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What generally occurs when the land is cooler than the nearby water? ()

A land breeze


A sea breeze


A norther


A prevailing westerly


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更多 “单选题What generally occurs when the land is cooler than the nearby water? ()A A land breezeB A sea breezeC A northerD A prevailing westerly” 相关考题
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考题 When the result of an operation becomes larger than the limits of the representation,(79) occurs.A.overexposureB.overdraftC.overflowD.overdose

考题 The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater beach bottom. What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach?A.SurgingB.SpillingC.PlungingD.Converging

考题 A vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies is located in a MARPOL designated special area,14 nautical miles from nearest land.What type of garbage is permitted to be discharged?A.Paper productsB.Glass ground to less than 1C.Metal ground to less than 1D.Food waste

考题 No person on board any vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies may discharge garbage of any type when ______.A.less than 12 nautical miles from PRCB.less than 12 nautical miles from nearest landC.in the navigable waters of the PRCD.less than 25 nautical miles from nearest land

考题 ______ blow more or less constantly(except when monsoons prevail)throughout all seasons at a mean speed of around 14 knots and are generally strongest in the late winter.A.Trade WindsB.Winds of the temperate zonesC.MonsoonsD.Land and Sea Breezes

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考题 What are two characteristics of dual-ring interconnect in SDH networks? ()A、 It protects signals against node failures between rings.B、 It protects signals against node failure within a single ring.C、 It allows for traffic to be preempted when a ring switch occurs.D、 Traffic can be dropped and continued at interconnecting nodes.E、 It protects preemptible traffic from being dropped when a ring switch occurs.

考题 What must be included in a SOAP fault message when an error occurs due to a value in the message Body element?()A、 A detail elementB、 A Body fault codeC、 An application-specific fault codeD、 A fault string element with a value of "Body"

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考题 单选题A vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies is located in a MARPOL designated special area,14 nautical miles from nearest land. What type of garbage is permitted to be discharged? ()A Paper productsB Glass ground to less than 1C Metal ground to less than 1D Food waste

考题 单选题No person on board any vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies may discharge garbage of any type when().A less than 12 nautical miles from PRCB less than 12 nautical miles from nearest landC in the navigable waters of the PRCD less than 25 nautical miles from nearest land

考题 单选题According to Annex V to MARPOL 73/78,garbage containing plastic is permitted to be disposed of by().A incinerating offshoreB discharging when at least 12 nautical miles from nearest landC grinding to less than 1 and discharging at least 12 nautical miles from nearest landD grinding to less than 1 and discharging at least 25 nautical miles from nearest land

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following is true of the last hundred years?A Fossil fuels were burned for the first time.B Greater amounts of land were cleared than at any time before.C The average temperature at the Earth’s surface has become 2℃ cooler.D The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased measurably.

考题 单选题Generally speaking,in the Northern Hemisphere,when winds are blowing from between SE and SW the barometric reading().A makes no change at allB is somewhat lower than it would be for winds from a northern quadrantC is uncertain and may fluctuate by increasing and decreasingD is somewhat higher than it would be for winds from the northern quadrant

考题 单选题A local wind which occurs during the daytime and is caused by the different rates of warming of land and water is a().A foehnB chinookC land breezeD sea breeze

考题 单选题What generally occurs when the land is cooler than the nearby water? ()A A land breezeB A sea breezeC A northerD A prevailing westerly

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考题 多选题What are two characteristics of dual-ring interconnect in SONET networks? ()(Choose two.)AIt protects signals against node failures between rings.BIt protects signals against node failure within a single ring.CIt allows for traffic to be preempted when a ring switch occurs.DTraffic can be dropped and continued at interconnecting nodes.EIt protects preemptible traffic from being dropped when a ring switch occurs.

考题 单选题What must be included in a SOAP fault message when an error occurs due to a value in the message Body element?()A  A detail elementB  A Body fault codeC  An application-specific fault codeD  A fault string element with a value of Body

考题 单选题Except as provided for otherwise,an oil tanker might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when().A the tanker is within 50 nautical miles from the nearest landB the tanker is no more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landC the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landD the tanker is not more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land

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考题 单选题The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater beach bottom. What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach? ()A SurgingB SpillingC PlungingD Converging