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更多 “名词解释题恒星(star)” 相关考题
考题 Some two thousand million years ago, the mountain on the sun was raised probably because______.A. the star moved away from the sunB. another star happened to come near the sunC. fhe sun and the moon raised the tides on the earthD. a large tidal wave of a star travelled over the surface of the sun

考题 Some four-star or five-star hotels are also equipped with ( ).A. swimming poolsB. bowling alleysC. saunasD. safety-deposit boxes

考题 恒星有两大显著的现象:第一,恒星的亮度;第二,恒星()。

考题 You are preparing to take another vessel in tow.Which signal indicates,Hawser is made fast ______.A.Firing of a green star signalB.Firing of a red star signalC.An orange smoke signalD.Three white star rockets at 1-minute intervals

考题 According to the fourth paragraph, which of the following is NOT true?A. No nuclear explosion would be triggered inside the star. B. The star would be destroyed completely. C. Much of the star's matter thrown by the explosion would be beyond the black hole's reach. D. The black hole would completely devour the star.

考题 Star Diagnosis诊断仪可以通过哪些方式升级?()A、通过升级光盘为Star Diagnosis诊断仪升级B、通过USB存储并传输为Star Diagnosis诊断仪升级补丁(Addon)C、通过网络下载为Star Diagnosis诊断仪升级补丁(Addon)D、通过蓝牙传输为Star Diagnosis诊断仪升级补丁(Addon)E、以上升级方式均不正确

考题 恒星的质量只影响恒星的寿命,不影响恒星的光度。

考题 恒星(star)

考题 GPS卫星的运行周期是()。A、12恒星时B、10恒星时C、8恒星时D、6恒星时

考题 Star Diagnosis诊断仪中软件是指?()A、任何CD或DVDB、在Star Diagnosis中的程序C、SDconnectD、Star Diagnosis的连接电缆E、XENTRY connect

考题 关于Star Diagnosis诊断仪,下列哪项是不正确的?()A、任何程序可以安装在Compact4的Star Diagnosis诊断仪系统中B、SD connect可以在任何Star Diagnosis诊断仪上操作C、Compact4的Star Diagnosis诊断仪有一个可充电电池D、Compact4不是目前Star Diagnosis诊断仪的升级版E、Basic 2不是目前Star Diagnosis诊断仪的升级版

考题 Star Diagnosis诊断仪出现问题,需要向Star Diagnosis诊断仪支持热线电话提供哪个重要编号?()A、Star Diagnosis诊断仪的硬盘驱动器编号B、员工编号C、经销商编号D、Star Diagnosis诊断仪的系统编号E、Mac编号

考题 恒星A是9等星而恒星B是4等星,则()。A、恒星B比恒星A亮5倍B、恒星B比恒星A亮100倍C、恒星A比恒星B亮5倍D、恒星A比恒星B亮100倍

考题 月球和地球分别属于那种天体?()A、恒星,行星B、行星,恒星C、恒星,卫星D、卫星,行星


考题 根据恒星发光的颜色,我们可以判断出恒星的表面温度,请问下列恒星表面温度最高的是()。A、发蓝色光的恒星B、发白色光的恒星C、发红色光的恒星D、发橘黄色光的恒星

考题 卫星RNA(star RNA)

考题 恒星的光度取决于?()A、恒星的半径B、恒星的质量C、恒星的半径和质量D、恒星的半径和表面温度

考题 我们的银河系中有()。A、2000亿颗恒星B、2亿颗恒星C、2000万颗恒星D、20万颗恒星

考题 什么是STAR面试法?

考题 判断题恒星的质量只影响恒星的寿命,不影响恒星的光度。A 对B 错

考题 单选题GPS卫星的运行周期是()。A 12恒星时B 10恒星时C 8恒星时D 6恒星时

考题 单选题What is the lifesaving signal for,You are seen - assistance will be given as soon as possible?()A Green star rocketB Red star rocketC Orange smoke signalD Horizontal motion of a flag

考题 单选题根据恒星发光的颜色,我们可以判断出恒星的表面温度,请问下列恒星表面温度最高的是()。A 发蓝色光的恒星B 发白色光的恒星C 发红色光的恒星D 发橘黄色光的恒星

考题 单选题Sidereal time is NOT used().A as the basis for star chartsB to enter a star finderC in sight reduction using Pub 249D in sight reductions of planet observations

考题 单选题The separate supplies are connected in either star or delta formationThe star formation is most commonly used and requires() slip-rings on the alternator.A twoB threeC fourD five

考题 单选题恒星A是9等星而恒星B是4等星,则()。A 恒星B比恒星A亮5倍B 恒星B比恒星A亮100倍C 恒星A比恒星B亮5倍D 恒星A比恒星B亮100倍