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说明语句enum money{Fen,Jiao,Yuan=100,Tenyuan};每个枚举量所对应的实际值为:()。

  • A、0,1,100,101
  • B、1,2,100,101
  • C、“Fen"或1,"Jiao"或2,"Yuan"或100,"Tenyuan"或101.
  • D、“Fen","Jiao","Yuan","Tenyuan".


更多 “说明语句enum money{Fen,Jiao,Yuan=100,Tenyuan};每个枚举量所对应的实际值为:()。A、0,1,100,101B、1,2,100,101C、“Fen"或1,"Jiao"或2,"Yuan"或100,"Tenyuan"或101.D、“Fen","Jiao","Yuan","Tenyuan".” 相关考题
考题 以下对枚举类型名的定义中正确的是( )。 A.Enum a={one,two,three};B.Enum a {a1,a2,a3};C.Enum a={''1'',''2'',''3''};D.Enum a {"one","two","three"};

考题 以下对枚举类型名的定义中正确的是______。A.enum a={one,two,three};B.enum a{on=9,two=-1,three};C.enum a={"one","two","three"};D.enum a{"one","two","three"};

考题 听力原文:M: I'm leaving for America and still have some RMB with me. There is about 700 yuan left. Can I change it back into US dollars?W: Yes, we can convert your leftover RMB back into foreign money.Q: How much RMB yuan does the customer want to exchange for US dollars?(19)A.700 yuan.B.600 yuan.C.650 yuan.D.750 yuan.

考题 – How much money do you want to deposit today? -- ___________.A、Two thousand Yuan.B、That’s wonderful.C、I like it.D、See you around.

考题 设计一组测试用例,尽量使main函数的语句覆盖率能达到100%。如果认为该函数的语句覆盖率无法达到100%,需要说明原因。

考题 以下对枚举类型名的定义中正确的是______。A.enum a={one,two,three};B.enum a{one=9,two=-1,three};C.enum a={"one","two","three"};D.enum a{"one","two","three"};

考题 执行下列语句后的输出结果为______。enum {x1=3,b=4,C,d,e}data;printf("%d",data=d);A.6B.7C.8D.9

考题 在Turbo C中,此定义和语句是合法的:enum aa{ a=5,b,c}bb;bb=(enum aa)5;( )此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 在100BASE-TX的24 口jiao换机中,若采用全双工通信,每个端口通信的数据速率最大可以达到()。A.8.3Mb/s B.16.7Mb/s C.100Mb/s D.200Mb/s

考题 阅读下列说明和C++代码,将应填入 (n) 处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。 【说明】 某大型购物中心欲开发一套收银软件,要求其能够支持购物中心在不同时期推出的各 种促销活动,如打折、返利(例如,满300返100)等等。现采用策略(Strategy)模式实现该要求,得到如图5-1所示的类图。 图5-1 策略模式类图 【C++代码】 #include using namespace std; enum TYPE{NORMAL, CASH_DISCOUNT, CASH_RETURN}; class CashSuper{ public: (1); }; class CashNormal : public CashSuper { //正常收费子类 public: double acceptCash(double money) { retum money; } }; class CashDiscount : public CashSuper { private: double moneyDiscount; // 折扣率 public: CashDiscount(double discount) { moneyDiscount= discount; } double acceptCash(double money) { retum money * moneyDiscount; } }; class CashRetum : public CashSuper { // 满额返利 private: double moneyCondition; // 满额数额 double moneyReturn; // 返利数额 public: CashRetnm(double motieyCondition, double moneyReturn) { this->moneyCondition=moneyCondition; this->moneyReturn=moneyRetum; } double acceptCash(double money) { double result = money; if(money>=moneyCondition) result=money-(int)(money/moneyCondition ) * moneyRetum; return result ; } }; class CashContext { private: CashSuper *cs; public: CashContext(int type) { switch(type) { case NORMAL: //正常收费 (2) ; break; case CASH_RETURN: //满300返100 (3) ; break; case CASH_DISCOUNT: //打八折 (4) ; break; } } double GetResult(double money) { (5) ; } }; //此处略去main( )函数

考题 阅读下列说明和Java代码,将应填入 (n) 处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。 【说明】 某大型购物中心欲开发一套收银软件,要求其能够支持购物中心在不同时期推出的各种促销活动,如打折、返利(例如,满300返100)等等。现采用策略(Strategy)模式实现该要求,得到如图6-1所示的类图。 import javA.util.*; enum TYPE { NORMAL, CASH_DISCOUNT, CASH_RETURN}; interface CashSuper { public (1) ; } class CashNormal implements CashSuper{ // 正常收费子类 public double accptCash(double money){ return money; } } class CashDiscount implements CashSuper { private double moneyDiscount; // 折扣率 public CashDiscount(double moneyDiscount) { this moneyDiscount = moneyDiscount; } public double acceptCash(double money) { return money* moneyDiscount; } } class CashReturn implements CashSuper { // 满额返利 private double moneyCondition; private double moneyReturn; public CashReturn(double moneyCondition, double moneyReturn) { this.moneyCondition =moneyCondition; // 满额数额 this.moneyReturn =moneyReturn; // 返利数额 } public double acceptCash(double money) { double result = money; if(money >= moneyCondition ) result=money-Math.floor(money/moneyCondition ) * moneyReturn; return result; } } class CashContext_{ private CashSuper cs; private TYPE t; public CashContext(TYPE t) { switch(t){ case NORMAL: // 正常收费 (2) ; break; case CASH_DISCOUNT: // 满300返100 (3) ; break; case CASH_RETURN: // 打8折 (4) ; break; } } public double GetResult(double money) { (5) ; } ∥此处略去main( )函数 }

