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Four hours _____ too long for him to write the letter.






更多 “ Four hours _____ too long for him to write the letter. A.hasB.isC.areD.have ” 相关考题
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考题 设有以下定义和语句,输出的结果是(用small模式编译,指针变量2个字节)______。 struct date { long *cat; struct date *next; double dog; }too; printf("%d",sizeof(too));A.20B.16C.14D.12

考题 设有以下定义和语句,输出的结果是(用small模式编译,指针变量占2个字节)______。 struct date { long*cat; struct date *next; double dog; }too; printf("%d",sizeof(too));A.20B.16C.14D.12

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