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If necessary to avoid collision or allow more time to()the situation,a vessel shall slacken her speed or take all way off by stopping or reversing her means of propulsion.









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更多 “单选题If necessary to avoid collision or allow more time to()the situation,a vessel shall slacken her speed or take all way off by stopping or reversing her means of propulsion.A accessB processC professD recess” 相关考题
考题 The speaker’s explanation will be more understandable if he __________ more clearly next time. A.spokeB.will speakC.has spokenD.speaks

考题 We can infer that the plumbing ______ at that time.A. cost littleB. was more expensive than a water systemC. was too expensive for every family to affordD. was not necessary

考题 What is FHWA’s suggestion to states?A. Fixing more traffic lights.B. Providing more crosswalks.C. Giving pedestrians more time to cross streets.D. Increasing the time before the orange lights appear.

考题 Two stations on the Ezonexam LAN transmit at the same time, resulting in a collision. What happens when a collision occurs on the network? (Choose all that apply)A.Each device on the Ethernet segment stops transmitting for a short time.B.A jam signal informs all devices that a collision occurred.C.When data transmission resumes, the devices that were involved in the collision have priority to transmit.D.The devices that are involved in the collision stops transmitting for a short time.E.The collision invokes a random back-off algorithm.

考题 对话理解听力原文:W: Why should the money be deposited within such a short time?M: To avoid problems arising from fluctuations of exchange rate and to prevent possible fraud or overdrawing.Q: Why should the money be deposited within such a short time?(11)A.In order to avoid problems arising from fluctuations of exchange rate.B.In order to get more money.C.In order to use the money as soon as possible.D.In order to overdraw the money.

考题 If it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision,she shall NOT,if possible,().A.Decrease speedB.Increase speedC.Turn to port for a vessel on her own port sideD.Turn to starboard for a vessel on her own port side

考题 What are three valid reasons to assign ports on VLANs on a switch?() A. to make VTP easier to implementB. to isolate broadcast trafficC. to increase the size of the collision domainD. to allow more devices to connect to the networkE. to logically group hosts according to functionF. to increase network security

考题 ______is the speed of a vessel allowing time for effective action to be taken under prevailing circumstances and conditions to avoid a collision and to be stopped within an appropriate distance.A.Safe speedB.Economic speedC.Proper speedD.Navigation speed

考题 In multipoint networks , there are tree persistence methods when a station finds a channel busy.in the 1-persistent method,after the station finds the line idle,it sends its frame immediately.this method has the ( ) chance of collision because two or more stations may find the line (请作答此空) and send their frames immediately. In the nonpersistent method , a station that has a frame to send ( ) the line . If the line is idle , it sends immediately If the line is not idle , it waits a ( ) amount of time and then senses the line again.The nonpersistent approach ( ) the chance of collision because it is unlikely that two or more stations will wait the same amount of time and retry to send simultaneously The p-persistent approach combines the advantages of the other two strategies . It reduces the chance of collision and improves efficiency.A.idle B.busy C.useful D.unusable

考题 Selecting afixed retransnussion time for all connections can result in serious consequences. Ifthe retransmission time does not allow enough time for a (73) to reach the destination and an acknowledgment to reach the source, it can result in retransmission of segments that are still on the way. Conversely, if the retransnussion time is longer than necessary for a short path, it may result in delay for the application programs.A.process B.segment C.program D.user

考题 Two stations on a LAN transmit at the same time, resulting in a collision. What happens when a collision occurs on the network?()A、Each device on the Ethernet segment stops transmitting for a short time.B、A jam signal informs all devices that a collision occurred.C、When data transmission resumes, the devices that were involved in the collision have priority to transmit.D、The devices that are involved in the collision stops transmitting for a short time.E、The collision invokes a random back-off algorithm.

考题 What are three valid reasons to assign ports to VLANs on a switch? ()A、to make VTP easier to implementB、to isolate broadcast trafficC、to increase the size of the collision domainD、to allow more devices to connect to the networkE、to logically group hosts according to functionF、to increase network security

考题 单选题The rules require that a stand-on vessel SHALL take action to avoid collision when she determines that().A risk of collision existsB the other vessel will cross ahead of herC the other vessel is not taking appropriate actionD collision cannot be avoided by the give-way vessel's maneuver alone

考题 单选题If the circumstances admit,()of small alteration of course and speed shall not be taken to avoid collision.A depressionB oppressionC successionD possession

考题 单选题A vessel shall slacken her speed,stop,or reverse her engines,if necessary,to().A avoid collisionB allow more time to assess the situationC be stopped in an appropriate distanceD All of the above

考题 单选题Why are you advised to give fewer points in your presentation?A To pass on the messages better.B To avoid wasting too much time.C To allow audience to take notes.D To leave more time for questions.

考题 单选题If necessary to avoid collision or allow more time to()the situation,a vessel shall slacken her speed or take all way off by stopping or reversing her means of propulsion.A accessB processC professD recess

考题 单选题Which of the following is TRUE according to Donna’s letter?A The best time to study is from 10 pm to 1 am.B Walking outside can make you remember more.C It’s good to tell a study partner about your feeling.D It’s necessary to have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes an hour.

考题 单选题You’d better()your course to port to avoid collision.A to alterB alterC alteringD altered

考题 单选题When two vessels are in immediate danger of collision,the stand-on vessel must().A abandon shipB assist in taking whatever action is necessary to avoid collisionC hold course and speedD sound a distress signal

考题 单选题When is a stand-on vessel FIRST allowed by the Rules to take action in order to avoid collision?()A When the two vessels are less than half a mile from each otherB When the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action to avoid collisionC When collision is imminentD The stand-on vessel is never allowed to take action

考题 多选题What are three valid reasons to assign ports to VLANs on a switch?()Ato make VTP easier to implementBto isolate broadcast trafficCto increase the size of the collision domainDto allow more devices to connect to the networkEto logically group hosts according to functionFto increase network security

考题 单选题In a crossing situation,a stand-on vessel which is forced to take action in order to avoid collision with a vessel on her own port side shall,if possible,avoid().A turning to portB turning to starboardC decreasing speedD increasing speed

考题 单选题During the Clinton presidency, the U.S. enjoyed more than any time in its history peace and economic well being.A the U.S. enjoyed more than any time in its history peace and economic well beingB the U.S. enjoying more than any other time in its history peace and economic well beingC more peace and economic well being was enjoyed by the U.S. than any other timeD economic peace and well being was enjoyed by the U.S. more so than any other ~ time in the country’s historyE the U.S. enjoyed more peace and economic well being than at any other time in its history

考题 单选题Any action taken to avoid collision shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,().A be positiveB be positive and made in ample timeC be positive,made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanshipD be positive,made in ample time,with due regard to the observance of good seamanship and avoiding complying with local regulations

考题 单选题Any action to avoid collision shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,(),made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship.A be initiativeB be positiveC be negativeD be positively

考题 单选题If it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision,she shall NOT,if possible,()A decrease speedB increase speedC turn to port for a vessel on her own port sideD turn to starboard for a vessel on her own port side

考题 单选题You are under sail and overtaking a tug and tow.Which action is correct().A The power-driven tug must maneuver to avoid collisionB You must maneuver to avoid the tug and towC You must maneuver to avoid collision only if the tug is to leeward and the wind is on your port sideD Both vessels are required to maneuver to avoid collision