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17 All of the following statements about acceptance sampling are true except:

A. Acceptance sampling plans are beneficial when the cost of inspection is high and the resulting loss of passing nonconforming units is not great.

B. Acceptance sampling plans are necessary when destructive inspections are required.

C. Acceptance sampling plans are never effective at rejecting nonconforming units as 100 percent inspection, even when the inspection process is very tedious.

D. Acceptance sampling plans do not directly control the quality of a series of lots; they instead specify the risk of accepting lots of given quality.

E. Acceptance sampling plans are not very effective for inspecting small lots of custom-made products


更多 “ 17 All of the following statements about acceptance sampling are true except:A. Acceptance sampling plans are beneficial when the cost of inspection is high and the resulting loss of passing nonconforming units is not great.B. Acceptance sampling plans are necessary when destructive inspections are required.C. Acceptance sampling plans are never effective at rejecting nonconforming units as 100 percent inspection, even when the inspection process is very tedious.D. Acceptance sampling plans do not directly control the quality of a series of lots; they instead specify the risk of accepting lots of given quality.E. Acceptance sampling plans are not very effective for inspecting small lots of custom-made products ” 相关考题
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