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A custom JSP tag must be able to support an arbitrary number of attributes whose names are unknown when the tag class is designed.  Which two are true? ()

  • A、 A  element in the echo tag LTD must have the value JSP
  • B、 The echo tag handler must define the setAttribute (String key, String value) method
  • C、 The true element must appear in the echo tag TLD
  • D、 The class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag interface
  • E、 The class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.DynamicAttributes interface


更多 “ A custom JSP tag must be able to support an arbitrary number of attributes whose names are unknown when the tag class is designed.  Which two are true? ()A、 A  element in the echo tag LTD must have the value JSPB、 The echo tag handler must define the setAttribute (String key, String value) methodC、 The true element must appear in the echo tag TLDD、 The class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag interfaceE、 The class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.DynamicAttributes interface” 相关考题
考题 下列那个jsp标记用于得到一个javabean的属性() A、jsp:useBeanB、jsp:useBean.propertyC、jsp:useBean.getPropertyD、jsp:getProperty

考题 JSP EL表达式的语法为( )A、!JSP expressionB、@{JSP expression}C、${JSP expression}D、#{JSP expression}

考题 Youarebuildingyourownlayoutmechanismbyincludingdynamiccontentforthepage’sheaderandfootersections.Thefooterisalwaysstatic,buttheheadergeneratesthetitletagthatrequiresthepagenametobespecifieddynamicallywhentheheaderisimported.WhichJSPcodesnippetperformstheimportoftheheadercontent?()A.jsp:includepage=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’jsp:paramname=’pageName’value=’WelcomePage’//jsp:includeB.jsp:importpage=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’jsp:paramname=’pageName’value=’WelcomePage’//jsp:importC.jsp:includepage=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’jsp:attributename=’pageName’value=’WelcomePage’/./jsp:includeD.jsp:importpage=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’.jsp:attributename=’pageName’value=’WelcomePage’/./jsp:import

考题 Whichtwoarevalidandequivalent?() A.%!inti;%B.%=inti;%C.jsp:exprinti;/jsp:exprD.jsp:scriptletinti;/jsp:scriptletE.jsp:declarationinti;/jsp:declaration

考题 YouhaveanewITmanagerthathasmandatedthatallJSPsmustberefactoredtoincludenoscritpletcode.TheITmanagerhasaskedyoutoenforcethis.Whichdeploymentdescriptorelementwillsatisfythisconstraint?() A.jsp-property-group.url-pattern*.jsp/url-pattern.permit-scriptingfalse/permit-scripting./jsp-property-groupB.jsp-config.url-pattern*.jsp/url-patternpermit-scriptingfalse/permit-scripting./jsp-configC.jsp-config.url-pattern*.jsp/url-pattern.scripting-invalidtrue/scripting-invalid./jsp-configD.jsp-property-group.url-pattern*.jsp/url-pattern.scripting-invalidtrue/scripting-invalid./jsp-property-group

考题 Formanageabilitypurposes,youhavebeentoldtoaddacountinstancevariabletoacriticalJSP DocumentsothataJMXMBeancantrackhowfrequentthisJSPisbeinginvoked.WhichJSPcodesnippetmustyouusetodeclarethisinstancevariableintheJSPDocument?()A.jsp:declarationintcount=0;jsp:declarationB.%!intcount=0;%C.jsp:declaration.instanceintcount=0;.jsp:declaration.instanceD.jsp:scriptlet.declarationintcount=0;.jsp:scriptlet.declaration

考题 WhichJSPstandardactioncanbeusedtoimportcontentfromaresourcecalledfoo.jsp?() A.jsp:importfile=’foo.jsp’/B.jsp:importpage=’foo.jsp’/C.jsp:includepage=’foo.jsp’/D.jsp:includefile=’foo.jsp’/

考题 有三个页面,a.jsp,b.jsp和c.jsp,流程是:a.jsp-b.jsp-c.jsp,其中a.jsp中提交的数据要在c.jsp中访问,用最简单的方法 怎么做?注意不能放在session里

考题 For manageability purposes, you have been told to add a "count" instance variable to a critical JSP Document so that a JMX MBean can track how frequent this JSP is being invoked. Which JSP code snippetmust you use to declare this instance variable in the JSP Document?()A、jsp:declarationint count = 0;jsp:declarationB、%! int count = 0; %C、jsp:declaration.instanceint count = 0;. jsp:declaration.instanceD、jsp:scriptlet.declarationint count = 0;. jsp:scriptlet.declaration

考题 JavaBean可以通过相关jsp动作指令进行调用。下面哪个不是JavaBean可以使用的jsp动作指令?()A、〈jsp:useBean〉B、〈jsp:setProperty〉C、〈jsp:getProperty〉D、〈jsp:setParameter〉

考题 Which JSP standard action can be used to import content from a resource called foo.jsp?()A、jsp:import file=’foo.jsp’ /B、jsp:import page=’foo.jsp’ /C、jsp:include page=’foo.jsp’ /D、jsp:include file=’foo.jsp’ /

考题 下列对custom tags的论述哪个不正确()A、是开发者自己定义的tag,可以在JSP页面中使用B、JSP中定制标记符,实质上就是以标记的形式封装了一个俱有独立功能的Java类C、必须依靠TLD文件实现custom tag到实现类的映射D、是某些厂商自己实现的JSP扩展