考题 Beads, stones, seashells, paper, precious metals such as gold and silver, base metals such as iron have all been used as money. Today, money is printed on paper. A lot of countries use their own currency, with n ames such as dollar, pound, franc, ruble, yuan and so on. Since 2002, 18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins. If you want to pay for something in another currency, you have to change your money into the other money. If you want to travel outside your native country, you need to change your own country's money for the money of the country you are visiting. Most large banks sell foreign currencies. You can exchange money at a bank or at an office of a tourist agency Wherever you go, exchanging money puts you in touch with international finance, which is concerned with exchange rates between different currencies. Deciding the rate for the international exchange of money is one of the most complex aspects of international banking. This best title for this passage is The history of money".

考题 “We will offer you 100 Yuan for immediate necessities”译成中文是“()”

考题 Beads, stones, seashells, paper, precious metals such as gold and silver, base metals such as iron have all been used as money. Today, money is printed on paper. A lot of countries use their own currency, with n ames such as dollar, pound, franc, ruble, yuan and so on. Since 2002, 18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins. If you want to pay for something in another currency, you have to change your money into the other money. If you want to travel outside your native country, you need to change your own country's money for the money of the country you are visiting. Most large banks sell foreign currencies. You can exchange money at a bank or at an office of a tourist agency Wherever you go, exchanging money puts you in touch with international finance, which is concerned with exchange rates between different currencies. Deciding the rate for the international exchange of money is one of the most complex aspects of international banking. Euro is available in all EU member countries.

考题 以下对枚举类型的定义,正确的是()A、 enum a={one,two,three};B、 enum a{a1,a2,a3};C、 enum a{‘1’,’2’,’3’};D、 enum a{ “one”,”two”,”three” };

考题 以下对枚举类型名的定义中正确的是()。A、enum a {"sum","mon","tue"};B、enum a={sum,mon,tue};C、enum a={"sum","mon","tue"};D、enum a {sum=9,mon=-1,tue};

考题 翻译以下关于邮政储蓄取款业务有关对话。 ①Customer: I want to withdraw 100,000yuan. ②Clerk: Have you made an appointment? ③Customer: No. ④Clerk: Sorry. If you withdraw the money over 50,000, you should make an appointment at least one day before.

考题 填空题翻译以下关于邮政储蓄取款业务有关对话。 ①Customer: I want to withdraw 100,000yuan. ②Clerk: Have you made an appointment? ③Customer: No. ④Clerk: Sorry. If you withdraw the money over 50,000, you should make an appointment at least one day before.

考题 多选题A:I want to buy some stamps with different face values .B:Special stamps?A:Yes.B:We have stamps of(    ).A60fenB2yuansC60fensD3yuan20fen

考题 单选题变量的类型定义中,优先级由高到低的顺序为()A 类型说明语句、IMPLICIT 说明语句、隐含约定B 隐含约定、IMPLICIT 说明语句、类型说明语句C IMPLICIT 说明语句、类型说明语句、隐含约定D 隐含约定、类型说明语句、IMPLICIT 说明语句

考题 单选题以下是一些C#中的枚举型的定义,其中错误的用法有()。A public enum var1{Mike=100,Nike=102,Jike}B public enum var1{Mike=100,Nike,Jike}C public enum var1{Mike=-1,Nike,Jike}D public enum var1{Mike,Nike,Jike}

考题 单选题—______pocket money do you usually get every month?—Fifty yuan. What about you?A How oftenB How longC How manyD How much

考题 单选题A:How much()they? B:Two yuan twenty fen.A isB areC wasD were

考题 单选题设有下列数组说明语句:  REAL::A(1:10,-1:10)  该数组说明语句定义了数组A中的元素个数为()A 100B 110C 120D 121

考题 判断题Beads, stones, seashells, paper, precious metals such as gold and silver, base metals such as iron have all been used as money. Today, money is printed on paper. A lot of countries use their own currency, with n ames such as dollar, pound, franc, ruble, yuan and so on. Since 2002, 18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins. If you want to pay for something in another currency, you have to change your money into the other money. If you want to travel outside your native country, you need to change your own country's money for the money of the country you are visiting. Most large banks sell foreign currencies. You can exchange money at a bank or at an office of a tourist agency Wherever you go, exchanging money puts you in touch with international finance, which is concerned with exchange rates between different currencies. Deciding the rate for the international exchange of money is one of the most complex aspects of international banking. Currency means money in the form of paper.A 对B 错

考题 判断题Beads, stones, seashells, paper, precious metals such as gold and silver, base metals such as iron have all been used as money. Today, money is printed on paper. A lot of countries use their own currency, with n ames such as dollar, pound, franc, ruble, yuan and so on. Since 2002, 18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins. If you want to pay for something in another currency, you have to change your money into the other money. If you want to travel outside your native country, you need to change your own country's money for the money of the country you are visiting. Most large banks sell foreign currencies. You can exchange money at a bank or at an office of a tourist agency Wherever you go, exchanging money puts you in touch with international finance, which is concerned with exchange rates between different currencies. Deciding the rate for the international exchange of money is one of the most complex aspects of international banking. Foreign exchange rates have significant impact on the economy of a country.A 对B 错

考题 单选题以下对枚举类型的定义,正确的是()A  enum a={one,two,three};B  enum a{a1,a2,a3};C  enum a{‘1’,’2’,’3’};D  enum a{ “one”,”two”,”three” };