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Two autonomous networks who wish to exchange routing data should use which of the following protocols?()

  • A、OSPF
  • B、BGP
  • D、IS-IS


更多 “Two autonomous networks who wish to exchange routing data should use which of the following protocols?()A、OSPFB、BGPC、EIGRPD、IS-IS” 相关考题
考题 The connection between two networks from an intemet is handled by a machine known as a() A.bridgeB.serverC.routerD.switch

考题 ● The connection between two networks to form. an internet is handled by a machine known as a (71) .(71)A.bridgeB.clientC.routerD.switch

考题 The connection between two networks to form. an internet is handled by a machine known as a ______.A.bridgeB.clientC.routerD.switch

考题 The author doesn't mention those participants ______ in the London International Financial Futures Exchange( LIFFE ).A.who want to hedge against interest rate fluctuationsB.who wish to hedge against exchange rate fluctuationsC.who bet on which way interest rate will moveD.both A and B

考题 There are two networks sharing the same office space. One network already has an 802.11g accesspoint. The second network acquires one as well. If known, which of the following would help keep the two networks from interfering with each other?()A.ChannelB.WEP keyC.Pre-shared keyD.Encryption type

考题 A customer has two separate storage networks and is planning to implement an SVC to provide for FlashCopy between the two networks. What is the minimum number of ISL ports required?() A.0B.1C.2D.4

考题 Into which two types of areas would an area border router (ABR) inject a default route?() A. stubB. the autonomous system of an exte rior gateway protocol (EGP)C. NSSAD. totally stubbyE. the autonomous system of a different interior gateway protocol (IGP)F. area 0

考题 What technique should be used on BGP edge routers to prevent a multi - homed autonomous system from becoming a trans it system?()A、Advertise with a high MED value all networks that are discovered via external BGP.B、Set the no - export community attribute on all networks that are advertised externally.C、Remove the AS - Path information on all routes in the BGP table pr ior to advertising externally.D、Set the origin code to incomplete for all networks that are discovered via external BGP.E、Only advertise networks externally if they have been discovered via internal BGP.F、Use an outgoing distribution list to filte r all networks not originating from inside the autonomous system.

考题 What is true regarding Autonomous Systems (AS )?()A、AS numbers are assigned by the IANAB、AS numbers are used by BGP (Border Gateway protocol ) to exchange IP routing information with neighboring ASC、In the internet, an Autonomous System (AS) is a collection of IP networks and routers under the controlD、All of the Above

考题 Which two of these statements best describe the benefits of Cisco’s wireless IDS functionality? (Choose two.)  ()A、 AirDefense for wireless IDS is required by autonomous APs.B、 2.40Hz CK management can monitor both 802.11 and non-802.11 CK interference.C、 APs only monitor the RF channels that are servicing the clients.D、 Cisco or CCX compatible client cards can extend the CK IDS service for autonomous APs.E、 Autonomous APs must be dedicated IDS sensors while lightweight APs can combine client traffic and RF monitoring.

考题 A customer has two separate storage networks and is planning to implement an SVC to provide for FlashCopy between the two networks. What is the minimum number of ISL ports required?()A、0B、1C、2D、4

考题 What are two components of the Cisco Autonomous WLAN solution?()A、WCSB、WLSEC、WLCD、WDSE、LWAPP

考题 Into which two types of areas would an area border router (ABR) inject a default route?()A、stubB、the autonomous system of an exte rior gateway protocol (EGP)C、NSSAD、totally stubbyE、the autonomous system of a different interior gateway protocol (IGP)F、area 0

考题 Which two of these statements best describe fast secure roaming? (Choose two.)()  A、 available only in autonomous APsB、 available in autonomous and lightweight APsC、 a feature of WDS in autonomous APsD、 a feature of WDS in lightweight APsE、 requires at least one AP and one Wireless LAN Services Module

考题 The connection between two networks from an intemet is handled by a machine known as a()A、bridgeB、serverC、routerD、switch

考题 A machine must have the most direct access possible to two different networks.  However, it cannot act as a router between the networks.  Which of the following arrangements is most appropriate to facilitate the machine’s accessibility?()A、ipforwarding turned on and two adaptersB、One adapter, with a route to a default gatewayC、An adapter in each network, and ipforwarding offD、An adapter in each network, with a route only to the default gateway

考题 问答题【参考范例六】PART 2Describe a person who is living near of you. You should say: who the person is how you got to know him/her when you became the neighbour and explain why you like to choose this person to talk about.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

考题 单选题A customer has two separate storage networks and is planning to implement an SVC to provide for FlashCopy between the two networks. What is the minimum number of ISL ports required?()A 0B 1C 2D 4

考题 多选题Which two of these statements best describe fast secure roaming? (Choose two.)()Aavailable only in autonomous APsBavailable in autonomous and lightweight APsCa feature of WDS in autonomous APsDa feature of WDS in lightweight APsErequires at least one AP and one Wireless LAN Services Module

考题 单选题What technique should be used on BGP edge routers to prevent a multi - homed autonomous system from becoming a trans it system?()A Advertise with a high MED value all networks that are discovered via external BGP.B Set the no - export community attribute on all networks that are advertised externally.C Remove the AS - Path information on all routes in the BGP table pr ior to advertising externally.D Set the origin code to incomplete for all networks that are discovered via external BGP.E Only advertise networks externally if they have been discovered via internal BGP.F Use an outgoing distribution list to filte r all networks not originating from inside the autonomous system.

考题 多选题What are two components of the Cisco Autonomous WLAN solution?()AWCSBWLSECWLCDWDSELWAPP

考题 多选题Which of the following routing protocols are unable to advertise CIDR networks?() (Select TWO)AOSPFBRIPCEIGRPDIGRPERIPv2

考题 单选题There are two networks sharing the same office space. One network already has an 802.11g accesspoint. The second network acquires one as well. If known, which of the following would help keep the two networks from interfering with each other?()A ChannelB WEP keyC Pre-shared keyD Encryption type

考题 单选题What is true regarding Autonomous Systems (AS )?()A AS numbers are assigned by the IANAB AS numbers are used by BGP (Border Gateway protocol ) to exchange IP routing information with neighboring ASC In the internet, an Autonomous System (AS) is a collection of IP networks and routers under the controlD All of the Above

考题 单选题Two autonomous networks who wish to exchange routing data should use which of the following protocols?()A OSPFB BGPC EIGRPD IS-IS

考题 多选题Which three of the statements below correctly describe the characteristics of Autonomous Systems in routed networks?()AWithin an AS, all routers must run either BGP or IBGP.BAn AS uses exterior gatew ay protocols (EGPs) to exchange information with other autonomous systems.CAn AS is a group of routers under the same technical administration.DWithin an AS, routes learned through BGP can be redistributed using interior gateway protocols.EWi thin an AS, routes learned through an interior protocol cannot be redistributed using BGP to other autonomous systems.

考题 单选题No one is so ______ as the person who has no wish to learn.A sensitiveB arrogantC ignorantD sensible