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更多 “N沟道MOS管,VGS越向正值方向增大,ID越()” 相关考题
考题 在场效应管放大电路中,测得各极电位分别为UD=6V,US=3V,UG=1V,则该场效应管为()MOS管。 A、N沟道耗尽型B、P沟道耗尽型C、P沟道增强型D、N沟道增强型

考题 以下能够正确计算n!的程序是( )。A.Private Sub Command1_Click()n=5: x=1Dox=x * II=I + 1Loop While I nPrint xEnd SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click()n=5: x=1: I=1Dox=x * II=I + 1Loop While I nPrint xEnd SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click()n=5: x=1: I=1Dox=x * II=I + 1Loop While I =nPrint xEnd SubD.Private Sub Command1_Click()n=5: x=1: I=1Dox=x * II=I + 1Loop While I nPrint xEnd Sub

考题 下面程序的功能是统计字符串中"i"的个数,请填空。Sub COU( )Dim n As Integera$=" Beijing University of Technology"n=Len(a$)For i=1 To nb$=【 】If b$="i" Then x=x+1NextPrint"x=" ; xEnd Sub

考题 结型场效应管的类型有()。 A.N沟道结型场效应管B.P沟道结型场效应管C.N沟道增强型MOS管D.P沟道增强型MOS管E.N沟道耗尽型MOS管F.P沟道耗尽型MOS管

考题 以下能够正确计算n!的程序是A.Private Sub Command1_Chck( ) n=5:x=1 Do x=x*i i=i+1 Loop While i<n Print x End SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click( ) n=5:x=1:i=l Do x=x*i i=i+1 Loop While i<n Print x End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click( ) n=5:x=1:i=l Do x=x*i i=i+1 Loop While i<=n Print x End SubD.Private Sub Command1_Click( ) n=5:x=1:i=l Dox=x*i i=i+1 Loop While i>n Print x End Sub

考题 有如下程序: Private Sub Commandl_Click( ) Dim i As Integer For i=1 To 2 DS Next i End Sub Sub DS( ) Dim x As Integer,m As String Static y,n X=X + 1 y=y + 1 m=m "*”:n=n"#" Print x,y,m,n End Sub 程序运行后,输出的结果是A.1 1 * #B.1 1 * #C.1 1 * # 1 1 * # 1 2 * #D.1 1 * # 1 1 * ## 1 2 * ##

考题 以下能够正确计算n!的程序是A.Private Sub Command1 Click() n=5:x=1 Do x=x * I I=I + 1 Loop While I < n Print x End SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click() n=5:X=1:I=1 Do X=X*I I=I + 1 Loop While I <n Print x End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click() n=5:X=1:I=1 Do X=X * I I=I + 1 Loop While I<=n Print X End SubD.Private Sub Command1_Click() n=5:X=1:I=1 Do x=x * I I=I + 1 Loop While I>n Print X End Sub

考题 下列程序段的运行结果是:Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim n AS Integer I =21: n = 3 do while I>n I=I- n Loop Print IEnd Sub在窗体上打印的结果是______。A.3B.5C.6D.8

考题 在窗体上画一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1 Click() a = 2 For i=1 To 3 Call funl(i,A)Next i x = i + 2 Print x;a End Sub Private Sub fun1(n,m) m=m + n * 2 n = n + m End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,则窗体上显示的内容是A.1 5B.4 5C.8 4D.3 4

考题 设有如下程序: Private Sub search(a()As Variant,ByVal key As Variant,index%) Dim I% For I = Lbound(a)To Ubound(A)If key=a(I)Then index=I Exit Sub End If Next I index=-1 End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Show Dim b()As Variant Dim n As Integer b=Array(21,64,92,15,72,38,45,72) Call search(b, 45, n) Print n End Sub 程序运行后,输出的结果是A.2B.6C.10D.12

考题 以下能够正确计算n! 的程序是( )。A.Private Sub Command1_Click( ) n=5:x=l Do x=x*i i=i+1 Loop While i < n Print x End SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click( ) n=5:x=1:i=1 Do x=x*i i=i+1 Loop While i < n Print x End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Cliek( ) n:5:x=1:i=1 Do x=x* i i:i+1 Loop While i < = n Print x End SubD.Private Sub Command1_Cliek( ) n=5:x:1:i=1 Do x=x*i i=j+1 Loop While i > n Print x End Sub

考题 单击命令按钮后,下列程序代码的执行结果是______。Public Sub fun (a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer)Doa=b+ cn=n+1Loop While n > 3End SubPrivate Sub command1_ click()Dim m As Integer, n As Integer, i As IntegerFor i = 0 To 2: m = n + 1: Next iFor i = 1 To 2: Call fun (m, n, i): Next iFor i = 0 To 3Print m;Next iEnd Sub

