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Comet S31 10KVA不间断电源系统切换到手动维修旁路的位置的操作的正确顺序是()。
- A、停止逆变器、等待内部控制电源下电、断开电池开关和整流器的电源输入开关、将手动维修旁路开关悬转到维修旁路为置(BYPASS位置)
- B、停止逆变器、断开电池开关和整流器的电源输入开关、等待内部控制电源下电、将手动维修旁路开关悬转到维修旁路为置(BYPASS位置)
- C、断开电池开关和整流器的电源输入开关、等待内部控制电源下电、停止逆变器、将手动维修旁路开关悬转到维修旁路为置(BYPASS位置)
- D、断开电池开关和整流器的电源输入开关、停止逆变器、等待内部控制电源下电、将手动维修旁路开关悬转到维修旁路为置(BYPASS位置)
更多 “Comet S31 10KVA不间断电源系统切换到手动维修旁路的位置的操作的正确顺序是()。A、停止逆变器、等待内部控制电源下电、断开电池开关和整流器的电源输入开关、将手动维修旁路开关悬转到维修旁路为置(BYPASS位置)B、停止逆变器、断开电池开关和整流器的电源输入开关、等待内部控制电源下电、将手动维修旁路开关悬转到维修旁路为置(BYPASS位置)C、断开电池开关和整流器的电源输入开关、等待内部控制电源下电、停止逆变器、将手动维修旁路开关悬转到维修旁路为置(BYPASS位置)D、断开电池开关和整流器的电源输入开关、停止逆变器、等待内部控制电源下电、将手动维修旁路开关悬转到维修旁路为置(BYPASS位置)” 相关考题
Mrs.Sylria Wilkins,____________avid amateur astronomer from New York, reports a sighting of____________unidentified comet.A. /; the
B. an; the
C. /; /
D.an; an
站用交流电源系统可研初设审查验收,站用交流不间断电源系统配置:提供交流不间断电源(UPS)的负荷统计报告,确定交流不间断电源(UPS)容量。交流不间断电源(UPS)用蓄电池容量选择应满足:当交流供电中断时,不间断电源系统应能保证( )小时事故供电。0.5$; $8$; $1$; $2
站用交流电源系统可研初设审查验收标准卡中,站用交流不间断电源系统配置的验收标准为( )。(A)110kV及以下电压等级变电站,宜配置1套站用交流不间断电源装置,220kV及以上电压等级变电站应配置1套站用交流不间断电源装置,特高压变电站、换流站每个区域宜配置2套站用交流不间断电源装置 (B)110kV及以下电压等级变电站,宜配置1套站用交流不间断电源装置,220kV及以上电压等级变电站应配置2套站用交流不间断电源装置,特高压变电站、换流站每个区域宜配置2套站用交流不间断电源装置 (C)提供交流不间断电源(UPS)的负荷统计报告,确定交流不间断电源(UPS)容量,交流不间断电源(UPS)用蓄电池容量选择
New Comet FoundThere's a newfound comet closing in on the sun,and when it gets here in 2013,you may be able to see it with your naked eye.Astronomers stumbled upon the icy interloper on June 5 while searching for potentially hazardous asteroids(小行星).Equipped with the world's largest digital camera , the University of Hawaii's Pan-STARRS team snagged a faint image of the odd object while it was more than 700 million miles away , between the orbits of Jupiter(木星)and Saturn(土星)."Almost everything we find is an asteroid,but this object was suspicious,"said Richard Wainscoat,co-discoverer of the comet and an astronomer at the University of Hawaii."Unlike asteroids, which appear point-like in images,the telltale sign that gave it away was its fuzzy appearance."By March 2013 the comet,named C/2011 L4(PANSTARRS),is expected to come within 30 million miles of the sun一closer even than the innermost(最深处)planet, Mercury(水星).When the comet makes its closest approach to the sun,most of its ices will vaporize,adding to its hazy envelope of gas and dust and producing the familiar tail. This denser envelope,or coma, should boost the comet to peak brightness,making it potentially visible to the naked eye low in the western horizon just after sunset.While there is no danger of collision with Earth,preliminary calculations of the comet's orbit show that this may be its first and final trip through the solar system."It may be coming around the sun for the first and only time,only to be ejected from the solar system,never to return,"Wainscoat said."Since we don't have a lot of data on it,we really don't know the orbit well enough right now, and it will take up to two months of observations to find out."Astronomers believe C/2011 L4 may be a runaway from the Oort cloud(奥尔特云),a reservoir of billions of hibernating(蛰伏)comets that orbits about 100,000 times farther than the distance between Earth and the sun.The fact that it's going around the back of the sun from our point of view may ultimately affect the comet's visibility,but a lot will depend on how close the body actually gets to the sun.Also, whether the comet is north or south of the sun when it reaches peak brightness will determine which hemisphere on Earth gets the better view.The newfound comet is made from mercury.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentiond
New Comet FoundThere's a newfound comet closing in on the sun,and when it gets here in 2013,you may be able to see it with your naked eye.Astronomers stumbled upon the icy interloper on June 5 while searching for potentially hazardous asteroids(小行星).Equipped with the world's largest digital camera , the University of Hawaii's Pan-STARRS team snagged a faint image of the odd object while it was more than 700 million miles away , between the orbits of Jupiter(木星)and Saturn(土星)."Almost everything we find is an asteroid,but this object was suspicious,"said Richard Wainscoat,co-discoverer of the comet and an astronomer at the University of Hawaii."Unlike asteroids, which appear point-like in images,the telltale sign that gave it away was its fuzzy appearance."By March 2013 the comet,named C/2011 L4(PANSTARRS),is expected to come within 30 million miles of the sun一closer even than the innermost(最深处)planet, Mercury(水星).When the comet makes its closest approach to the sun,most of its ices will vaporize,adding to its hazy envelope of gas and dust and producing the familiar tail. This denser envelope,or coma, should boost the comet to peak brightness,making it potentially visible to the naked eye low in the western horizon just after sunset.While there is no danger of collision with Earth,preliminary calculations of the comet's orbit show that this may be its first and final trip through the solar system."It may be coming around the sun for the first and only time,only to be ejected from the solar system,never to return,"Wainscoat said."Since we don't have a lot of data on it,we really don't know the orbit well enough right now, and it will take up to two months of observations to find out."Astronomers believe C/2011 L4 may be a runaway from the Oort cloud(奥尔特云),a reservoir of billions of hibernating(蛰伏)comets that orbits about 100,000 times farther than the distance between Earth and the sun.The fact that it's going around the back of the sun from our point of view may ultimately affect the comet's visibility,but a lot will depend on how close the body actually gets to the sun.Also, whether the comet is north or south of the sun when it reaches peak brightness will determine which hemisphere on Earth gets the better view.C/2011 L4 will hit Earth in 2013.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentiond
狮子座流星雨与哪颗彗星有关? ()A、谭普-塔特尔彗星 (Comet Temple-Tuttle)B、斯威夫特-塔特尔彗星 (Comet Swift-Tuttle)C、池-谷关彗星 (Comet Ikeya-Saki)
单选题狮子座流星雨与哪颗彗星有关? ()A
谭普-塔特尔彗星 (Comet Temple-Tuttle)B
斯威夫特-塔特尔彗星 (Comet Swift-Tuttle)C
池-谷关彗星 (Comet Ikeya-Saki)