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How to check if the LGW has successfully registered to MGC


更多 “How to check if the LGW has successfully registered to MGC” 相关考题
考题 How many securities do you need to ________ there?A.check the orderB.keep the orderC.stand in lineD.join forces

考题 According to Paragraph 2, some organizations check their systems to find out[A] whether there is any weak point.[B] what sort of data has been stolen.[C] who is responsible for the leakage.[D] how the potential spies can be located.

考题 听力原文:M: I want to cash this check for my mother, but the teller told me to bring it here.W: Yes, Sir. That's an out-of-town personal check. We wouldn't be able to cash it for you until the proceeds are collected from the paying bank.Q: How will the bank deal with the man's check?(18)A.The bank will cash the check immediately.B.The bank will issue a new bank account and deposit the money for him.C.The bank will cash it for him until the proceeds are collected from the paying bank.D.The bank will endorse the check before payment.

考题 How do you verify connectivity between the default gateway and a WX device?() A. Check the WX device remote interface and verify that the status is up.B. From the WX device, ping the default gateway to make sure it is reachable.C. In WebView, check the service tunnel status under Compression Basic Endpoints.D. In WebView, check the remote routes under Compression Advanced Remote Routes.

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考题 The Business Partner technical specialist is called to check if the addition of host ports on an IBM System Storage DS8000 system has improved users’ response times for an IBM System p server running SAP.  How can the improvement be verified()A、check the output of the vmstat command on AIXB、check the performance reports via TotalStorage Productivity Center for DataC、check the performance reports via TotalStorage Productivity Center for DiskD、check the improvement through the TotalStorage Expert report

考题 How can it be determined if the IMS Server (below Version 8.0) is configured for "Active Directory (AD) deployment type 1" or "AD deployment type 2"?()A、Check the server.xml on the IMS Server.B、Check the database table IMSSyncDataType.C、Check the System policies in the AccessAdmin.D、Check the IMS Server settings of the IMS Configuration Utility.

考题 获得LGW上所有用户和单个用户状态的命令是什么?

考题 LGW对于用户有电无音的申告,可能的原因有以下哪几个( )A、软交换未正确发送要求LGW监控摘机事件的信令,导致LGW无法上报摘机事件B、LGW上的DSP或CODEC不正常C、LGW上该用户的端口状态是OPR的D、该用户在LGW上的实际状态是parking的

考题 当前发布到现场的LGW版本是支持ISDN用户的。

考题 The Business Partner technical specialist is called to determine if the addition of host ports on an IBM System Storage DS8700 has improved users’ response times for an IBM System p server running SAP.  How can the improvement be verified()A、check the output of the "vmstat" command on LINUXB、check the performance reports via Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for DataC、check the performance reports via Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for DiskD、check the output of the "iostat" command on AIX

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考题 A system administrator is considering enabling the 64-bit kernel but first must determine if the system hardware will support 64-bit. How would this be accomplished in AIX 5L?()A、prtconf -cB、lscfg -v sys0C、Check the /unix linkD、Check for JFS2 filesystems

考题 You install a new CD-ROM on your computer. After installing the appropriate drivers and restarting the computer you notice that it is not working correctly. You check resources and find out that it is not using “Automatic resource settings”. How do you get your CDROM to work? ()A、Check ‘Use Automatic Settings’B、Update the drivesC、Use the windows troubleshooterD、Manually set the interrupt,I/O port, and memory address to that of the hardware manufacturers specifications.

考题 Users report that some shortcuts on the Start menu of their Windows 2000 professional computers are hidden. They want to access their shortcuts without having to click a scroll arrow. How must you configure the client computers to always display all Start menu shortcuts? ()A、In the Folder Options dialog box, clear the Enable Web content check box in My Desktop  PropertiesB、In the Display Properties dialog box, clear the Transition effects for menus and tooltips check  boxC、In the Folder Options dialog box, clear the Hide file extensions for known file types check  boxD、In the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog box, clear the Use Personalized Menus  check box.

考题 单选题An administrator learns that users are unable to login to a server via ssh.  After making a telnet connection to the server, how can the administrator check the status of the sshd subsystem?()A lssys -a comB lssys -a sshdC lssrc -s sshdD lssrc -s tcpip

考题 单选题How do you verify connectivity between the default gateway and a WX device?()A Check the WX device remote interface and verify that the status is up.B From the WX device, ping the default gateway to make sure it is reachable.C In WebView, check the service tunnel status under Compression Basic Endpoints.D In WebView, check the remote routes under Compression Advanced Remote Routes.

考题 单选题Users report that some shortcuts on the Start menu of their Windows 2000 professional computers are hidden. They want to access their shortcuts without having to click a scroll arrow. How must you configure the client computers to always display all Start menu shortcuts? ()A In the Folder Options dialog box, clear the Enable Web content check box in My Desktop  PropertiesB In the Display Properties dialog box, clear the Transition effects for menus and tooltips check  boxC In the Folder Options dialog box, clear the Hide file extensions for known file types check  boxD In the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog box, clear the Use Personalized Menus  check box.

考题 单选题Companycom wants to know how to keep track of the latest level of microcode for their p5 systems to stay current. What is the best way to monitor for new microcode?()A Run lscfg -vl, and check the ROM levelsB Run cfgmgr -v, and check the ROM levelsC Run inventory scout, and check the installed levelsD Run lslpp -l grep devices, and check the filesets installed

考题 单选题If your vessel is equipped with inflatable liferafts,how should they be maintained?()A Have your crew check them annuallyB They do not need any maintenanceC Have them sent ashore to an approved maintenance facility annuallyD Have them serviced by the shipyard annually

考题 单选题Why did mother go to see Dagmar in the hospital?A To give her some message about dad.B To make sure her room was clean.C To check that she was still there.D To find out how she was.