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A new ocean going ship of 2000 gross tons having an inoperative oily water separator may dispose of its bilge slops by ().

holding its slops onboard until they can be pumped into the city sewer system


circulating them through the lube oil purifier to remove water and debris


holding its slops onboard until they can be discharged to a shore side reception facility


pumping them into a settling tank for separation before pumping the oily water residue overboard


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更多 “单选题A new ocean going ship of 2000 gross tons having an inoperative oily water separator may dispose of its bilge slops by ().A holding its slops onboard until they can be pumped into the city sewer systemB circulating them through the lube oil purifier to remove water and debrisC holding its slops onboard until they can be discharged to a shore side reception facilityD pumping them into a settling tank for separation before pumping the oily water residue overboard” 相关考题
考题 There is ________ Ocean-going Vessel in the harbor.A.aB.theC.anD.about

考题 We are pleased to confirm()with you the transaction of 3,000 metric tons soybean. A、having concludedB、to have concludedC、having come to termsD、tohave carried out

考题 On which vessels is GMDSS required?______.A.All vessels capable of international voyagesB.Vessels operating outside of the range of VHF coastal radio stationsC.SOLAS Convention ships of 300 gross tonnage or moreD.Coastal vessels of less than 300 gross tons

考题 A shipboard oil pollution emergency plan is required of ______.A.all vessels, regardless of size and commercial applicationB.any barge or other ship which is constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in any form can be carried aboardC.an oil tanker of 150 gross tons or above, or other ship of 400 gross tons or aboveD.an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above

考题 The Tonnage Certificate indicates ______.A.deadweight tonsB.displacement tonsC.net tons and gross tonsD.volume tons

考题 Please supply 200 tons of fresh water ______ my ship.A.withB.inC.toD.on

考题 In case of a ship of less than 400 tons gross tonnage other than an oil tanker whist outside the ______,the Administration shall ensure that it is equipped as far as practicable and reasonable with installations to ensure the storage of oil residues with the requirements of MARPOL 73/78.A.special areaB.national watersC.the designated zoneD.the designated channels

考题 Displacement refers to the ______.A.cubic capacity of a vesselB.deadweight carrying capacity of a vesselC.gross tonnage of a vesselD.number of tons of water displaced by a vessel afloat

考题 The provisions of MARPOL Annex IV shall apply to the following ships engaged ininternational voyages:()A、New Ships of 400 gross tonnage and aboveB、New Ships of less than 400 gross tonnageC、New Ships of less than 400 gross tonnage which are certified to carry more than 15personsD、New Ships of less than 400 gross tonnage which are certified to carry less than 15persons

考题 单选题()is not a condition for a ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above other than an oil tanker to discharge certain amount of oil or oily mixtures into the sea.A the ship is not within a special areaB the ship is more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest landC the ship is proceeding en routeD the instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content does not exceed 60 liters per nautical mile

考题 单选题The Tonnage Certificate indicates ().A deadweight tonsB displacement tonsC net tons and gross tonsD volume tons

考题 单选题Every new crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and above and every new product carrier of 30000 tons deadweight and above shall be()with segregated ballast tanks.A compliedB providedC dividedD supplied

考题 单选题Our company has built a new ship in Hamburg and I am going to fly there to ().A hand it overB take it overC carry it overD carry it out

考题 单选题Please supply 200 tons of fresh water()my ship.A withB inC toD on

考题 单选题At least()two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus shall be provided on every cargo ship of 300 tons gross tonnage and upwards but less than 500 tons gross tonnage.A oneB twoC threeD four

考题 单选题A new ocean going ship of 2000 gross tons having an inoperative oily water separator may dispose of its bilge slops by ().A holding its slops onboard until they can be pumped into the city sewer systemB circulating them through the lube oil purifier to remove water and debrisC holding its slops onboard until they can be discharged to a shore side reception facilityD pumping them into a settling tank for separation before pumping the oily water residue overboard

考题 单选题The Tonnage Certificate gives the()of a ship which is classified into gross tonnage and net tonnage.A specificationsB descriptionsC dimensionsD prescriptions

考题 单选题A shipboard oil pollution emergency plan is required of ().A all vessels, regardless of size and commercial applicationB any barge or other ship which is constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in any form can be carried aboardC an oil tanker of 150 gross tons or above, or other ship of 400 gross tons or aboveD an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above

考题 单选题A shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan is required of().A all vessels,regardless of size and commercial applicationB any barge or ship constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in any form can be carried aboardC an oil tanker of 150 gross tons and above,or other ship of 400 gross tons and aboveD an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above,or other ships of 150 gross tons and above

考题 单选题Before operating a non-oceangoing ship greater than 100 gross tons it must have a fixed piping system to discharge oily mixtures ashore. This system must include().A approved oily-water separating equipmentB a fixed or portable containment system at the shore connectionC a spare pump in case the main pump is inoperativeD at least one outlet accessible from the weather deck

考题 单选题The max effluent of the oil content from a ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above other than an oil tanker is().A less than 100 parts per millionB more than 100 parts per millionC at least 100 parts per millionD 100 parts per million

考题 单选题Oil Record Book Part I shall be provided to every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above and every ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above, () oil tankers, to record relevant machinery space operations.A as well asB as long asC rather thanD other than

考题 单选题At least two two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus shall be provided on every cargo ship of()tons gross tonnage and upwards but less than 500 tons gross tonnage.A 200B 300C 400D 800

考题 单选题The stevedores()load your ship in a few days.A is going toB are going toC was going toD are go to

考题 单选题Oil Record Book Part I shall be provided to ().A every oil tankerB every ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and aboveC A and BD Neither A nor B

考题 单选题When engaged on international voyages, ships of 1600 tons gross tonnage and upwards shall be fitted with a().A radio direction-finding apparatusB DSCC NAVTEXD EPIRB

考题 单选题In case of a ship of less than 400 tons gross tonnage other than an oil tanker whist outside the(),the Administration shall ensure that it is equipped as far as practicable and reasonable with installations to ensure the storage of oil residues with the requirements of MARPOL 73/78.A special areaB national watersC the designated zoneD the designated channels

考题 单选题On which vessels is GMDSS required? ()A All vessels capable of international voyagesB Vessels operating outside of the range of VHF coastal radio stationsC SOLAS Convention ships of 300 gross tonnage or moreD Coastal vessels of less than 300 gross tons