网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目:
The amount of the outstanding checks is included on the bank reconciliation as a(n) ( )
A. deduction from the balance per depositor's records
B. addition to the balance per bank statement
C. deduction from the balance per bank statement
D. addition to the balance per depositor's records
更多 “ The amount of the outstanding checks is included on the bank reconciliation as a(n) ( ) A. deduction from the balance per depositor's recordsB. addition to the balance per bank statementC. deduction from the balance per bank statementD. addition to the balance per depositor's records ” 相关考题
阅读以下说明和C++程序,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【C++程序】include include
阅读以下说明和C++程序,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【C++程序】include < stdio. h >include < string. h >define Max 1000class Bank{int index;char date [Max] [10]; // 记录交易日iht amount[Max]; // 记录每次交易金额,以符号区分存钱和取钱int rest[ Max]; // 记录每次交易后余额static iht sum; // 账户累计余额public:Bank( ) {index =0;}void deposit( char d[ ] , int m) //存入交易{strcpy ( date [ index ], d);amount[ index] = m;(1);rest[ index] = sum;index++;}void withdraw (char d[ ], int m) //取出交易{strcpy( date[ index] ,d);(2);(3);rest[ index] = sum;index++;}void display( );};int Bank:: sum = 0;void Bank:: display ( ) //输出流水{int i;printf("日期 存入 取出 余额\n");for (4){printf(" %8s" ,date[i] );if (5)printf(" %6d" , -amount[i] );elseprintf( "%6d ",amount[i] );printf( "% 6d\n" ,rest[i] );} }void main( ){Bank object;object. deposit ( "2006.2.5", 1 00 );object. deposit( "2006.3.2" , 200);object. withdraw( "2006.4.1", 50);object. withdraw( "2006.4.5", 80);object. display ( );}本程序的执行结果如下:日期 存入 取出 余额 2006.2.5 100 1002006.3.2 200 3002006.4.1 50 2502006.4.5 80 170
有如下程序:includeusing namespace std;class Amount{int amount;public:Amount(int
有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Amount{ int amount; public: Amount(int n=0):amount(n){ } int getAmount( )const{return amount;} Amountoperator+=(Amount A) { amount+=a.amount; return; } }; int main( ){ Amount x(3),y(7); x+=y: cout<<x.getAmount( )<<endl; return 0; } 已知程序的运行结果是10,则下画线处缺失的表达式是A.*thisB.thisC.amountD.amount
单句理解听力原文:The interest rates on these small deposits are usually floating rates, and they are usually 2%- 5% below the bank's current base rates.(1)A.Bank's current base rates are higher than those on small deposits.B.Bank's current base rates are lower than those on small deposits.C.Bank's current base rates are not floating rates.D.Bank's current base rates are usually floating rates.
The case() a lot of things,() a second-hand watch.
A、contained; includingB、included; containingC、included; containedD、contained; included
有如下类的声明: class Base{ protected: int amount; public: Base(int n=0):amount(n){} int getAmount()const{return amount;} }; class Derived:public Base{ protected: int value public: Derived(int m,int n):value(m),Base(n){} int getData()const{return value+amount;} };已知x是一个Derived对象,则下列表达式中正确的是A.x. value+x. getAmount()B.x. getData()-x. getAmount()C.x. getData()-x. amountD.x. value+x. amount
有如下程序: include using namespace std; class Amount{ int amount
有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Amount{ int amount; public: Amount(int n=0):amount(n){} int getAmount()const{return amount;} Amountoperator9=(Amount a){ amount+=a. amount; return______; } }; int main(){ Amount x(3),y(7); x+=y, cout<<x. getAmount()<<endl; return 0; }已知程序的运行结果是10,则下划线处缺失的表达式是A.* thisB.thisC.amountD.amount
有如下类声明: class Base{ protected: int amount; public: Base(int n=0):amount(n){} int getAmountconst{retum amount;} }; class Derived:public Base{ protected: int value; public: Derived(int m,int n):value(m),Base(n){} int getDataconst{return value+amount;} }: 已知x是一个Derived对象,则下列表达式中正确的是( )。A.x.value+X.getAmountB.x.getData一x.getAmountC.x.getData一x.amountD.x.value+X.amount
有下列程序:includeUsing namespace std;Class Amount{ int amount;public; Amount(i
有下列程序: #include<iostream> Using namespace std; Class Amount{ int amount; public; Amount(int n=O):amount(n){} Int getAmount()const{return amount;} Amount operator+=(AmountA) {A.*thisB.thisC.amountD.amount
8、CPU执行“MOV PSW,#38H”后,当前工作寄存器组()。A.保持不变B.切换到BANK0C.切换到BANK1D.切换到BANK2E.切换到BANK3