考题 在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程: Sub BTC(old Copy( ) As Integer,new Copy( ) As Integer) Dim i AS Integer For i=LBound(oldCopy( ))To UBound(oldCopy( )) newCopy(i)=oldCopy(i) Next i End Sub Private Sub Command1 _ Click( ) Dimm(10) As Integer,n(10)As Integer For i=1 To 10 m(i) =i*i Next i Call BTC(m,n) Print n(5) End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮输出结果为A.0B.2C.10D.25

考题 编写如下事件过程: Option Base 1 Private Sub Form Click() Dim x1()As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim s As Integer ReDim x1(3) For i = 1 To UBound(x1) x1(i)=i + 1 Next i Call sub1(x1) For i = 1 To UBound(x1) s = s + x1(i) Next i Print s End Sub Private Sub sub1(n()As Integer) Dim i As Integer ReDim Preserve n(5) For i = 3 To 5 n(i)=n(i-1)*2 Next i End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,则窗体上显示的内容是A.6B.12C.24D.47

考题 以下能够正确计算n!的程序是______。A.Private Sub Commeadl_Click() n=5: x=1 Do x=x*i i=i+1 Loop While i<n Print x End SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click() n=5: x=1: i=1 Do x=x*i i=i+1 Loop While i<n Print x End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click() n=5: x=1: i=1 Do x=x*i i=i+1 Loop Whilei<=n Print x End SubD.Private Sub Commsndl_Click() n=5: x=1: i=1 Do x=x*i i=i+1 Loop While i>n Print x End Sub

考题 以下能够正确计算n!的程序是( )。A.Pfivate Sub Commgld1_LClick() n=5:x=1 Do x=x*1 i=i+1 Loop Whilei<nB.Private Sub Command1_Click() n=5:x=1:i=1 Do x=x*1 i=i+1 Loop Whilei<n Print x End SubC.Pfivate Sub Command1_ C1ick() n=5:x=1:i=1 Do X=X*1 i=i+1 Loop While i<=nD.Private Sub Command1_C1ick() n=5:x=1:i=1 Do X=X*1 i=i+1 Loop While i>n Print x End Sub

考题 以下能够正确计算n!的程序是( )。A.Private Sub Commandl_C1ick()B.hiVate Sub Commandl_C1ick() n=5:x=1 n=5:x=1:i=1 DO DO X=x*1 X=X*1 i=i+1 i=i+1 Loop while i<n Loop While<n Print x Ptinte x End Sub End SubC.Private Sub Commandl_Click ()D.Pdvate Sub Commandl C1ick() n=5:X=1:i=1 n=5=:x=1:i=1 DO DO X=X*1 X=X*1 i=i+1 i=i+1 Loop While i>n Print x Print x End Sub End Sub

考题 单极型集成电路不包含().A、普通晶体管(NPN管或PNP管)B、P沟道MOS管C、N沟道MOS管D、互补型MOS(即CMOS)

考题 对于绝缘栅场效应管,无论增强型还是耗尽型,只要是N沟道器件,UDS应为负值,衬底接最低电位,UGS越向正值方向增大,硒越小

考题 结型场效应管的类型有()。A、N沟道结型场效应管B、P沟道结型场效应管C、N沟道增强型MOS管D、P沟道增强型MOS管E、N沟道耗尽型MOS管F、P沟道耗尽型MOS管

考题 场效应管的类型有()。A、结型场效应管B、绝缘栅型场效应管C、N沟道增强型MOS管D、P沟道增强型MOS管E、N沟道耗尽型MOS管F、P沟道耗尽型MOS管

考题 MOS种类分为?()A、P沟道场管B、Q沟道场管C、D沟道场管D、N沟道场管

考题 UGS=0V时,不能够工作在恒流区的场效应管有()。A、N沟道结型管B、增强型MOS管C、耗尽型MOS管D、P沟道结型管

考题 衬底为N型硅片的MOS管就是N沟道MOS场效应管。

考题 某场效应管的IDSS为6mA,而IDQ自源极流出,大小为8mA,则该管是()A、P沟道耗尽型MOS管B、N沟道耗尽型MOS管C、P沟道增强型MOS管D、N沟道增强型MOS管

考题 P沟道耗尽型MOS管的夹断电压VP为()。A、正值B、负值C、零

考题 CMOS反相器基本电路包括()A、P沟道增强型MOS管和N沟道增强型MOS管B、P沟道耗尽型MOS管和N沟道耗尽型MOS管C、P沟道增强型MOS管和N沟道耗尽型MOS管D、P沟道耗尽型MOS管和N沟道增强型MOS型