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Interactive television could ______ children.









第三段首句指出“The country has 350 million children to educate—what better vehicle than interactive televisions?”,(这个国家有3.5亿儿童需要接受教育,有什么能比互动电视节目能更好地教育孩子们呢?由此可知,作者的观点是互动电视节目能够教育孩子。
更多 “单选题Interactive television could ______ children.A guideB controlC entertainD educate” 相关考题
考题 45______A. stepsB. controlC. chargeD. risks

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考题 (The Trouble with Television) The only thingA、mericans do when they are at leisure is to watch television.()

考题 (The Trouble with Television) The American public is not well aware of the adverse effects of television.()

考题 These shops()to the needs of children.A、meetB、solveC、cater

考题 Scation is the best ____ for children.A: investigationB: organizationC: investmentD: origin

考题 I’m surprised by the sense of ________ he has with children.A easinessB easeC restD alarm

考题 She is very strict ______ her children.A、inB、 ofC、withD、by

考题 我有一道英语六级选择题目 要答案 Ithinkweneedtoseeaninvestment__________beforewemakeanexpensivemistake.A)guideB)entrepreneurC)consultantD)assessor

考题 Her heart was filled with compassion for the motherless children.A: sympathy B: regret C: wishfulness D: sorrow

考题 资料:Above the line promotion uses mass media such as the press,radio,television,cinema or poster sites. This type of promotion is usually paid for. Each of the possible media methods can be used to target audiences in different market segment. There are both strengths and drawbacks to these forms of media: UNISON embarked on a wave of television, internet and newspaper adverts for the million voices campaign. They wanted that the vital services provided by public sector workers could disappear if the funding cuts sent ahead. The adverts featured a lot of vital public service jobs fading out of sight and featured the tagline. Don't wait until they're gone to defend them. A powerful campaign film was also released that illustrated how local communities would be affected by cuts. A version of this film aimed at recruiting members to UNISON was shown on television using DRTV. The online and newspaper adverts linked back to the campaign website where people can register their support and add a comment. ___ are mentioned in the passage as parts of mass media.A.the press,radio and television. B.the press,radio,internet,television,cinema and post sites. C.the press,radio,internet D.the press,radio,television,cinema and poster sites.

考题 OAG的全称是()。A.OffiCiAl AirlinEs GuiDE B.OffiCiAl AirwAys GuiDE C.OnlinE AirlinEs GuiDE D.OnlinE AirwAys GuiDE

考题 ()statementcanperformacalculationandstoretheresultinavariablesothatitcanbeusedlater.A、AssignmentB、ControlC、I/OD、Declaration

考题 可提供大量与医学有关会议网站的是:()A、Doctors GuideB、MDlinxC、MEDLINED、OpenJ-Gate

考题 交谈式(Interactive)

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考题 问答题交谈式(Interactive)

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考题 单选题The speaker mainly discusses ______.A cultural issuesB the learning process of a childC behavior as a cultural constructionD how to educate a child

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