl(aq)|AgNO3(aq)|Ag(s)的电池反应可逆。

考题 下列电池中,哪个电池的电动势与 Cl-离子的活度无关?()A、Zn│ZnCl2(aq)│Cl2(g)│PtB、Zn│ZnCl2(aq)‖KCl(aq)│AgCl(s)│AgC、Ag│AgCl(s)│KCl(aq)│Cl2(g)│PtD、Hg│Hg2Cl2(s)│KCl(aq)‖AgNO3(aq)│Ag

考题 2[Ag(CN)2](aq)+S2-(aq)=Ag2S(s)+4CN-(aq)的的标准平衡常数KӨ值为()。(Ag2S的KspӨ=6.3×10-50)

考题 反应2Fe3+(aq)+Cu(s)=2Fe2++Cu2+(aq)与Fe(s)+Cu2+(aq)=Fe2+(aq)+Cu(s)均正向自发进行,在上述所有氧化剂中最强的是(),还原剂中最强的是()。

考题 电池(a) Ag,AgCl|KCl(aq)|Hg2Cl2,Hg与电池(b) Hg,Hg2Cl2|KCl(aq)|AgNO3(aq)|Ag的电池反应可逆。

考题 电池(1)Ag|AgBr(s)|KBr(aq)|Br2|Pt,电池(2)Ag|AgNO3(aq)||KBr(aq)|AgBr(s)|Ag的电池电动势E1、E2都与Br-浓度无关。

考题 下列电池的电动势与氯离子活度无关的是()A、Zn〡ZnCl2(aq)〡Cl2(p),PtB、Zn〡ZnCl2(aq)〡KCl(aq)〡AgCl,AgC、Ag-AgCl〡KCl(aq)〡Cl2(p),PtD、Pt,H2(p)〡HCl(aq)〡Cl2(p),Pt

考题 电池Ag(s),AgCl(s)︱Cl-(aq)‖Ag+(aq)︱Ag可选用()做盐桥。

考题 电池Ag(s)︱AgNO3(aq)‖KCl(aq)︱Cl2(g),Pt的电池反应为()。

考题 电池Ag | Ag+(aq)||Cl-(aq)|Cl2(g),Pt与Ag(s),AgCl(s)|-(aq)|Cl2(g),Pt对应一个电池反应.

考题 通过电动势的测定,可以求难溶盐的活度积,今欲求AgCl的活度积,则应设计的电池为:()A、Ag│AgCl│HCl(aq)‖Cl2(p)│PtB、Pt│Cl2│HCl(aq)‖AgNO3(aq)│AgC、Ag│AgNO3(aq)‖HCl(aq)│AgCl│AgD、Ag│AgCl│HCl(aq)‖AgCl│Ag

考题 判断题电极反应Fe3+(aq)+e====Fe2+(aq)的ϕθ=+0.771V,则电极反应Fe2+(aq)==== Fe3+(aq)+e的ϕθ=-0.771V。A 对B 错

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about interoperating with Oracle AQ JMS with Oracle WebLogic server ?()AIf you select a non-XA JDBC driver, you can use WebLogic AQ JMS in both local  global transactionsBOracle WebLogic Server requires a JDBC driver to communicate with the Oracle AQ JMSCOracle WebLogic AQ JMS stand-alone client automatically participate in global transactions managed by Oracle WebLogic ServerDIf you select an XA JDBC driver, you can use WebLogic AQ JMS in both local and global transactions

考题 单选题When rebooting a computer running Windows XP Home, a technician observes an error message stating,“illegal I/O port address.” Which of the following can be done to resolve this error?()A Upgrade the motherboard BIOS.B Upgrade to Windows XP Professional.C Upgrade the CPU on the motherboard.D Return to Windows 2000 Professional.

考题 单选题An administrator wants to use a Windows system to monitor a server that is rebooting. Which of the following commands should the administrator use to know when the NIC is back online in the server?()A  ping i 240B  ping -tC  ping -aD  ping w 240