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● All modern (74) are multitasking and can support running several processes simultaneously.

A. database B. operating system C. MIS D. DOS


更多 “ ● All modern (74) are multitasking and can support running several processes simultaneously.A. database B. operating system C. MIS D. DOS ” 相关考题
考题 Because Web servers are platform. and application(71),they can send or request data from legacy or external application including database.All replies,once converted into(72)mark up language,can then be transmitted to a(73).Used in this way,Intranets can(74)lower desktop support costs,easy links with legacy application and databases and,(75)all。ease of use.(74)A.coupledB.dependentC.independentD.related

考题 ● Virtualization is an approach to IT that pools and shares (71) so that utilization is optimized and supplies automatically meet demand. Traditional IT environments are often silos, where both technology and human (72) are aligned around an application or business function. With a virtualized (73) , people, processes, and technology are focused on meeting service levels, (74 ) is allocated dynamically, resources are optimized, and the entire infrastructure is simplified and flexible. We offer a broad spectrum of virtualization (75) that allows customers to choose the most appropriate path and optimization focus for their IT infrastructure resources.(71)A. advantages B. resources C. benefits D. precedents(72)A. profits B. costs C. resources D. powers(73)A. system B. infrastructure C. hardware D. link(74)A. content B. position C. power D. capacity(75)A. solutions B. networks C. interfaces D. connections

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考题 How many methods of settlement are mentioned in this passage when the British importer needs dollar to pay his American supplier?A.Two.B.One.C.Three.D.Several.

考题 Because Web servers axe platform. and application(71), they can send or request data from legacy or external applications including databases. All replies, once converted into(72). mark-up language, can then be transmitted to a(73).Used in this way, Intranets can(74)lower desktop support costs, easy links with legacy applications and databases and,(75)all, ease of use.A.coupledB.dependentC.independentD.related

考题 Virtualization is an approach to IT that pools and shares(71)so that utilization is optimized and supplies automatically meet demand. Traditional IT environments are often silos, where both technology and human(72)are aligned around an application or business function. With a virtualized(73), people, processes, and technology are focused on meeting service levels,(74)is allocated dynamically, resources are optimized, and the entire infrastructure is simplified and flexible. We offer a broad spectrum of virtualization(75)that allows customers to choose the most appropriate path and optimization focus for their IT infrastructure resources.A.advantagesB.resourcesC.benefitsD.precedents

考题 Several@functionscanexecutemultiplestatements.Whichoneofthefollowinginitializesavariableandcanincrementinduringtheoperation?() A.@doB.@forC.@whileD.@dowhile

考题 AcustomerwantstopurchaseaWindows2003DataCenterEditionsystemtorunanapplication.TheapplicationbenefitsthemostbycachingavastamountofdatainRAMsotheuserdoesnothavetowaitfordiskI/Owhileediting.Processingissecondinimportance.Ifcostisnotanissue,whatmachinewillhavethebestperformance?()A.Useanx360running4MPprocessorswith16GBofRAMB.Useanx360running4DPprocessorswith16GBofRAMC.Useanx445running2DPprocessorswith64GBofRAMD.Useanx445running4DPprocessorswith64GBofRAM

考题 Because Web servers are platform. and application(71)they can send or request data from legacy or external applications including databases. All replies, once converted into(72)mark-up language, can then be transmitted to a(73). Used in this way, Intranets can(74)lower desktop support costs, easy links with legacy applications and databases and,(75)all, ease of use.A.relatedB.dependentC.coupledD.independent

考题 Because Web servers are platform. and application (71) ,they can send or request data fromlegacy or external application including database.All replies,once converted into (72) arkup language,can then be transmitted to a (73) .Used in this way,Intranets can (74) lower desktop support costs,easy links with legacy application and databases and, (75) all,ease of use.(62)A.coupledB.dependentC.independentD.related