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I was told to have a ________ photograph ready when I applied for my ID card to be renewed.






更多 “ I was told to have a ________ photograph ready when I applied for my ID card to be renewed. A.lateB.modernC.freshD.recent ” 相关考题
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考题 阅读以下函数说明和C语言函数,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。[说明]某银行共发出M张储蓄卡,每张储蓄卡拥有唯一的卡号,每天每张储蓄卡至多支持储蓄卡持有者的N笔“存款”或“取款”业务。程序中用数组card[M][N+3]中的每一行存放一张储蓄卡的有关信息,其中:card[i][0]存放第i张卡的卡号;card[i][1]存放第i张卡的余额;card[i][2]存放第i张卡的当日业务实际发生笔数;card[i][3]~card[i][N+2]存放第i张卡的当日存取款金额,正值代表存款,负值代表取款。当持卡者输入正确的卡号、存款或取款金额后,程序进行相应的处理;若输入不正确的数据,程序会提示持卡者重新输入;若输入的卡号为负数时,银行终止该卡的当日业务。[C程序]include<stdio.H>define M 6define N 5long card[M][N+3]={{9801,2000,0,},{9812,2000,2,},{9753,3000,1,},{8750,500,0,},{9604,2800,3,),(8901,5000,5,}};int locate(long card[][N+3],int m,long no){ int i;for(i=0;i<m;i++)if((1)==no) return i;(2);}main(){long cardNo,money;int k;while(1){printf("请输入卡号:\n");scanf("%1d",cardNo);if(cardNo<0) break;k=locate(card,M,cardNo);if(k==-1){printf("不存在%id号的储蓄卡\n",cardNo);continue;}printf("请输入金额(正值代表存款,负值代表取款):\n");scanf("%id",money);if(card[k][1]+money<0){printf("存款余额不足,不能完成本次的取款业务\n");continue;}if(card[k][2]==N){printf("已完成本卡的当日业务\n");continue;}/*处理一笔业务的数据*/card[k] (3)=money;(4);(5);}}

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