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The examination will begin at 10:30.Those who come late()to the examination room.

  • A、have not been admitted
  • B、didn’t admit
  • C、will not be admitted
  • D、don’t admit


更多 “The examination will begin at 10:30.Those who come late()to the examination room.A、have not been admittedB、didn’t admitC、will not be admittedD、don’t admit” 相关考题
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考题 The examination will begin at 10:30.Those who come late(  )to the examination room.A.have not been admitted B.didn’t admit C.will not be admitted D.don’t admit

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考题 The examination will begin at 10:30.Those who come late()to the examination room.A、have not been admittedB、didn’t admitC、will not be admittedD、don’t admit

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考题 单选题The examination will begin at 10:30.Those who come late()to the examination room.A have not been admittedB didn’t admitC will not be admittedD don’t admit

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考题 单选题Which of the following will begin a new unit of work?()A The CONNECT statementB The first FETCH of a cursorC The BEGIN TRANSACTION statementD The first executable SQL statement

考题 单选题Theexaminationwillbeginat10:30.Those who come late()to the examination room.A have not been admittedB didn’t admitC will not be admittedD don’t admit

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