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更多 “DTP技术是指()。” 相关考题
考题 在普通PS版材上直接制作印版可以表示为()。 A.CTPB.CTFC.CTCPD.DTP

考题 下列哪种模式不属于DTP(). A.onB.DesirableC.AutoD.Active

考题 关于DTP协议说法正确的是(). A.DTP协议是用来动态的协商vlan接口的B.DTP协议的目的地址是cisco私有的C.DTP协议可以自动协商vtp信息D.DTP协议是第3层的

考题 DTP是什么板?功能是什么?

考题 写出中软DTP板的功能及AL灯、M灯、S灯、S0灯的含义

考题 对DTP板S0灯S1灯做环路故障分析

考题 SwitchR1hasbeenconfiguredwithDTPusingthedesirableoption.WhichstatementdescribesDynamicTrunkingProtocol(DTP)desirablemode?() A.Theinterfaceactivelyattemptstoconvertthelinktoatrunklink.B.TheinterfaceisputintopermanenttrunkingmodebutpreventedfromgeneratingDTPframes.C.Theinterfaceisputintopermanenttrunkingmodeandnegotiatestoconvertthelinkintoatrunklink.D.Theinterfaceisputintoapassivemode,waitingtoconvertthelinktoatrunklink.E.Noneoftheotheralternativesapply

考题 Which two of these are recommended practices with trunks? () A. use ISL encapsulationB. use 802.1q encapsulationC. set ISL to desirable and auto with encapsulation negotiate to support ILS protocol negotiationD. use VTP server mode to support dynamic propagation of VLAN information across the networkE. set DTP to desirable and desirable with encapsulation negotiate to support DTP protocol negotiation.

考题 在普通PS版材上直接制作印版可以表示为()。A、CTPB、CTFC、CTCPD、DTP

考题 关于DTP协议说法正确的是().A、DTP协议是用来动态的协商vlan接口的B、DTP协议的目的地址是cisco私有的C、DTP协议可以自动协商vtp信息D、DTP协议是第3层的

考题 What parameter can be different on ports within an EtherChannel?()A、speedB、DTP negotiation settingsC、trunk encapsulationD、duplex

考题 Which two of these are recommended practices with trunks? ()A、 use ISL encapsulationB、 use 802.1q encapsulationC、 set ISL to desirable and auto with encapsulation negotiate to support ILS protocol negotiationD、 use VTP server mode to support dynamic propagation of VLAN information across the network E、 set DTP to desirable and desirable with encapsulation negotiate to support DTP protocol negotiation.

考题 Switch R1 has been configured with DTP using the desirable option.  Which statement describes  Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) desirable mode?()A、 The interface actively attempts to convert the link to a trunk link.B、 The interface is put into permanent trunking mode but prevented from generating DTP frames.  C、 The interface is put into permanent trunking mode and negotiates to convert the link into a trunk  link.D、 The interface is put into a passive mode, waiting to convert the link to a trunk link.  E、 None of the other alternatives apply

考题 DTP的含义是()。A、电脑印前设计B、图文设计与编排系统C、电脑输出设计D、电脑输入处理

考题 DTP指的是()。A、直接制版技术B、彩色印前系统C、桌面彩色复制D、桌面出版系统

考题 下列哪种模式不属于DTP().A、onB、DesirableC、AutoD、Active

考题 Which two of these are recommended practices with trunks?()A、use ISL encapsulationB、use 802.1q encapsulationC、set ISL to desirable and auto with encapsulation negotiate to support ILS protocol negotiationD、use VTP server mode to support dynamic propagation of VLAN information across the networkE、set DTP to desirable and desirable with encapsulation negotiate to support DTP protocol negotiation

考题 You need to configure a new Company switch to support DTP.  Which DTP switchport mode  parameter sets the switch port to actively send and respond to DTP negotiation frames? ()A、 AccessB、 No negotiateC、 TrunkD、 Dynamic desirableE、 Dynamic autoF、 None of the other alternatives apply

考题 单选题Switch R1 has been configured with DTP using the desirable option.  Which statement describes  Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) desirable mode?()A  The interface actively attempts to convert the link to a trunk link.B  The interface is put into permanent trunking mode but prevented from generating DTP frames.  C  The interface is put into permanent trunking mode and negotiates to convert the link into a trunk  link.D  The interface is put into a passive mode, waiting to convert the link to a trunk link.  E  None of the other alternatives apply

考题 填空题DTP技术是指()。

考题 单选题You need to configure a new Company switch to support DTP.  Which DTP switchport mode  parameter sets the switch port to actively send and respond to DTP negotiation frames? ()A  AccessB  No negotiateC  TrunkD  Dynamic desirableE  Dynamic autoF  None of the other alternatives apply

考题 多选题在以下的细胞因子中,作用于血小板的是( )AIL-1BIL-2CIL-11DTP0EIL-12

考题 单选题CTT2000L/M分系统DTP数字中继板控制提供()接口A AB BC CD D

考题 多选题Which two of these are recommended practices with trunks?()Ause ISL encapsulationBuse 802.1q encapsulationCset ISL to desirable and auto with encapsulation negotiate to support ILS protocol negotiationDuse VTP server mode to support dynamic propagation of VLAN information across the networkEset DTP to desirable and desirable with encapsulation negotiate to support DTP protocol negotiation

考题 单选题根据《中图法》的分类标准,鲁迅《朝花夕拾》的分类号是()A A169.3B I210.4C R289.5D TP319.4

考题 单选题目前电信领域时间传递主要采用的方式不包括()A NTPB PTPC 1588V2D TP

考题 单选题DTP指的是()。A 直接制版技术B 彩色印前系统C 桌面彩色复制D 桌面出版系统