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Acid(low pH)中文叫()









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考题 LOW的全称是:Loca lOperator Work station,译成中文为:()。

考题 OTDR的中文名称叫()。

考题 DNA是存在于一切细胞中的( ),为英文Deoxyribonucleic acid的缩写,中文译名为( )。A、生物遗传物质B、生物物质C、核糖核酸D、脱氧核糖核酸

考题 Constant cooling the various components of diesel engine has a number of functions except for ______.A.good lubricationB.low thermal stressC.good mechanical propertiesD.acid corrosion

考题 RNA中文叫()。

考题 《国富论》最早是由严复翻译成中文叫《原富》。

考题 事务具有四个特性即();()、隔离性和持续性(永久性),也叫ACID特性。

考题 什么叫pH值?正常人动脉血的pH值在什么范围?

考题 核酸(Nucleic acid)

考题 什么叫PH值?

考题 什么叫PH值?水质PH过高过低有什么坏处?

考题 “The fish should be boiled by low heat”的中文意思是煮鱼的火候要小。

考题 Word中文档中两行之间的间隔叫行距。

考题 脂肪酸(fatty acid)

考题 Acid(low pH)中文叫()A、强酸pH<5B、强酸pH=5C、强酸pH>5D、强酸pH>6

考题 Lodine中文叫()A、碘B、光气C、氨气D、二氧化硫

考题 Chlorine/Fluorine中文叫()A、氯/氟B、氯/氧C、氩/氟D、氯/氙

考题 酸洗除垢acid descaling

考题 单选题A container holds 8 pints of a solution which is 25% acid. If 2 quarts of pure acid are added to the container, what percent of the resulting mixture is acid? (1 quart=2 pints)A 50B 20C 40D 45E 35

考题 填空题RNA中文叫()。

考题 填空题IPC$的中文名称叫()。

考题 单选题The electrolyte in a lead-acid storage battery consists of distilled water and ().A hydrogen chlorideB calcium chlorideC sulfuric acidD muriatic acid

考题 填空题LOW的全称是:Loca lOperator Work station,译成中文为:()。

考题 单选题What is the harmful effect of sulfur in a fuel?()A It causes excessive smoking and soot at low firing ratesB It doesn’t readily burn when combined with oxygenC It clogs fuel oil strainers more oftenD It forms a corrosive acid when mixed with water or water vapor

考题 填空题事务具有四个特性即();()、隔离性和持续性(永久性),也叫ACID特性。

考题 单选题强碱pH>8.5英文叫()A PhosgeneB Basic(high pH)C Ammonia(NH3)D Lodine

考题 单选题A person who gets battery acid in an eye should IMMEDIATELY wash the eye with().A boric acid solutionB waterC baking soda solutionD ammonia