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  • A、weight:valid
  • B、weather;value
  • C、weight:value
  • D、weather;valid


更多 ““重量;价值”,正确的翻译为()。[2006年第一次考试真题]A、weight:validB、weather;valueC、weight:valueD、weather;valid” 相关考题
考题 Which element(s) should be taken into account in the preparation of the "Cargo Securing Manual"?A.Weight of the vehiclesB.Geographical area of the voyageC.Dynamic forces under adverse weather conditionsD.All of the above

考题 You are heading into the sea during rough weather.Having too much weight forward can cause your small boat to ______.A.BroachB.Plunge into the waveC.Rise rapidly over the waveD.List

考题 汉译英:“单价;净重”,正确的翻译为( )。 A. unit price ; gross weight B. total value ; net weight C. unit price ; net weight D. total value ; gross weight

考题 汉译英:“重量;价值”,正确的翻译为( )。 A. weight ; valid B. weather; value C. weight; value D. weather; valid

考题 汉译英:“毛重;净重;公重”,正确的翻译为:( )。 A. gross weight ; clean weight; dry weight B. total weight; clean weight ; dry weight C. gross weight ; net weight ; conditioned weight D. total weight ; net weight ; conditioned weight

考题 汉译英:“毛重;净重;公量”,正确的翻译为:()。 A. gross weight ; clean weight ; dry weight B.total weight; clean weight; dry weight C. gross weight; net weight; conditioned weight D.total weight ; net weight ; conditioned weight

考题 英译汉:“weight”,正确的翻译为( )。 A.数量 B.重量 C.宽度 D.长度

考题 汉译英:“数量证书”,正确的翻译为( )。 A. Certificate of Weight B. Certificate of Quarantine C. Certificate of Inspection D. Certificate of Quantity

考题 英译汉:“gross weight; net weight”,正确的翻译为( )。 A.毛重;皮重 B.毛重;净重 C.净重;毛重 D.净重;皮重

考题 英译汉:“plywood box; tare weight; total value”,正确的翻译为:( )。 A.柳条箱;皮重;单价 B.柳条箱;风干重量;货物重量 C.胶合板箱;风干重量;单价 D.胶合板箱;皮重;货物重量

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考题 单选题“重量;价值”,正确的翻译为()。[2006年第一次考试真题]A weight:validB weather;valueC weight:valueD weather;valid

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考题 单选题“unit price”,正确的翻译为()。[2006年第二次考试真题]A 单价B 加工费C 每件货物重量D 运费

考题 单选题Shifting weight aft in heavy weather will reduce the tendency to yaw,but may increase the tendency to().A be poopedB pitchpoleC broachD squat

考题 单选题“remark”,正确的翻译为()。[2007年第一次考试真题]A 备注B 标记C 商标D 唛头