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equatorial plate (赤道板)


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更多 “名词解释题equatorial plate (赤道板)” 相关考题
考题 The type of joint formed when an edge of one plate is laid over the edge of the plate to which it is riveted is a ______.A.Grip jointB.Strap jointC.Thread jointD.Lap joint

考题 所有染色体排列到赤道板上,标志着细胞分裂进入()期。

考题 在高倍镜下观察处于有丝分裂中期的植物细胞,都能看到的结构是()。A、染色体、细胞壁、纺锤体B、细胞壁、细胞膜、核膜C、染色体、赤道板、细胞膜D、染色体、纺锤体、赤道板

考题 英译中:Number plate

考题 板块构造(plate tectonics)

考题 赤道带(equatorial zone)

考题 要观察细胞板,应选择什么时期的细胞?要观察赤道板呢?

考题 纺锤体和赤道板形成是有丝分裂前期的特征。

考题 简述细胞通过什么机制将染色体排列到赤道板上?

考题 单选题As the South Equatorial Current approaches the east coast of Africa,it divides with the main part flowing south to form the warm().A Agulhas CurrentB Canary CurrentC Benguela CurrentD Madagascar Current

考题 单选题The type of joint formed when an edge of one plate is laid over the edge of the plate to which it is riveted is a().A grip jointB strap jointC thread jointD lap joint

考题 单选题A flounder plate,on a topping lift,is().A a fairlead blockB a swivel pin for the topping lift blockC a triangular steel plate with a hole at each cornerD the lower block of a multiple part topping lift

考题 单选题We can remove the heavy rust on the plate with a ().A scraperB hammerC chipping hammerD saw

考题 名词解释题实地(Solid plate)

考题 单选题In which month will the equatorial counter current be strongest? ()A JanuaryB AprilC AugustD October

考题 单选题How are riveted lap joints made watertight().A The faying surfaces are coated with white lead(or similar product)before the rivets are setB A sealing weld bead of 1/8 or less pitch is run along the plate edgeC The plate edge is split close to an adjacent plate and mechanically forced into contact with the adjacent plateD A properly riveted joint will be watertight; any leakage is stopped by setting up on the rivets

考题 单选题在高倍镜下观察处于有丝分裂中期的植物细胞,都能看到的结构是()。A 染色体、细胞壁、纺锤体B 细胞壁、细胞膜、核膜C 染色体、赤道板、细胞膜D 染色体、纺锤体、赤道板

考题 单选题Air circulation is caused or affected by().A the rotation of the earth on its axisB convection currents caused by differences in radiant heating between equatorial and polar regionsC mountain rangesD All of the above

考题 名词解释题cell plate(细胞板)

考题 单选题Aother name for the “swash plate” in the variable delivery pump is()A tiltable discB gravity discC distributing discD catch plate

考题 单选题To reduce the number of strakes at the bow,two strakes are tapered and joined at their ends by a single plate. This plate is known as a().A cover plateB joinerC lap strakeD stealer plate

考题 单选题The set of the equatorial countercurrent is generally to the().A northB eastC southwestD northwest

考题 单选题The equatorial current flows to the()A eastB northeastC southwestD west

考题 名词解释题英译中:Number plate

考题 名词解释题涂布平板法(spread plate method)

考题 单选题The winds with the greatest effect on the set,drift,and depth of the equatorial currents are the().A doldrumsB horse latitudesC trade windsD prevailing westerlies

考题 单选题A “liner” in riveted construction of a vessel is a(n) ().A small plate which fills the aperture between riveted strakes and the vessel framingB backing plate which is used to level the strakes while riveting,and then removedC internal frame to which the side shell is rivetedD seam that is welded after riveting is completed