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()payment of the hire the Owners may withdraw the Vessel from the service of Charterers,without prejudice to any claim Owners may otherwise have on Charterers under this Charter.

In the event of


In default of


In spite of


In respect of


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更多 “单选题()payment of the hire the Owners may withdraw the Vessel from the service of Charterers,without prejudice to any claim Owners may otherwise have on Charterers under this Charter.A In the event ofB In default ofC In spite ofD In respect of” 相关考题
考题 材料:If,by reason of or in compliance with any such directions or recommendations,the vessel does not proceed to the port or ports named in the Bill of Lading or to which she may have been ordered pursuant thereto,the Vessel may proceed to any port as directed or recommended or to any safe port which the Owners in their discretion may decide on and there discharge the cargo.Such discharge shall be deemed to be due fulfillment of the contract of affreightment and the Owners shall be entitled to freight as if discharge had been effected at the port or ports named in the Bill of Lading or to which the Vessel may have been ordered pursuant thereto.问题:If the vessel does not, under the directions of the Charterer, proceed to the port or ports named in the Bill of Lading or to which she may have been ordered pursuant thereto to, she may proceed to all the following ports except ______ .A.any port as directedB.any port as recommendedC.any safe port which the Owners in their discretion may decide onD.the port or ports of originAt the substituted port, the carrier is entitled to ______ freight if he had dilivered full cargo there.A.full freightB.half freightC.no freightD.reasonable freightThe contract of affreightment is referred to ______ .A.a contract of carriage by which the carrier is entitled to carry certain amount of cargo in a specified time by any vessel or vessels either belonging to himself or to othersB.a contract of carriage, such as GenconC.a contract of tradeD.a contract of salesThis is a ______ .A.a clause of a contractB.an explanation of a clause in a contractC.a requirement from a governmentD.an article of an international convention请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 A vessel is found to be seaworthy after a complaint in writing to the American Consul by the Chief and Second Mates. The cost of the survey is to be paid by the ______.A.American ConsulB.Chief and Second MatesC.Vessel's agentD.vessel's owners

考题 Off hire is when a vessel breaks down,strands,or has any damage that prevents the working of cargo or delays the sailing of the vessel.Under which of the following charter parties is off hire most likely to be mentioned? ______.A.BareboatB.VoyageC.TimeD.Lease

考题 According to SINOTIME Charter In the event of loss of time due to __________,hire will not cease.A.detention of or interference with the Vessel by any authorities in consequence of legal action against,or breach of regulations by the Owners,Master,Officers or CrewB.stoppages resulting from any breach of this Charter by the OwnersC.deviation,putting back or putting into any port other than that to which she is bound under the instructions of Charterers for any reason or for any purposeD.reasonable deviation

考题 If the Charterer loads or discharges the vessel in a shorter time than is allowed to him by the lay days,he may be entitled to ______.A.demurrageB.despatch moneyC.the payment for damage of detentionD.the payment for quick despach

考题 If the redelivery of a vessel is delayed by causes ______,hire is payable at the charter rate until redelivery even though the market rate may have gone up or down.A.for which neither party is responsibleB.for which the owner is responsibleC.for which either party is responsibleD.for which the charterer is responsible

考题 The Charterers to have the benefit of any return insurance premium receivable by the Owners from the Underwriters by reason of the Vessel being in port for a minimum period of 30 days provided the Vessel be on hire. This indicates that return insurance premium is to be reimbursed by the Owners to __________.A.ShippersB.CharterersC.ConsignersD.Consignees

考题 When a vessel violates an oil pollution act,who may be held responsible? ______.A.Master onlyB.Owners onlyC.Licensed officer on watchD.Any individual connected with the vessel

考题 When a vessel violates the oil pollution laws,who may be held responsible?A.Master onlyB.Owners onlyC.Licensed officers onlyD.Any individual connected with the vessel involved in the operation

考题 The ______ to have the option of subletting the Vessel,but the original Charterers always to remain responsible to the Owners for due performance of the Charter.A.CharterersB.OwnersC.Neither Charterers nor OwnersD.Either Charterers or Owners

考题 The Owners let,and the Charterers _______ the Vessel for a Period of six(6)calendar months(exact period at Charterers' option)commencing from the time of delivery of the Vessel.A.borrowB.useC.hireD.rent


考题 翻译:All bunkers used by the Vessel while off hire shall be the Owner’s account。

考题 翻译:hire payment

考题 翻译:The Owners shall have the option to place the Vessel in drydock

考题 单选题According to SINOTIME Charter In the event of loss of time due to(),hire will not cease.A detention of or interference with the Vessel by any authorities in consequence of legal action against,or breach of regulations by the Owners,Master,Officers or CrewB stoppages resulting from any breach of this Charter by the OwnersC deviation,putting back or putting into any port other than that to which she is bound under the instructions of Charterers for any reason or for any purposeD reasonable deviation

考题 问答题翻译:All bunkers used by the Vessel while off hire shall be the Owner’s account。

考题 单选题According to Sinotime,during the period of this Charter,should the Vessel be requisitioned by the government of the Vessel’s nationality,hire to()from the time of her requisition.A continueB stopC commenceD cease

考题 问答题翻译:hire payment

考题 单选题Off hire is when a vessel breaks down,strands,or has any damage that prevents the working of cargo or delays the sailing of the vessel.Under which of the following charter parties is off hire mostlikely to be mentioned?().A BareboatB VoyageC TimeD Lease

考题 单选题A right to withdraw a vessel()the service of the Charterers failing the punctual and regular payment of the hire cannot be defeated by later tender of the hire.A inB beforeC fromD against

考题 单选题The Charterers to have the benefit of any return insurance premium receivable by the Owners from the Underwriters by reason of the Vessel being in port for a minimum period of 30 days provided the Vessel be on hire. This indicates that return insurance premium is to be reimbursed by the Owners to().A ShippersB CharterersC ConsignersD Consignees

考题 单选题If the redelivery of a vessel is delayed by causes (),hire is payable at the charter rate until redelivery even though the market rate may have gone up or down.A for which neither party is responsibleB for which the owner is responsibleC for which either party is responsibleD for which the charterer is responsible

考题 问答题翻译:The Owners shall have the option to place the Vessel in drydock

考题 单选题()payment of the hire the Owners may withdraw the Vessel from the service of Charterers,without prejudice to any claim Owners may otherwise have on Charterers under this Charter.A In the event ofB In default ofC In spite ofD In respect of

考题 单选题A vessel arrives in a foreign port and the Master is informed that the vessel is being sold to foreign interests. The new owners request that the crew remain on board to complete the voyage. Under these circumstances,the crew().A have the right to an immediate discharge and transportation to original port of engagementB must remain on boardC must comply with the decision made by the MasterD must remain aboard until the vessel is delivered to the new owners at a mutually agreed upon port

考题 单选题If the Charterer loads or discharges the vessel in a shorter time than is allowed to him by the lay days,he may be entitled to().A demurrageB despatch moneyC the payment for damage of detentionD the payment for quick despach

考题 单选题Off hire is when a vessel breaks down,strands,or has any damage that prevents the working of cargo or delays the sailing of the vessel.Under which of the following charter parties is off hire most likely to be mentioned?().A BareboatB VoyageC TimeD Lease