考题 JSP标准动作不包括()。 A、jsp:forward / B、jsp:forEach / C、jsp:useBean / D、jsp:setProperry / 

考题 用于获取bean属性的动作是()。A、〈jsp:uscBean〉B、〈jsp:getProperty〉C、〈jsp:setProperty〉D、〈jsp:forward〉

考题 下列哪一项不属于JSP动作指令标记?()A、〈jsp:param〉B、〈jsp:plugin〉C、〈jsp:useBean〉D、〈jsp:javaBean〉

考题 下面哪个不是JSP中和javabean相关的标记?()A、〈jsp:userBean〉B、〈jsp:include〉C、〈jsp:setProperty〉D、〈jsp:getProperty〉

考题 JSP页面包括以下哪些元素?()A、JSP指令B、JSP ActionC、JSP脚本D、JSP控件

考题 You are building your own layout mechanism by including dynamic content for the page’s header and footersections. The footer is always static, but the header generates the  tag that requires the page name tobe specified dynamically when the header is imported. Which JSP code snippet performs the import of theheader content?() titleA、jsp:include page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’jsp:param name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ / /jsp:includeB、jsp:import page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’jsp:param name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ / /jsp:importC、jsp:include page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’jsp:attribute name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ / . /jsp:includeD、jsp:import page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’. jsp:attribute name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ / . /jsp:import

考题 Which two are valid and equivalent?()A、%! int i; %B、%= int i; %C、jsp:exprint i;/jsp:exprD、jsp:scriptletint i;/jsp:scriptletE、jsp:declarationint i;/jsp:declaration

考题 单选题下面哪个不是JSP中和javabean相关的标记?()A 〈jsp:userBean〉B 〈jsp:include〉C 〈jsp:setProperty〉D 〈jsp:getProperty〉

考题 多选题A custom tag is defined to take three attributes. Which two correctly invoke the tag within a JSP page?()Aprefix:myTag a=foo b=bar c=baz /Bprefix:myTag attributes={foo,bar,baz} /Cprefix:myTag jsp:attribute a=foo b=bar c=baz /Dprefix:myTagjsp:attribute name=afoo/jsp:attributejsp:attribute name=bbar/jsp:attributejsp:attribute name=cbaz/jsp:attribute. /prefix:myTag

考题 单选题You are building your own layout mechanism by including dynamic content for the page’s header and footersections. The footer is always static, but the header generates the  tag that requires the page name tobe specified dynamically when the header is imported. Which JSP code snippet performs the import of theheader content?()A jsp:include page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’jsp:param name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ / /jsp:includeB jsp:import page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’jsp:param name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ / /jsp:importC jsp:include page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’jsp:attribute name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ / . /jsp:includeD jsp:import page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’. jsp:attribute name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ / . /jsp:import

考题 多选题A custom JSP tag must be able to support an arbitrary number of attributes whose names are unknown when the tag class is designed.  Which two are true? ()AA  element in the echo tag LTD must have the value JSPBThe echo tag handler must define the setAttribute (String key, String value) methodCThe true element must appear in the echo tag TLDDThe class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag interfaceEThe class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.DynamicAttributes interface

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT one of the three details you need to fill in on the New Custom Control dialog?()A Name of the custom controlB Comments to describe the custom controlC List of the controls that will make up this custom controlD Application that will contain the custom control

考题 单选题下列对custom tags的论述哪个不正确()A 是开发者自己定义的tag,可以在JSP页面中使用B JSP中定制标记符,实质上就是以标记的形式封装了一个俱有独立功能的Java类C 必须依靠TLD文件实现custom tag到实现类的映射D 是某些厂商自己实现的JSP扩展

考题 单选题Your web application uses a simple architecture in which servlets handle requests and then forward to aJSP using a request dispatcher. You need to pass information calculated by the servlet to the JSP;furthermore, that JSP uses a custom tag and must also process this information. This information mustNOT be accessible to any other servlet, JSP or session in the webapp. How can you accomplish this goal?()A Store the data in a public instance variable in the servlet.B Add an attribute to the request object before using the request dispatcher.C Add an attribute to the context object before using the request dispatcher.D This CANNOT be done as the tag handler has no means to extract this data.

考题 单选题Your web application views all have the same header, which includes the  tag in the  elementof the rendered HTML. You have decided to remove this redundant HTML code from your JSPs and put itinto a single JSP called /WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp. However, the title of each page is unique, so you havedecided to use a variable called pageTitle to parameterize this in the header JSP, like this: 10.${param.pageTitle} Which JSP code snippet should you use in your main view JSPs to insert the header and pass thepageTitle variable?()A jsp:insert page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’. ${pageTitle=’Welcome Page’}. /jsp:insertB jsp:include page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’. ${pageTitle=’Welcome Page’}. /jsp:includeC jsp:include file=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’. ${pageTitle=’Welcome Page’}. /jsp:includeD jsp:insert page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’. jsp:param name=’pageTitle’ value=’Welcome Page’ / . /jsp:insertE jsp:include page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’. jsp:param name=’pageTitle’ value=’Welcome Page’ / . /jsp:include